Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 179: This person's sexual orientation is unknown

After saying this, ignoring the uproar behind the scene, Ning Xi directly boarded the black car that came over.

Fortunately, Lu Tingxiao's strict arrangements, it is estimated that it would have been expected today that he would encounter a siege by reporters, and the bodyguard drivers appeared so timely.

"Miss Xi, where next?" The driver asked.

"Go home." Ning Xi paused, then couldn't help but ask, "Why do you call me Miss Xi instead of Miss Ning?"

If you think about it, whether it is Lu Zhai's servants or the men around Lu Tingxiao, they all seem to call her Miss Xi, Miss Xi ...

"It was explained by President Lu," the driver replied.


This man is also very attentive ... because it is known that she does not like the surname Ning!

At the same time, Lu Zhai.

Lu Jingli was paralyzed on the sofa like a dead fish. "Brother! You have been picking all day! So many excellent agents in our company, you don't see any of them? How about Lei Ming? He has a long career. Experienced, I have contacts in circles at home and abroad, and I am familiar with Ning Xi! "

Lu Tingxiao: "He is Jiang Muye's agent."

Lu Jingli: "Well ... what about Hao Shuai? Isn't this all about Jiang Muye?"

Lu Tingxiao: "No men."

Lu Jingli's mouth twitched slightly, "Then Ye Shenglan! The gold broker! The business ability is proper!"

Lu Tingxiao: "This person's sexual orientation is unknown."

"Hmm ... there are rumors that she seems to like women here, I'll take it, brother you know too much about it!" Lu Jingli collapsed with a look on his face, "Then Zhao Meixin head office? Women, boyfriends, Su Emo's agent, our company's performance last year was NO1! "

Lu Tingxiao: "No character."

Lu Jingli was completely speechless. "The emperor is not so troublesome in choosing your concubine! So what do you want?"

Lu Tingxiao groaned for a moment, and then asked, "Why didn't Lin Zhizhi's information be given to me?"

"Lyingzhi is on vacation, saying that he will not bring new people for a short time. I guess it is to hide from Jiang Muye ..."

"Just her." Lu Tingxiao directly clapped the final tone.

"Uh ... brother, you are too overcast ..." Lu Jingli couldn't help but mourn for Jiang Muye in his heart, and began to mourn for himself, "You can really give me a problem! Lin Zhizhi said that he would not bring a newcomer!"

The two were discussing, and Ning Xi was back outside--

"I'm back! Is anyone in the family?"

Immediately after the words fell, a calf was hugged by a soft bun, and the little bun's face had a sorrowful expression of "I can't see you in three hours".

Ning Xi held a small bun that had become more and more sticky for a long time before she smiled.

"Come back, did the contract go well?" Lu Tingxiao stood up and asked.

When I mentioned this Ning Xi, I was full of excitement. "It's very smooth. The lawyers arranged by the company are very old. The enemy is three and the tongue is the best! The original Changli Lion opened her mouth and wanted to hit me 60 million, and finally I got a point I did n’t spend much money! No, it only cost 250 yuan for Ning Xueluo ’s medical expenses! He was so handsome! Are the lawyers in the prosperous legal department so powerful? I heard them all call him Chen Dazhuang ... "

At this time, Lu Jingli behind him quietly said, "What lawyer of the prosperous legal department, Chen Jing is the senior legal consultant of Lu Group!"

"Well ..." Ning Xi was scared and looked at Lu Tingxiao with an unbelievable face, "Lu Tingxiao, would you please let the royal lawyer who used billions of economic lawsuits help me deal with this small 8 million small case?"

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