Full-time Artist

Chapter 918: 3 Steps to Shoot the Eagle

   April 25th.

  Dragon Award officially announced the finalists of major movies.

  Xianyu won multiple nominations for those two films last year.

   Among them, "The World of Truman" was shortlisted for the best actor, best screenwriter, best director, and best film four awards respectively!

   And "The Fantastic Drifting of Youth Pie" was shortlisted for the best special effects, best photography, best newcomer, best director, best screenwriter and best film six awards respectively!


  The whole network is hotly discussed!

   "In the future, who would dare to say that Yu Dad will make a big hit with music and make a film and television. There are as many as ten nominations for the Dragon Award!"


   "Unfortunately, the shortlisted awards overlap a little bit."

   "The two films were shortlisted for the three heavyweight awards of Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Film at the same time. This means that Yu Dad not only has to face other competitors, but also compete with himself."

   "This is also good."

   "It is really good, because this shortlisted work has one more work than others, and the chance of winning is much higher than others."

   "It depends on the final award."

   The finalists and the final prize are two concepts, so while the public is discussing it, they are more curious about the official awards at the end of the month.

  Because the award date is April 30th.

   And Lin Yuan did not continue to pay attention to the Shenlong Award after learning about his shortlisting situation, and the finalist was not winning the award.

  He is thinking about a question at the moment:

  Should I finish writing the Trilogy of Shooting Eagles in one go?

   It didn't take long for Lin Yuan to have the answer, and he was going to write "The Legend of Heaven Slaying Dragon".

   Anyway, this book will be written sooner or later, it is better to take advantage of the popularity of the first two books, let the Dragon Sword and the Heaven Sword appear in this world.

   "Obsessive-compulsive disorder."

   Lin Yuan complained to himself.

   The first two parts of the "Shooting and Carving" trilogy have been written. If I don't finish writing the trilogy in one breath, I always feel that something is missing.

of course.

  The statement of obsessive-compulsive disorder is just a joke. The real reason why Lin Yuan wanted to write "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" is that the system has not yet recognized the recovery of martial arts.

   This means that Lin Yuan's mission has not been completed.

   While in the studio, when Jin Mu learned the concept of the Condor Shooting Trilogy from Lin Yuan, his first reaction turned out to be full of horror:

   "This new book won't be more abusive than "The Legend of Condor Heroes", right?"

   "This time it's Shuangwen."

   "Chu Kuang is getting better?"

   Jin Mu didn't believe it, and even teased Lin Yuan with the stems on the Internet.

Lin Yuan didn’t explain it anymore. When Jin Mu saw the new book, he knew that among all the martial arts novels by Jin Yong, "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" is indeed a typical cool text structure. The various experiences of the hero Zhang Wuji in this book are all his writings. The male lead has the highest degree of yy.


   Seeing Lin Yuan's self-cleaning appearance, Jin Mu believes once again.

   There was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes: "Since you want to create the concept of the Condor Shooting Trilogy, will Guo Xiang appear in the new book?"

   is the same as many readers who have finished watching Shendiao.

   Jin Mu also has a deep "Guo Xiang" plot, and has a special love for this character.

   "Just count it."

   Lin Yuan said: "The next book will start with Guo Xiang, but she is not the protagonist, because this story takes place a hundred years after the sculpture."

   "A hundred years from now?"

   Jinmu couldn't laugh or cry: "The time span of your third part is too big. At this point in time, the **** sculpture figures have passed away. Will their ending be explained?"

"of course."

   Lin Yuan's small spoiler: "The meaning of the third part is to explain the ending of the first two characters, and also fill in the hole in the last chapter of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"."

   "The pit at the end?"

   Jin Mu subconsciously stunned, and immediately thought of something: "You mean the inexplicable little monk Zhang Junbao at the end of the sculpture?"

  The end of the **** carving.

   Zhang Junbao first appeared on the stage, and under the guidance of Yang Guo, he fought with Yin Kexi and showed a terrifying talent for martial arts.

This plot has attracted the attention of some readers, but in the end it did not arouse much discussion. Jin Mu did not expect that the character who appeared briefly in the last chapter would actually involve Chu Kuang’s next novel, that is, the trilogy of Shooting the Eagles. The last one.

  The little monk Zhang Junbao?

   This title is really too contradictory.

   Lin Yuan said: "From now on, everyone will call him Zhenzhen Zhang, he will become the head of Wudang, a legend of the times."

Jin Mu was stunned: "Is Wudang similar to Taoism? The legend of the era? Zhang Zhenren? This title is not easy. Wouldn't you let Zhang Junbao be the protagonist of the book? But the time seems not to match, is this Zhang Zhenren? Live for more than a hundred years?"

   Lin Yuan nodded: "Correct answer, but he is not the protagonist either, the protagonist is his disciple."


   Jinmu can accept this setting: "But didn't you mean the Trilogy of Shooting the Eagles, did you contact me on this point?"

   "Of course not only, there is also the white ape following Yin Kexi."

   "White Ape?"

"I won't go into detail about this, including the descendants of Yang Guo, who will also have a glimpse in the new book, mentioning a legend of the Condor Heroes. You will understand this when you read the book. In addition, do you remember Yang Guo's profound iron heavy sword? "

"of course!"

   That is one of the coolest plots of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

   Yang Guo encountered the divine eagle and got the profound iron epee handed down by Dugu Qiuqiu!

Lin Yuan mentioned the follow-up story of this mysterious iron epee: "Yang Guo finally presented the mysterious iron sword to Guo Xiang, and Huang Rong and Guo Jing split this mysterious iron sword into two after melting, in order to continue the anti-Mongolian cause. Forged a sword and a sword."

   "One sword and one sword?"

   "To be precise, it is the Dragon Sword and the Heavenly Sword."

   "What an overbearing name!"

   "It is indeed domineering, and it has also caused a **** storm on the rivers and lakes, and the parents of the protagonist of the new book died for this."

   "Martial arts can't do without the setting of the death of both parents."

   "Hate has always been the biggest and tried-and-tested driving force for novel creation."

   "Is this a spoiler?"

   "There is no spoiler at this level."

   Yitian Sword and Dragon Sword evoked a lot of plot at the beginning, which is really not a spoiler.

At least Lin Yuan did not tell Jin Mu that the Dragon Sword and the Yitian Sword contained "Wu Mu Suicide Note" and "Nine Yin Zhenjing" and even "Dragon Eighteen Palms" and other martial arts secrets that could be called heaven-defying. This is also for Keep the joy of reading in Golden Wood.


   Jin Mu asked another question that he was extremely concerned about, but after all he couldn’t let go of Guo Xiang:

   "Is Guo Xiang so good afterwards?"

   "She founded the Emei School."

   Lin Yuan thought for a while and said: "Wudang founded by Guo Xiang, and Wudang founded by Zhang Sanfeng, the young monk Zhang Junbao, are the six major factions in the new book."

   "That's awesome?"

   "Yes, otherwise why can Zhang Zhenren be remembered for so many years."

   "There are still emotional scenes?"

   "Unrequited love."

   Guo Xiang has not escaped the curse of "seeing Yang Guo's life forever".

   One hundred and three years later.

   Zhang Sanfeng took out a pair of cast iron arhats from his side before his death, and told the people around him:

   "This pair of iron arhats was gifted to me by Guo Xiangguo female heroes a hundred years ago..."

  Have fun, parting is hard, and there will be more idiots in it.

   Zhang Sanfeng's ancestor master, what a cultivation level, before his death, everything was in his arms, and finally he couldn't let go of that girl's smile.

   It is as if the girl has never forgotten the fireworks at the age of sixteen in her life.


   And it was five days after Lin Yuan and Jin Mu finished talking about "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer".

  Shenlong Award has finally begun!

   is different from the previous few times:

   This time Xianyu did not accompany him to run.

   The movie "The World of Truman" won two heavyweight awards for best actor and best movie!

   And the movie "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie" won the best special effects, best photography and best newcomer actor three prizes with good gold content.


   This is a bumper harvest for both Xianyu and Xingmang.

   Although there are still some heavyweight awards that were shortlisted but missed, but Qin Qi Chuyan and Han Liuzhou have so many movies, and the lineup of strong films can get such a harvest, which is already a pretty good result.

at the same time.

   Lin Yuan received a system prompt: "Congratulations to the host for completing the task of [Recognized by the Dragon Award], and reward a random treasure chest!"

   Lin Yuan immediately checked.

   However, what disappointed Lin Yuan was:

   This turned out to be a silver treasure chest.

   After seeing the allure of the Golden Treasure Chest, it is difficult for the Silver Treasure Chest to bring up Lin Yuan's interest anymore. It seems that he has not had enough luck in this wave.

   "Turn it on."

   Lin Yuan directly opened the silver treasure chest.

   As soon as the silver treasure chest is opened, a new prompt from the system will follow:

   "Congratulations to the host for getting the movie script "Kung Fu"!"


   Actually Xingye’s "Kung Fu"?

   Lin Yuan was stunned, and then finally smiled.

   Silver Treasure Box can open this movie, which is a pretty good harvest.

   "This is a martial arts movie of a special kind."

   It seems that the system is also silently assisting itself in completing the task of martial arts revival?

To know. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   This "Kung Fu" can be regarded as the pinnacle of Chinese action movies, and it is also a masterpiece of the late star style!

   In the movie.

   The martial arts element is very strong.

The two roles of    Chartered Gong and Chartered Woman have two names that are enough to make everyone who has watched "The Legend of Condor Heroes" smile:

   Yang Guo!

   Little Dragon Girl!

   This is Master Star paying tribute to Jin Yong, for which he paid a royalties to the old man, but the old man changed hands and donated it to charity.

   Jin Yong mentioned this in an interview at the time, and he said unexpectedly:

   Zhou Xingchi is the first director to pay royalties to himself only by quoting the elements of his martial arts novels in the movie.

  Mingming only used the name of Yang Guo Xiaolongnu and the basic martial arts in the movie.

   The outside world said that the star was stingy, but I didn't see it anyway.

   Later, "Kung Fu" was released. Jin Yong praised the movie and gave a very high evaluation.

   And when Lin Yuan was writing the shooting and carving trilogy, it was very interesting to find such a movie from the treasure chest.

   Actually, it's not just Jin Yong.

   This movie also has a tribute to "Spider-Man", such as borrowing the classic lines of that movie when a character died:

   "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

   Lin Yuan has already filmed "Spider-Man" before, and the audience can easily get this stem—

   did not hesitate.

   Lin Yuan decided to put this film in the future filming plan.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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