
"Ling'er, go over there!" Ye

Junlin quickly jumped onto Ling'er's back, pointed to the team leader and said!


Ling'er was fast, and he arrived at his destination in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the team leader had already led Wang Tianyu and several of them to form a guard circle.

Pet beasts of different shapes looked around vigilantly.

Among them, the 'Flying Leopard' of the leader and Wang Tianyu's 'Flame Spirit' are the most powerful.

Seeing Ye Junlin's arrival, the team leader seemed to be relieved.

He is very clear about the strength of this class of students.

The strongest are Ye Junlin, Wang Tianyu and Cheng Gang.

Now, with two of them gathered, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Ye Junlin, you guard the east, Wang Tianyu, you guard the south, and you guard the west!"

"As long as you hold on to the impact in front, it will be simple in the back. Hearing

the order, Ye Junlin took Ling'er into the battle circle and faced the east.

It was only at this point that he had the time to look at his surroundings.

Huh, what about Cheng Gang, Ye

Junlin found that those guys from the Nanfeng Middle School were gone.

And the female beast master of the Shang Bo Academy is also gone.

"Ling'er, be careful. "

Xiao Huang, if there is a more threatening beast, you will release the 'Gravity Domain' to help Ling'er.

Xiao Huang, who was nesting in Ye Junlin's hair, spit out a letter, as if responding to Ye Junlin's words.

"It's coming!" The

originally dark front lit up with a pair of green eyes.


Countless snakes and insects walked among the thorns and weeds, and surrounded Ye Junlin.


Suddenly, a loud wolf howl sounded.

This seemed to be sending some kind of signal, and all the beasts, birds, snakes and insects were like fishy cats, coming towards Ye Junlin and killing them.

In the face of the overwhelming beasts, Ling'er was fearless.

Her three red tails rose into the sky and whipped at the beasts.


" "Roar~~~"

Whipping, screaming, and beast roars sounded from time to time!!

Forest of the Dark Moon!

Eight men in black looked into the distance.

"It seems that just a few beasts on the outskirts of the forest can't cause them a lot of trouble!" the

black-clothed leader looked at Ye Junlin's situation and whispered.

Hearing the leader's words, the short man in black said, "Head, didn't you think of this a long time ago!" "

Hmph, consume some of their physical strength first, and when the time is right, you take the opportunity to make a move, and be sure to isolate the target."

And remember, we must not expose it in front of that Golden Beast Master, otherwise, we will not be able to bear the revenge of the Beast Master Association!"

"Head, don't worry! This time, the candidates have been specially selected.

The pet beasts they have have all appeared in the Dark Moon Forest, and the Beast Master Association will definitely not suspect it!"

"When the time comes, I will entangle the two strongest pet beasts of the other party, and any more will be suspected."

"Then we'll take care of the rest!"


Ye Junlin couldn't remember how many beasts Ling'er had flown away.

But now he has put his mind down.

"It seems that the scale of this attack is not large, it is basically a beast on the outskirts of the forest, and it is not powerful!"

"It should be no problem to hold on for a while.

Ye Junlin was thinking about it when a sky-shattering beast roar interrupted his thoughts.

Roar -

I saw a giant wolf the size of a buffalo running towards Ye Junlin and them.

The giant wolf has pitch-black and supple hair, its fangs and claws are unusually sharp, emitting a cold light, and those green eyes, looking at it, make people shudder!

"It turned out to be a C-rank high-grade dark demon wolf? And looking at its size, it is at least the peak of adulthood, and may even reach the prime of life." With

the appearance of the Dark Demon Wolf, Ye Junlin's breathing became short.

Hiss -

At this moment, another large black snake appeared.

"This is a B-grade inferior black demon snake, and it's also an adult black demon snake, this..." The appearance of a B-grade inferior black demon snake

made Ye Junlin's heart tremble!

But then, something that frightened him even more happened.

A terrifying, monstrous beast appeared in his field of vision.

C-level superior human-faced demon spider

!C-grade medium-sized swamp giant snake

!C-rank inferior hundred-legged poisonous centipede


Although the level of these beasts is not as high as Ling'er and Xiao Huang.

But each of them is at least youth, and even many have reached the prime of life.

Ye Junlin, who was originally full of confidence, couldn't help but be a little pale at this time.

"With so many low-level beasts, plus a dozen or twenty beasts on par with Ling'er, our lineup will definitely not be able to stop it.

Ye Junlin's eyes changed, and he took a deep look at the team leader and Wang Tianyu.

At this time, because of the addition of those powerful beasts, the team leader had already summoned all four pet beasts.

But the situation is still not very rosy.

Wang Tianyu was better, especially the other students were the most struggling.

But what made Ye Junlin puzzled.

Zhao Ming's waste turned out to be very relaxed.

There were no powerful beasts around him, only some unruly cannon fodder.

At this time, Zhao Ming's poisonous demon snake could cause countless deaths and injuries with a single bite of poisonous gas.

"Alas, these garbage are sick, do you like to die so much?"

Zhao Mingzheng sighed, seeing that Ye Junlin had forgotten it, he smiled and said: "Ye Junlin, you say how annoying you are, even those beasts look at you unpleasantly!" "

Hmph, you garbage is only worthy of dealing with these stinky fish and rotten shrimp, and you will never be able to get on the table." Hearing

Ye Junlin's words, Zhao Ming was not annoyed, as if he was facing a dead man.

"Hmph, you're rampant, and after tonight, you'll be the nourishment of the Dark Moon Forest. "


Zhao Ming's thoughts, Ye Junlin didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

Ye Junlin looked at the increasingly grim situation, and his face became more and more solemn.

"If we continue like this, we will definitely not be able to stop it, and then it will be dangerous.

"At that time, relying on Ling'er and Xiao Huang alone, and even adding the Demon Tree guards, may not be able to stop it, only relying on Xiao Tian is the safest.

"But Xiao Tian definitely can't appear under the noses of these people, so I have to leave them.

"And I also know the route of the Great Wilderness County, although it is dangerous for me to go on my own, but with Xiaotian's escort, it will definitely be no problem." "

Yes, we must find a chance to leave them!" Ye

Junlin had an idea in his heart, and began to order Ling'er to act in a planned way!!

On the other side,

eight men in black were carefully commanding their pet beasts.

At this time, the diminutive man in black was controlling the pet beast while observing the situation on the field.


?" He looked at Ye Junlin's course of action, his face was happy

!"Head, look at our goal this time, is he ready to run!" The

black-clothed leader sneered: "Run? Did he run?" "

Head, this Ye Junlin is really a good person!

Originally, if he followed the large army, we would have to spend some effort to separate them."

But now, this Ye Junlin is completely self-defeating, looking for death

!" "Target him, don't really let him run away

!" "Don't worry, head, he's dead!" After

the short man in black finished speaking, he controlled the pet beast to keep up with Ye Junlin's footsteps!!

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