"It's not. "

"Are you really nosy, then?"

Wo Jin snorted coldly.

"I just can't get used to you guys, so many people, bullying a child. "

A young man pulled a dagger out of his pocket.

"Big man, you're looking for trouble, you're looking for the wrong person. "

Wo Jin's eyes narrowed.

The next moment, a lunge.

None of them reacted.


A loud crash sounded.

Immediately afterward, several youths flew upside down.

Hit the wall like it had been hit by some heavy truck.

Wojin walked over to the little boy who had fallen to the ground.

"Can you still get up?"

The little boy struggled and got up from the ground.

"Thank you. "

Wo Jin glanced at the little boy and said, "It's not unconditional for me to save you, I will conduct a test on you, if you pass the test, you have to worship me as a teacher." "

"Become my disciple. "

The little boy was stunned for a moment.

"But now, let's go eat first, I think you're hungry. "

"Follow me. "

Wojin turned and walked out of the alley, followed by the little boy.

It took a long time for the young man in the alley to find out.

A siren sounded.

However, there was no surveillance in the vicinity, and the young people did not die, but they all fell into a coma and could not find any clues at all.

Wojin took the menu and ordered it all the way.

"These, these, and these, all on. "

The little boy said again and again, "Sir, I can't eat so much. "

"I know, I ordered it for me, what you want to eat, order it yourself. "

The little boy hesitated for a moment and said, "Can I ask for two egg fried rice?"

"Add two more eggs to the fried rice. "

Wo Jinchong waiter said.

"Yes, sir, right away. "

One dish after another was delivered to the table.

Quite a few people turned their gaze.

Because there are too many dishes ordered.

Just two people, ordered more than a dozen dishes, and they were all large portions.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet. "

"Crobby. "

"Crobie, that's a terrible name. "

Wojin shoved a chicken leg into his mouth.

"From tomorrow, you'll follow me, and I'll take you to training, understand?"

"Clear, understood. "

The egg fried rice finally came up.

Croby glanced at Wo Jin, and when he saw Wo Jin nodding, he hurriedly swallowed it in a big gulp, very quickly.

Wojin nodded.

The more you eat, the more potential you have.

This point was mentioned by Wren and Wo Jin, and Wo Jin took it to heart and took it seriously.

"Not bad. "

Immediately, Wojin placed a chicken leg on Crobby's plate.

"Eat some meat, you have to train, you can't do without meat. "

"Thank you, sir. "

The next day, Wojin got up early.

"Crowby, get up and run. "

"Yes. "

Croby is grateful to Wojin for saving his life and feeding him, despite the heavy training, pain and exhaustion, but in any case, Croby is grateful.

I want to stick with it and not let Wojin down.

The next day, Crowby was still very passionate.

On the third day, Crowby was still holding on.

On the fourth day, Crobie was a little desperate.

It's not because Croby doesn't want to insist, but because his conditions can't be met.

It really can't be reached.

Talent is born and hard to change.

Just like Meteor Street, all the encounters are tragic, but the Phantom Brigade, there is only one.

"I'm sorry, sir. "

"I'm sorry. "

"I didn't do it. "

Crobie was sad, not that he might have lost an opportunity, but, sadly, Wojin was the first person to be so good to him, however, he let Wojin down.

Wojin looked at Croby and sighed.

"Croby, you have a strong will, but unfortunately, you don't meet the criteria to be my disciple. "

"I can't take you as a disciple. "

"However, I believe that you will still have a good future, come on. "

Wojin left the city and headed for the second city.

"My thinking is wrong, not everyone I meet is suitable to be a disciple. "

"I need to search purposefully. "

"Talent matters. "

Nobunaga arrived at the end of the hunter's exam, a manor.

Just like last time, this time the candidates for the hunter exam will also have a banquet, but this time, there is no participation from Nitro, just a few ordinary professional hunters.

and, one of the twelve branches.

The assessment is not completely over.

There is one last level left.

There is only one place.

Brian looked at the people next to him.

There are only four people who enter this level.

Originally, Brian was full of confidence in this exam, after all, he had already learned his reading ability, and he had developed his reading ability well, but there was another person who entered the final assessment and also learned to read.

There is only one place.

Brian clenched the sword in his hand.

As an Enhancement Ability, Brian chose a similar route to Nobunaga.

Become a swordsman.

"The final assessment, the battle of the only survivors. "

"The four of you will enter the ring at the same time, until there is only one living person left in the ring, and you can quit halfway, and after you quit, you will be disqualified. "

"It is also possible to quit early. "

The examiner looked at the four of them.

"Now, do any of you want to quit?"

The four of them glanced at each other, but they didn't speak, at this point, if they don't go up and try, they will regret it for the rest of their lives, but it's not everyone who is Dongba, take this as a game.

"Very well, then the assessment begins. "

Suddenly, the ground rose.

A circular ring, right at the feet of the Brian Four.

"Let's go!"

As soon as the examiner gave the order, one of the candidates immediately moved, and it was Brian who pounced first.

Because, in the previous exams, Brian was the strongest.

During the exam, Brian never thought about hiding it.

"It's good to come!"

"Draw your sword and slash!"

Brian hasn't learned the circle yet, but he's learned the art of drawing a knife.

A flash of swords flashed.


The examinee who rushed over immediately had an extra wound.


The man fell to the ground.

However, Brian didn't have a chance to make amends.

Two people came over.

The person who had the ability to read actually took the method of cooperating with the other two candidates, or rather, taking advantage of it.

Brian was under tremendous pressure.

Because, Brian doesn't know what the other party's abilities are.


Brian looked at the other person.

Two silk threads appeared in each other's hands, just connecting the other two candidates.

Brian was stunned.

"It's the ability of the operation department, no wonder those two candidates will attack me first, it turns out that he is in control. "

"Master told me that to deal with the ability of the operation department, is to find the operator, and after that, fight in close quarters and cut him!"

A gleam flashed in Brian's eyes.

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