Wren couldn't guess what the civil strife in this Meteor Street was, the Second Elder and the Third Elder had already been killed, and it stands to reason that the Great Elder should have taken control of the entire Meteor Street.

Although the Yin Beast of the Ten Old Men is strong, the Great Elder should be able to deal with it.

In addition, the ten old men will not have the idea of occupying Meteor Street, at most they are just seeking a little profit, and the situation of keeping Meteor Street independent is the most suitable for the ten old men.

What Wren is really worried about is not that he is no longer a person from Meteor Street and is not good at participating in the civil strife, but that he does not have enough intelligence.

"Rooney, check it out and see if you can find out what's going on on Meteor Street. "

Rooney twitched quickly on the keyboard.

"Sorry, Captain, I didn't find it. "

This was expected by Wren, Meteor Street, and the outside world, were originally separated, otherwise, Wren would not have left Meteor Street, after all, Wren was on Meteor Street and had already obtained the position of elder.

However, the resources of Meteor Street are not enough.

Even if Meteor Street is, indeed, as big as some other countries outside, it is a garbage dump, a garbage concentration camp all over the world.

"However, with the strength of the scavenger squad, there are very few that can threaten the scavenger team on Meteor Street. "

"Whether it's the Elders or the future Phantom Brigade. "

Wren made his decision and looked at the three.

"Let's go over and take a look first, gather intelligence, see the situation, and see if we accept this commission from the Great Elder. "

"Yes. "

Two cars, drive from the hotel.

Wren, Nobunaga, Maggie, Wojin, Rooney, Sayaka.

Brian didn't come.

Nobunaga's arrangement for Brian was to let Brian continue to challenge in the Sky Arena.

"Captain, I have a question for you. "

Nobunaga asked hesitantly.

"What's the problem?"

"It's the captain, your mental ability, there are many modes, right? Different weapons, the way of fighting, is completely different, I see that when you use a sword, when you use a gun, the style is completely different. "

"Are different abilities developed according to different weapons?"

Wren nodded.

"So to speak. "

"Captain, do you think I can do the same?"

Nobunaga said, "My thoughts are this, the two swordsmen you told me about, Captain, one is good at using the sword drawing technique, and he can cut anything in the world with a single blow. "

"The other is wandering among the enemy, ethereal, coming and going without a trace. "

"I thought about it and thought it wouldn't be great to combine these two different styles, or rather, with my current strength, I couldn't do it. "

"So, I want to separate the two modes, like you, Captain. "

Wren raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Nobunaga to have this understanding.

However, this line of thinking, Wren cannot say that it is correct.

Because Wren's telekinesis is relatively special, it is a trait system.

And Nobunaga, it's a reinforcement system.

It was because he had gone the wrong way that Hisoka felt that the fruit was crooked, so he killed him.

But Nobunaga is still taking the route of the reinforcement system, so there should be no problem.

"You can try. "

Nobunaga nodded.

Wren looked at Nobunaga, if Nobunaga's path can be successful, then, other people, can also take a similar way, in Wren's memory, there are many, very strong characters.

Suitable for Wojin, suitable for Maggie, there are both.

Immediately, Wren's expression was a little strange.

"My telekinesis is like I built a game system for myself. "

"If Nobunaga really succeeds, isn't it equivalent to them building a template system for themselves?"

After galloping all the way, two days later, the six of them arrived in the country adjacent to Meteor Street.

Wren asked Rooney to contact the Grand Elder.

A short time later, the Grand Elder replied to the email.

The two agreed on a place to meet and discuss.

The next day, in a secret room, Wren met with the Great Elder.

"Wren, long time no see. "

"Great Elder, long time no see. "

Behind the Great Elder was the same guard that Wren had seen before.

The Great Elder's expression was a little complicated.

"The matter of your scavenger squad, I heard that in the past two years, you have become stronger and stronger. "

"That Cult of the Evil God, you eliminated it, the previous Cult of the Evil God, but the president of the Hunter Association, Nitro personally took action to solve it. "

Wren smiled and said, "The Great Elder said that the elimination of the Evil God Church is mainly due to the seniors of Jin Fulis, and our scavenger team has only helped a little." "

Wren was not surprised that the Great Elder knew his information.

After all, the scavenger squad is the one who walked out of Meteor Street.

"Great Elder, what is the situation in Meteor Street this time?"

The Great Elder sighed.

"Over the years, there have been a lot of good talents on Meteor Street. "

"First of all, your scavenger squad. "

"Now there is another Phantom Brigade. "

"However, this Phantom Brigade is too ambitious. "

Wren raised an eyebrow.

He really didn't expect it to have anything to do with the Phantom Brigade, according to the time, Kurolo's age is now 17, and the Phantom Brigade should still be in a very mature period now.

At this point in time, it is not very realistic to be tough with the elder group.

"It was this Phantom Brigade that started the civil unrest on Meteor Street this time?"

"Yes. "

The Great Elder nodded and said, "In addition to them, there are also those gangs in the Chaos Region. "

"And the elder group, because of the previous incident, the strength has weakened a lot. "

"Nine Great Elders, but in fact, there are only six who are truly powerful. "

Hearing that it was the Phantom Brigade, Wren breathed a sigh of relief.

The Phantom Brigade Ren of the Youkexin period is not afraid, let alone at this point in time.

In addition, Maggie, Nobunaga, and Wojin, these three generals, are all in the hands of Rennes.

"What do you need me to do, Great Elder?"

"Take our side and defeat the Phantom Brigade. "

The Great Elder looked at Wren and said, "I know you're collecting items with thoughts, I've collected a lot of these things, if you can help me defeat the Phantom Brigade, I'll give you a quota of 200 billion rings." "

"Whatever you like, you can take it. "

Wren nodded.

The Great Elder's attitude is very sincere.

In that case, there is no need for Wren to continue to dwell on it.

"Yes. "

"It was a pleasure to work with. "

The Great Elder smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was a pleasure to work with. "

Immediately, the Great Elder led the four of Ren into Meteor Street.

All the way to Canterlot.

A booklet was sent to Wren.

The above is recorded about the various members of the Phantom Brigade.

There are also several gangs that unite with the Phantom Brigade.

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