Wren started his own plan.

A storehouse far from the city was purchased by Wren, and after that, Wren put a lot of creatures into it, all kinds of types, and Wren wanted to experiment with which creature had the best effect.

A row of iron cages trapping these creatures inside.

Wren glanced back at where Maggie was in the distance.

"Maggie, I'll give you a signal later, and when you see me manifest the decomposer, use the telekinesis control to throw those creatures into the decomposer. "

"One by one, put it in an orderly manner. "

After receiving an affirmative answer, Wren hung up the phone and walked to the piano.

As the music played, the creatures in the iron cage quickly changed, becoming crazy, their eyes were red, and the strength on their bodies seemed to have increased a lot, and they were very violent.

Wren noticed that the smaller the creature, the more susceptible it is.

"Dismantling machine!"

The Dismantling Machine appeared next to Wren.

Maggie immediately caught a rabbit with a thread and threw it into the decomposer.


The sound of the gears turning.

"Break down successfully, gain experience12. "

"Gain the Mind Ability Grandmaster Skill, 0.0001%. "

Wren raised an eyebrow.

The experience value is not much, or even very little, and it takes 10,000 to be able to increase by 1%, but this method has almost no cost.

10,000 a day, a little unrealistic, but only 1,000,00.

In 10 days, you can increase by 1%.

In one year, it can increase by 36.%.

For a grandmaster-level telepath, this is already a very high speed.

"Go on!"

Maggie threw the other creatures into the decomposer in turn.

Wren stared at the evil thoughts on his body until he was in an unsafe state, and Wren stopped.

"One play time allows Maggie to throw 20 creatures into the decomposer, and after that, I need to rest for about half an hour, so that in a day, based on 18 hours, I can break down 600 creatures. "

"It's a little less than I expected. "

"You can try more, but it's risky. "

Wren looked at the creatures around him.

"It doesn't have much to do with the kind of living thing. "

"The amount of evil thoughts is fixed. "

"It's just a big creature that can last longer. "

Wren stood up.

"Wren, how's it going?"

Maggie trotted over to this side.

"The plan worked. Wren said: "In the future, the daily quantity will be set at 600, mainly rabbits and mice, which are relatively more convenient." "

"Better value for money. "

"Here, I'll trouble Maggie, I'll go to the Sky Arena. "

Maggie nodded.

"Good. "

Wren didn't expect the Dark Sonata to have such benefits.

In this case, the remaining few dark sonatas will also need to be collected. "

"There may be unexpected gains. "

Wren entered the Sky Arena and signed up for the first level of competition.

Soon, the opponent came out and was a martial artist.

With long black hair, he is a man, he tidies up his appearance very well, and he looks like a person who takes the route of appearance, such a person is either a silver gun wax head, or, he is very powerful.

However, the words are retracted, with Wren's current strength, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to be as powerful as Wren.

With one blow, the opponent fell to the ground.

Wren's shot was fast and accurate, because he didn't want to waste time.

"50th floor!"

Wren gets his ticket to the 50th floor.

Sign up again.

"I'm sorry, Wren is now, your battle application has been lined up until tomorrow. "

"Okay, it's okay, I'll come back tomorrow. "

Wren left the Sky Arena and immediately returned to the warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

"Maggie, go on. "

"Yes. "

Hisoka was on the 200th floor, anxiously waiting, and from time to time, showing a perverted expression, so that the people around him did not dare to approach.

The day passed.

Wren ended playing the dark sonata, 600 animals, decomposed by the decomposition machine, and this provided Wren with 0.6% telekinesis access, which is really not much in terms of numerical values.

However, the difference between the grandmaster and the master is 100 times.

This means that if Wren is still at the master level, then he can increase his progress by 60% in one day, but then again, if he doesn't reach the grandmaster level, Wren probably uses a lot of dark sonatas.

Unable to resist the invasion of the song, it may be soon, just like those creatures, controlled by evil thoughts.

"The Dark Sonata should not be a product of the human continent. "

"Unless, it's made by someone at the same level as East Flix. "

"Nitro, no. "

The next day, Wren was promoted to the 100th floor.

Similarly, the level of telekinesis ability has been increased by 0.6%.

Because of a phone call with Rennes, Wo Jin's mood calmed down a bit, he didn't get anxious because of the previous failures, he straightened his mentality, and didn't deliberately look for a disciple.

Rather, I believe in something called fate.

Nobunaga continued to stay in the waterfall.

Brian slowly got used to swinging his knife in the water.

Time passes little by little.

Meteor Street.

"Commander, what's next for us?"

Kurolo picked up a piece of paper with a message about the scavenger squad, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"The Angolan Church?"

"I didn't expect that there is still such a force in this world, and it is integrated with a country. "

Pak Notan frowned.

"Leader, do you want to cooperate with the Angolan church to deal with the scavenger team together?"

"It's not. "

"Then what is the reason for your investigation of the Angolan Church?"

"Of course, let's see if we can find a way to destroy it. "


Parker Notan didn't understand.

"The enemy of our enemies is our friends, and we don't have to go against the Angolan Church. "

"Nope. "

Kurolo said: "The scavenger team, who betrayed Meteor Street, is a traitor to Meteor Street, but, no matter what, it is all my people from Meteor Street, and it can only be us who destroy the scavenger team." "


"I can't, let the scavenger team perish in the hands of others. "

Feitan glanced at Kurolo.

"Kurolo, I think you're a little arrogant, Scavenger Squad, we don't need to worry at all, they're much better than us, and they proved it last time. "

"I don't think the idea that you're trying to beat the scavenger squad will succeed. "

"If you do do do that, then I'll quit. "

"Moreover, this matter is your private matter, I don't think you should bring it to the team, the Phantom Brigade is our brigade, not you alone. "

Kurolo's personal charm is great, but there are also those who don't care about Kurolo.

For example, Feitan.

In the original book, Feitan didn't care much about Kulolo's life, and here, it's the same.

Culolo stared at Feitan.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air.

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