Wren's plan, to put it simply, is an NPC plan.

Just like in the Island of Greed, in the Island of Greed, there are many NPCs and monsters, these things, all have their own jobs, and they can do their jobs.

Even the chef has it, even though the food is not very delicious.

But the construction of the work, they can certainly be done.

"It stands to reason that those things on the Island of Greed should not be a person's unique trait ability, but through some special way, such as a recitation pattern or something. "

Wren remembers that during the Pirate Challenge, a pirate used the inscription in the ring to achieve the ability to make his fist appear in another place.

It's equivalent to a space shift.

Explosions rang out one after another.

All the creatures in the woods were alarmed, and some of them were short-tempered, and even attacked Wren and the others, but it was impossible for Wren and the others to be the opponent of them.

Brian alone will take care of all of these creatures.

By the end of the evening, a road had barely been built.

It's still far from what Wren envisioned, but it can go.

At the top of the mountain, a sea breeze blew.

"Beautiful. "

The moon has come out.

The white moonlight shrouded the entire island.

"Little droplet, let the tent out. "

"Yes. "

The eyefish spat out several tents.

For the construction of this base, Wren prepared a lot.

The building materials were brought with them before they came to the island.

bricks, cement, rebar and much more.

The complete house, Rennes and Xiaodi can't carry, but the building materials, you can bring a lot.

"Let's start with three parts. "

"The first one, build a house. "

"Second, take a good rest on the way up the mountain. "

"Sayaka, you're in charge of the food. "

Wren divided the team into three parts.

Nobunaga, Wojin, Brian, build roads.

Building a road is a manual job, and Wren's idea is to lay stone slabs on the ground on the original foundation, which is individual manual work that needs to be done by people from the strengthening system.

Slate Wren had already prepared it in advance, and it was in the parcel bar.

And the construction of the house is Wren, Rooney, and Maggie, and Little Drop.

Rooney analyzes architectural drawings.

Wren and Maggie, and Droplet work together to build.

The entire scavenger squad has entered a busy phase.

No one is complaining, though.

Because, this is the scavenger squad's own thing.

Maggie's longing for home is a serious one.

But that's not to say, Nobunaga, Ogin doesn't want home, as long as they are human, they will eventually want a place to dock.

Even the prodigal sons.

And this island, for the scavenger squad, is like home.

Sayaka is also very happy.

Trafficked at a very young age, Sayaka was forced to become a thief until he met Wren, despite being a maid in the scavenger squad.

And there is no pay.

However, Sayaka didn't feel bad.

This is the price Wren has to pay for helping her.

Sayaka understands this.

Time flies.

A month later, the construction of the scavenger team finally came to an end.

On the top of the mountain, a flat land has been reclaimed.

Eight houses above.

One building per person.

Except for Wren's slightly larger, the rest, are similar.

In the center, it is a public building.

The restaurant, the kitchen, it's all here.

A road leads down to the beach.

All of them are paved with stone slabs, not steps, and the gaps between the stone slabs and the stone slabs fill in the cement.

The width reached three meters.

With this width, it is possible to even allow two cars to run side by side.

"The first phase of construction was completed. "

"Now let's take a break. "

"Nobunaga, Ogin, you two can go to the Island of Greed in first and see what happens. "

Nobunaga and Ogin looked at each other and nodded.

On the other side of the hill, a diesel generator was activated, and Nobunaga plugged in the power supply of the game client, and then inserted his memory card into the game client.

A burst of anger enveloped Nobunaga and Ogin, and the next moment, the two suddenly disappeared.

In fact, the game "Island of Greed" doesn't require electricity or internet at all.

It's a game that uses minds.

What the client provides is just a teleportation function.

The reason why Wren didn't enter the Island of Greed right away was because there was one more thing he hadn't done.

"Parcel bar!"

Wren looked at the sixth slot, which was the egg of the giant spider.

Before, Wren wanted to hatch these spiders.

These spiders are not bad and can be used as watchdogs for the base.

"It is sufficient to provide a constant temperature and humidity environment. "

"However, these spiders are not ordinary spiders, and if I use them, I may speed up the hatching process of these spiders, and that giant spider will ripen the hatching of some spider eggs. "

Wren stretched his qi out.


A crack appeared on the spider's egg.

Then, a leg came out of it.

"This hatches?"

Maggie leaned in.

"Wren, what are you doing?"

"The last time that giant spider, do you remember, this is the spider's egg, and I want to hatch them and keep them in captivity, both as gatekeepers and as cobwebs. "

Seeing the two of them, Xiao Di trotted over, staring at the spider that had just broken out of the shell, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"What is this?"

"Can I eat it?"

The corners of Wren's mouth twitched.

The little spider below seemed to understand the meaning of the droplet, and quickly dodged behind a spider egg.

"It's not food. "

"Oh. "

Droplet walked away disappointed.

Wren was a little surprised by the spider's performance, looking at the situation, even if it was a small spider, it had a certain IQ.

And with intelligence, it can be tamed.

The next day, two spiders burst out of their shells.

On the third day, there were two more.

After that, no new spiders hatched, and the remaining eggs were all dead.

Wren threw it to a few small spiders and let them eat them.

After that, Wren shrouded the mind over the little spider's body.

"You have to do my bidding, understand?"

"Otherwise, I'll kill you. "

5 little spiders shivering.

Wren captures some critters and hands them to the spider.

The little spider grows very fast, and in a day, it doubles in size, and the speed is very fast, and the consumption of food is also very large.

Wren threw the spider into the woods to the west.

After that, an area was planned.

"This will be your territory from now on. "

"You are not allowed to set foot outside of your territory. "

"If an outsider invades, you can attack, but capture alive first, understand?"

The spiders nodded their heads.

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