Nobunaga rushed towards this side at great speed.

The old man covered his waist, and when he saw Nobunaga approaching quickly, his face changed suddenly.

Countless threads of thought extended from the old man's body, and the passers-by next to him were controlled one after another and blocked in the direction of Nobunaga.

The old man wanted to stall in this way.

But it wasn't just Nobunaga who came.

Wojin and Maggie are a little farther apart.

"Maggie don't move, I, Nobunaga, and Wojin, the three of us will drive the target in the direction where Maggie is, and use Maggie's trap to catch this person, I need to capture him alive. "

Wren's order was given.

Wojin strides forward,

Wren came to the edge of the rooftop, dozens of stories high, and jumped straight down.

Killua can already jump from a ten-story building before he learns the ability to read, and Wren is stronger than Killua is only stronger than Killua, and this height is not the slightest problem for Wren.

Steady landing.

The old man sensed that Wren, Nobunaga, and Wojin were three.

From three different directions, surround yourself and drive yourself.

Only one direction remains.

The old man instinctively felt that the missed direction must be deliberate, and there must be a trap.

However, the old man had no other way.

was hit by Wren with a blow first, hitting the old man's vital point, so that the old man's strength dropped a lot, and in the face of Wren's three, the old man felt that no matter which one he was, he was not an opponent.

This is a dignified and upright conspiracy, even if he knows that there is a problem, he has to bump into it head-on.

"Who's targeting me?"

The old man was puzzled.

"I've been so secretive. "

The old man entered Maggie's area.

Directly, crash headlong into a trap.

The cobwebs immediately contracted, trapping the old man in them.

The old man struggled desperately, using his own thoughts to tear the cobwebs apart.

However, Maggie's cobweb, much more tenacious than ordinary Nian web, adds constraints and oaths, the strength of the old man, may be above Maggie, but there is still no way, break the trap in an instant.

And the next moment, the three of Ren had already arrived.

Wren raised his pistol.

"Bang bang bang!"

Four shots were fired.

The old man's legs, hands, and bones were all broken.

At the same time, Maggie appeared behind the old man, and the thread extended to the old man.

The old man was wrapped very tightly.

"Bring it back for interrogation. "

Wojin stepped forward and took the old man in his hand.

With the old man with him, Wren and the others came to the underground passage, which was one of the twelve passages of the Cult of the Evil God before.

"Who are you?"

The old man stared at Wren with an angry expression.

Wren glanced around.

"Nobunaga, Ogin, go and keep watch on both sides. "

"Yes. "

After that, Wren sat down in front of the old man.

Sit on the ground.

The old man was tied into the shape of a zongzi, and all that could move was his head.

"In the current situation, you only have the right to answer questions, not the right to ask questions. "

Wren took out his gun and said, "I ask a question, three seconds, if you don't answer, or lie, I will shoot you." "

"First question, the address of your altar. "

The old man glared at Wren and did not speak.




At the end of the countdown, Wren shot the old man in the thigh.

The old man struggled violently.

But it was useless, with his current situation, it was impossible to break free from the shackles of Maggie's thoughts.




Wren continued to count, and the countdown ended, with a shot fired.

"Not bad, I guess you're thinking about it now, you'd rather die than reveal any information to me, you don't want to betray your church, do you?"

"Even if I don't hit your vital position, as long as the amount of blood is enough, and you don't have the will to live, you'll die soon, right?"

"Not enough, you're wrong. "

The gun in Wren's hand vanished.

"Use the character, Paladin. "

"Heal slowly. "

A green light wrapped around the old man's body, healing the injuries on the old man's body.

"This is one of my telekinetic abilities, which can heal others. "

"As long as I don't want you to die, you can't die. "

The old man's face finally showed a hint of fear.

"You devil!"

Wren said lightly: "For people like you who worship evil gods, devils, shouldn't it be a word of praise, I'm really embarrassed if you praise me like this." "

Old man: "......"

"To say or not to say?"

Finally, the anger on the old man's body was released.

I said. "

"Our altar is in an abandoned sewer in Xicheng District. "

"How many people are in your cult?"

"Six. "

"It's only six. "

"Yes. The old man nodded and said, "Our church does not rely on numbers, and the requirements for believers are very strict, and only those who meet sufficient standards can become believers." "

"What about strength?"

"It's pretty much the same as me. "

Wren pondered for a moment.

The strength of the old man, to be serious, above the three Maggie, may be the elite among the Yin Beasts.

However, with the strength of the scavenger squad, there is a great hope of winning.

What's more, now he is the one who has the advantage in intelligence.

"The situation of the other 5 people, you can tell me in detail. "

"Good. "

The old man spoke slowly.

"One is the owner of the restaurant, Andrew, and the other is the leader of the Three Knives Gang, Geely. "

"One is a beggar, Biddo, and the other is a city official, Garr. "

"There's also the Sky Arena Floor Master, Felix. "

Wren frowned.

To be able to become the layer master of the Sky Arena, this person's strength is not only the level of the Yin Beast, that is, the level of the Phantom Brigade, and even in the Phantom Brigade, he can be ranked upper, middle and upper.

"What are their abilities?"

"Just like me, we are all capable of operating the system, and this ability was given to us by the evil god. "

"What is the name of the evil god you worship?"

"Atraq Nasiah. "

Wren's eyes narrowed slightly.

"There's another cult in this city that worships Atraq, you know?"

"Yes. "

The old man's face showed a trace of disdain, and he said, "They are just defective products, we are the real ones, the believers of Lord Atrak, we don't look down on them at all." "

Suddenly, the old man realized something.

"You've seen them?"

"Yes. "

Wren added in his heart, not only have we seen, but also died at our hands.

But this sentence, Wren did not say to the old man.

"How much do you know about their strength?"

"Andrew, Gilly, weaker than me, Bidau, Gal, stronger than me, Felix, is the strongest, he is the first member of our church, we all accepted his invitation to join. "

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