Hearing Rien's doubts, Kim "Ha.. Ha .." I laughed loudly, and I even felt like I couldn't breathe.

Seeing Jin's appearance, Rien looked helpless, he really didn't know what he said wrong?

After laughing for a while, Kim didn't stop, just covered his stomach and said, "Cluck.. Huh.." Sound.

After a while, after Jin's freshness passed, Jin took two deep breaths and said: "Rien, although you are talented, it is obvious that the foundation is not good enough!"

"What do you mean?"

When Kim said this, Rien knew that his contact with Nian was too short, although he had been reading books to make up for the basics, but the ability to read was so easy to learn and difficult to refine.

Before Lane read books can only make up for part of it, there are still many things that have not been learned in place, it is best to have a teacher who can teach hand-in-hand and point out his own shortcomings, so he was so excited when he first entered the heart.

"What do you mean? Rien, have you forgotten the application techniques of the four major lines of ability?

The moment he heard Jin speak, Lane felt a "buzz" in his brain, and a feeling of empowerment instantly appeared, exclaiming: "Zhou! It's Week! Wrapping the stone gate with a circumference can improve the sturdiness of the stone gate, and the stone gate needs to make the stone gate's divine word invalid because of the effect of the divine word.

Seeing Rien's appearance, Jin smiled gratifyingly and said: "Nian is a very special existence, I have always told you to abandon the ability of thinking and understand the importance of people, because the ability to think is only a means, talent is the root of everything."

"Is talent the root of everything..." Listening

to Kim's words, Rien fell into reflection, remembering that after the battle with Siso, his mentality actually swelled a little, and he felt that he already had capital in this world.

Lane wants to come now, is Siso an ordinary person? How much the opponent will grow in a year, the duel is not Siso's strongest state at all.

After joining the hunter association and beating up the enemy Hakka, there was also some complacency at that time, thinking that as long as it did not provoke the V5-level big forces, they could wave everywhere they went.

It's really stupid to think about it now, a ruins can't be explored on their own.

Until later, after the prison was upgraded to the third level, the mentality swelled even more, and what Mr. Jin said, Xiba also warned himself, but did he really listen to it? Maybe it's just

smugness... The corners of Rien's mouth showed a trace of bitterness, and his face was a little lost, and then looked at Jin, and couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "This guy has never used his own thinking ability in the original work, and it won't be the basic application of this guy who only relies on thinking, which is enough to deal with all situations, so I'm afraid of trouble and too lazy to use my own developed thinking ability!"

Looking at Kim, who was eating food to replenish his strength, the more Rien thought about it, the more he felt that he guessed correctly.

"Mr. Jin, I remember everything you said, the strongest is always people, and relying on foreign objects will never go long."

Rien's tone was firm and persistent, and Rien couldn't help but rise another level in Kim's heart.

Jin wiped the food scraps on his mouth with his hand and said to Rien: "Don't care so much, you are still young and long, maybe when you will leave me behind."

Rien chuckled, his heart was extremely transparent at the moment, and he already had a direction for the road ahead.

"How long will it take for you to recover?"

Lane knew that the consumption of Jin's just inscription of the divine word was very large, but the two also belonged to a cooperative relationship, and it was necessary to understand the current state of the other party.

"Actually, it doesn't take long, but the mental power just consumed is a bit large, and it will take a while."

Kim's attitude seemed indifferent, but Lane could clearly hear that this guy's spirit must have been over-consumed.

The specific consumption of the divine word Lane is not clear, but he can still feel the state of Jin.

Rien thought for a while and said to Jin: "You can sleep for a while to recover, and after adjusting your state, I will use Zhou to open the stone door."

"1 hour, I need a deep sleep for an hour, during which time my safety will be left to you."

Kim's tone was extremely relaxed, and he stretched out and slept against the wall of the passage.

For Jin's act of trust, Rien once felt the charm of Jin's personality and secretly said: "It's really a popular character, although he is essentially a shy person, but this kind of courage is not something that ordinary people can have."

Kim fell into a deep sleep, while Lane guarded the situation around him.

The current location of Lane and King is the periphery of the ruins, and before their arrival, the possible dangers on the periphery may have been ruled out by the exploration group.

With a cautious mindset, every five minutes, Lane would probe the surroundings with a "circle".

As time passed, Lane stopped using "Circle" probing, because Lane knew that a strong man like Kim who said to sleep for an hour would naturally wake up an hour later.


With a moan from Jin, Kim opened his eyes, stood up from the spot and stretched, moving his body.

"Kim, how is the recovery?" Rien asked with concern.

Jin felt it for a moment and said, "Recovering a seven-seven-eight-eight, it's not a big problem for the next exploration."

Rien nodded, looked at the stone gate and said, "Are you ready?" I'm going to open the door! "

Let's do it!"

As the golden words fell, Rien's palms pressed against the sides of the door, and the mental power in his hand slowly wrapped the stone door.


With a low sigh, Rien's hands gradually exerted strength, and the dust under the stone door also vibrated with the slow movement of the stone door.

Finally, Lane pushed the door open the distance to accommodate one person, and when he felt that he could pass, Lane stopped.

The moment he opened the stone door, Rien was almost blinded by the shining golden inside the door, and after a little adaptation, he looked inside the door.

Lane and Jin are in the eyes of a huge golden coffin, surrounded by precious funerary objects.

At a cursory glance, gold, precious stones, and various precious items are piled up around the coffin to form the shape of mounds.

The surrounding walls are still carved with frescoes as if they were in the passage, but this time it is slightly different that there is still a part of the text next to the mural.

Kim walked straight in the direction of the mural and text, while Lane checked to see if there were any traces of the Discovery Group nearby.

After walking around the mausoleum, Rien was surprised that no trace of the exploration group was found.

No trace was found, but at this time, it became the biggest problem, and according to Bisgi's nature, it was impossible for the gems in the mausoleum not to be moved.

Then Lane looked at Kim, who was very serious about the inscriptions and murals around him.

Not embarrassed to disturb Kim, who was immersed, Rien set his eyes on the closed coffin in the center of the mausoleum.

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