Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 923: Everyone was shocked!

Lin Yu, will he kiss him?

After all, his feelings for Ji Feixue have been suppressed for so long ...

He was the first to know that Ji Feixue was a girl, and has been helping her cover up, guarding her silently behind her as a friend, watching her deeply in love with Si Xia ...

At this moment, Lin Yu had only left his breath to hear from Ji Feixue. Seeing that he was going to kiss him in the next second!

"Fuck! Didn't you say you weren't on the screenplay! What does this kid want to do!" Jiang Muye finally couldn't help but stood up.

I always feel that this boy has a breath that makes him feel uncomfortable.

Shen Mian glanced at him angrily and lowered his voice, "Be quiet! Don't affect the performance of my actor!"

"Do all good actors in your family use public equipment for private use?"


Jiang Muye was noisy, Lin Yu suddenly closed her eyes slightly, and at the same time, isolated all the mixed emotions, and the ambiguous and tense atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Lin Yu closed her eyes, then stood up, tidy up the blanket blown away by the wind, and then sat on the rattan chair opposite Ji Feixue.

Picked up Ji Feixue's books scattered at hand, and looked up quietly, as if nothing had happened just now, without even leaving a ripple on the surface.

The staff on the field, etc. suddenly woke up from a dream, and returned to the real world.

At the same time, just before Ke Mingyu also showed one of the biggest characteristics of Lin Yu's role, that is the city government. After all, it can converge so quickly ...

When everyone on the field was shocked by Ke Mingyu's acting several times, Ning Xi, who had been sleeping with his eyes closed, didn't know anything at the moment. Only by judging the slight breath did someone suddenly approach himself, and then again left.

Before leaving, she also heard a very light sigh in her ear, as if it were magical, until now she was still entangled in her ears, as if telling the host's depressed and deep emotions.

Finally, after counting the time in her heart, Ning Xi judged that she could open her eyes.

After a while, Ning Xi moved a little, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes ...

The moment Ning Xi opened his eyes, he saw the opposite of him. A man was holding a book in his hand and sitting there with his head tilted.

After hearing her waking up, the man raised his head slightly, and the original layer of ice that had cut off from the world broke instantly. His deep eyes looked at her softly and petulously, "Wake up."

After opening my eyes, I suddenly saw such a picture, and Ning Xi's heart suddenly hesitated. Then, she stayed there directly and was stupid.

That's right, for the first time in history.

Ning Xi is NG!

Ji Yumeng was surprised, Shen Hanchen's expression showed a hint of pleasure, Qi Fang was full of aggressiveness, he thought that NG would be Ke Mingyu, how could it become Ning Xi?

The most shocking scene was Jiang Muye, alas, in his lifetime, he actually saw Ning Xi NG! ? ? ?

Shen Mian also took a moment to respond before she hurriedly called a "click," and she couldn't help crying, "Ning Xi, how did you stay? Didn't you really fall asleep just now?"

Ning Xi was so fierce, she got up from the wicker chair and couldn't help but take another look at Ke Mingyu ...

At that moment, how could this person feel like her so much?

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