Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1841: Live PK!

"Ah, presumably everyone did not expect that today the organizer could invite the former national goddess Ning Xi to attend, everyone must be very surprised!"

"Even the host was shocked! After all, Ning Xi has left the entertainment industry for more than a year!"


After receiving Zheng Anru's reminding gaze, the host seemed enthusiastic. In fact, after the end of the ridiculous greetings, the conversation turned sharply. "Mister Ning, I do n’t know what Zi Xuan ’s performance did. What do you think? Fans and The audience is very satisfied with Meng Changge's new interpretation of Zi Xuan! "

this problem……

She said that the fans and the audience were satisfied. If Ning Xi did not answer, wouldn't she be against the fans?

If the answer is satisfactory, it is personally affirmed that Han Zixuan's interpretation is even more exciting.

Even if Ning Xi is a little more polite, it is entirely conceivable that the other party will definitely fight with the snake in the future. At that time, all will be entertaining gossips such as "Ning Xi's live performance and shame" and "the Yangtze River waves push forward waves" and become the other Stepping stones ...

Facing the pit dug by the host, the look on Ning Xi's face remained the same, and he said gently, "The eyes of fans and audiences are naturally not wrong."

After hearing this, when Ning Xi fell into the trap, Zheng Anru suddenly sneered sneer.

Ning Xi, I didn't expect her to dare to show up.

"The predecessors are ridiculous, and I still have a lot to learn." Han Zixuan answered generously and humblely.

However, this predecessor is full of irony.

No matter the host or Han Zixuan, they all spoke in the past. Seniors, once ... reminded that Ning Xi is a past fact ...

At this time, Zheng Anru on the side seemed to inadvertently say, "Zi Xuan really has too much place to learn. Just as Ning Xi's seniors are here today, it is a rare opportunity. It is better to let the seniors have a wonderful fight and teach on the scene. Are we Zi Xuan? "

"Yes, Teacher Ning, can you give us a paragraph! Everyone must be looking forward to it, too? Everyone said it?" The host immediately agreed.

Ning Xi hasn't said a word yet. Xu Tao has changed her face. "It's too fierce. Ning Xi's recent physical condition is not good enough to bear the load."

Hearing Xu Tao's remarks, Zheng Anru's heart suddenly speeded up, where he would give up such a good opportunity.

Ning Xi has been a martial arts stand-up before. She has a good foundation. With a lot of fans, she has retired for a year now. It is definitely not as good as before. What about the same appearance? Meng Changge's character is not face-seeking!

Seeing her so weak and weak now, she knew that she could never control it.

As long as Ning Xi disillusioned all fans on the spot today, Zi Xuan will have no worries in the future!

"Ah ... this way! It's a shame! However, it just shouldn't be a big deal if you just come here casually? After all, Ms. Ning Changge, a teacher at that time, was very much loved. Many old fans at the scene are very looking forward to seeing Ning again The teacher's style was then! "The host encouraged, apparently because Ning Xi could not leave the stage without performing.

"It's Brother Tao who is too nervous. It doesn't matter much. Is there a spear?" Ning Xi didn't care, and asked directly.

Xu Tao was anxious when he heard it, but he kept in mind that Liang Feixing had told Ning Xi that he had a serious illness before, and he had just recovered recently.

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