The zodiac signs, in terms of strength, have completely reached the level of the brigade in the Youkexin period, and after jumping into the blood pool and being strengthened by the altar, they have reached the level of the top few brigades.

At this time, except for Wren, the rest of the scavenger squad were no longer the opponents of the zodiac.

However, the altar is both an advantage and a disadvantage for the zodiac, and their strength has indeed been strengthened, but the altar is exposed to the scavenger squad.

Wren's attack landed on the altar, and with their relationship with the altar, they had to give priority to protecting the altar, and the altar could not be moved, which was equivalent to a living target.

The scavenger squad only needs to distance themselves and keep attacking the altar to be invincible.

Sagittarius eyes are red, and they are very angry.

Obviously, they are stronger now, but they have nothing to do with the scavenger team.

"You three, go and kill them. "

"We put out fires. "

Wren was not surprised to see the signs of the zodiac scattered.


"Yes, Captain!"

Wojin rushed up, his whole body wrapped around the qi, flowing slowly.



A reading net floated down from mid-air.

Wojin withstood the three of them.

Maggie's reading net wrapped the other three people, including Wojin, in it.

After that, Nobunaga stepped forward.

"Thirty-six troubled phoenix!"

A hole appeared at the reading net.

Nest gold drilled out of the opening.

Maggie tugged at it, shrinking the net.

The next moment, Wren approached.

"Use the character, Darkblade!"


Suddenly, the three zodiac signs flew into the air.

"Use the character, Quantum Bomb!"

Wren took out a small colorless crystal, and then threw it at the location of the three zodiac signs.

Huge explosion, burst out.


Quantum Bomb, a skill that Wren lights up when he reaches Gunsmith level 40.

This is the most powerful attack skill that Wren has mastered at the moment.

A powerful explosion, in addition to the physical damage of the explosion itself, also has the damage of the light attribute, and in addition, there is a certain chance that the enemy will enter a state of shock.

The space shook.

A wave of air spread out from the center of the explosion.

Wojin, who didn't have time to come to the distance, flew out directly.

Nobunaga's eyes widened.

"It's so strong!"

The three members of the zodiac next to the altar were equally wide-eyed.

Outside, Hisoka's expression became a little more serious.

"It's a little stronger than I expected. "

"If I play against him, the odds of winning will not exceed 20%. "

Finally, the explosion stopped.

Three members of the zodiac landed.


It fell to the ground, bounced up, and fell again, and it was already dead.

"Droplets. "

"Yes. "

Xiao Di took out the protruding eye fish, put away the bodies of the three people.

Sagittarius' face becomes ugly.

"Since you have a strong means of attack, why didn't you take it out before?"

"After the altar is strengthened, we can't resist this attack, are we all going to die here?"

Sagittarius stared at Wren deadly.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Why are you targeting us?"

Wren looked at Sagittarius.

"We are the Scavenger Squad, a squad of professional hunters, who do all the cleanup, including, but not limited to, battlefields, ruins, and cults of evil gods. "

"You hired you, I can pay you double, no, ten!"

Wren shook his head.

"I'm sorry, you can't afford it. "

"It's time to finish!"

Wren pulled out a small colorless crystal again.

The reason why he talked to this Sagittarius was that Wren was just stalling for time, and after using the ability of the Quantum Bomb, Wren needed a certain amount of time to recover.

This is not an easy skill to use.

The consumption of qi is enormous.

After that, Wren smashed the colorless crystal in the direction of the altar.

The three remaining zodiac signs desperately dodged to the side.

However, the explosion they expected did not happen.

Wren raised the muzzle of his gun.


The pool of blood cracked open a mouth, and the blood inside kept flowing out.

"Droplets. "

"Yes. "

The droplets sucked all this blood into the eyefish.

"You're fooling us?"

Sagittarius has a very ugly face.

After that, he gritted his teeth violently, aimed at the two companions next to him, and bit down.

I saw that this person, in the mouth of Sagittarius, turned into a liquid-like existence, and was directly inhaled by Sagittarius, and then Sagittarius aimed at another companion.

Inhale in the same way.

The momentum of Sagittarius has been raised to the extreme.

At the same time, the blood in the pool of blood was attracted by the Sagittarius and floated towards the Sagittarius.

Wren's face changed.

"Use the character, Sword Soul!"

"Earth Split, Wave Sword!"

A wave of fluctuations erupts at the feet of the Sagittarius, forcibly interrupting the Sagittarius's behavior.

However, at this time, Sagittarius, has become very strong.

It is several times stronger than before.

Both eyes are bright red.

"You forced me. "

"If I use this trick, I'll die too. "

"But I will kill you all before I die. "

"To my companions, revenge!"

Red steam, swirling around the constellation Sagittarius.

Wren holds a sword in both hands.


Sagittarius rushed over.

Powerful thoughts, closing in on Wren.

"Get out of the way. "

Wojin, Nobunaga, Maggie, and Droplet, all retreated.

The thoughts on Wren's body all exploded.

Two powerful momentums, colliding in mid-air, no gorgeous moves, just the strength of qi.

It's like two masters of the martial arts world, competing in internal strength.

Whoever has the ability will be able to win this competition.

"You can't win against me!"

"It's no longer human power. "

"You mortals, you can't surpass me!"

Sagittarius is in full sight!

Wren snorted coldly.

"That can only be said that you have too little knowledge. "

"Among the people I know, there are at least three, one blow, can kill you!"

"And I, too, won't lose. "

The qi of the two of them, in mid-air, changes shape, you fight for me.

It was so cruel that the people next to him couldn't get close at all.

Nobunaga wanted to come forward to help, but was forced to retreat by the momentum.

This is no longer a battle that they can participate in.


Sagittarius, a sharp step forward.

Wren resisted.

Suddenly, my eyes lit up.

"I found it. "

"Your flaws!"

"Cultists of evil gods, you shouldn't stay in the human world, go and stay with the evil gods you believe in. "

"Raptors cut the air!"

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