Kurapika reached out and removed the contact lens from her eye.

Look at Wojin.

The two eyes are the color of fiery red.

"Master, I'm sorry, but just now, I was testing you. "

"Because, I'm not sure, you are not the murderer of my people, deliberately designed this encounter with me. "

"Fiery red eyes refer to my kind of eyes. "

"My people, hundreds of years ago, suffered persecution, and had no choice but to live in seclusion deep in the mountains, but some time ago when I went out and came back, I found that the entire valley had been slaughtered. "

"There is not a single living mouth. "

"All but me, dead. "

"Their eyes were gouged out. "

"I had to be cautious. "

"Because, I must take revenge. "

"Master, I'm sorry. "

Kurapika bowed deeply to Wojin.

Wojin was a little not very happy.

However, after hearing Kurapika's explanation, he eased up a little.

"Test me?"

"Your reasons, I can accept. "

"But I can't accept this. "

"You have to accept the punishment. "

Wojin thought of something.

"That's it, I've already made a training plan for you. "

"Now, as a punishment for you, double the training. "

Kurapika nodded heavily.

However, after that, Kurapika will understand that this doubling is not a simple doubling.

It's hell doubling.

"So, is your purpose to find the murderers of your people after you become stronger, and then kill them to take revenge?"

"Yes. "

"Do you have any information about those murderers?"

"Nope. "

Kurapika shook her head and said, "However, I believe that if they get the fiery red eye, they will definitely make a move, as long as they find the fiery red eye, they can know who killed my clansmen." "

Wojin nodded.

"It's your personal vendetta, you do it yourself, I won't be involved, and the rest of the team, neither will you, unless you hire them and come up with the right commission. "

"I'll make you stronger, though. "

Wojin stood up.

"Kurapika, in order to take revenge, you are willing to suffer any hardship, right?"

"Yes. "

"Okay, then, from tomorrow onwards, get ready for real hell. "

"I'll make you worse than dead. "

The next day, Kurapika deeply understood what hell was going on in Wojin.

Extreme, very extreme.

After an incomparable hellish training, Kurapika felt that she had been completely drained.

At the end of the training session, Kurapika felt that she didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

"Senior Kim, I've arrived. "

Wren arrived at the location designated by Kim Flix.

"Okay, you report the location, I'll come to you. "

Wren reported the location of the coffee shop.

Immediately, I walked into the coffee shop and sat down in a corner.

After a while, Jin Fulis walked in and walked directly in front of Wren.

"Kim-senpai. "

"Wren, you've finally arrived. "

Kim Fulix sat down and ordered a cup of coffee.

"Senior Kim, what is the situation with that Kuto thief group?"

Jin Fulis said: "Because the Angolan church has made a big fuss with your scavenger team, many countries have heard about it, so they have a certain degree of vigilance against the branch of the Angolan church. "

"It has become more difficult for the Angolan church to develop its branches. "

"Therefore, the Angolan Church, just outside the kingdom of Phros, employs some very strong minds. "

"The Kuto thieves were formed. "

"On the surface, these people are thieves, but in fact, they are here to support the branch of the Angolan Church, that is to say, the Kuto Thieves are the lackeys of the Angolan Church. "

"The bandof thieves has six members. "

Wren interrupted Kim Flix.

"Senior Kim, according to the agreement between President Nitro and the Angolan church, my scavenger team is not allowed to attack the Angolan church during this time. "

Jin Fulux smiled.

"The Kuto thieves group does not belong to the Angolan church, I asked the old man, this time, it belongs to the scope of what can be shot, and the Angolan church does not dare to say anything. "

"Plus, it's an opportunity. "

"Wren, you don't think that the Angolan church really stops. "

Wren shook his head.

"No, it won't. "

Jin Fulis's expression became serious, and he said, "Next time, the goal of the Angolan church will not only be your scavenger squad, but the entire Hunter Association. "

"So, until then, to try to probe the Angolan Church as much as possible and weaken the Angolan Church, is what we have to do, and the Angolan Church is doing the same. "

The old man caught two moles with his own hands. "

Wren nodded.

"I see. "

Jin Fulix continued: "Kuto Thieves, six members, two enhancements, one release system, one change system, one operation system, and one trait system. "

"The two members of the Enhancement System, similar to Ogin and Nobunaga in your squad, one strengthens the body and the other strengthens the weapon, using a hammer-type weapon. "

"The ability to release the system is a telekinesis attack, but his telekinesis seems to have the ability to automatically track. "

"Change, his mind is sharp. "

"The operation system, use the mind to control the enemy, and see how many targets can be controlled at the same time. "

"Trait system, I don't know this ability, it's their leader, it should be the strongest in their team, this is the information I have so far. "

Kim Fulix turned on his phone, and Wren saw their photo.

"Right now, they're in the city. "

Wren made a note of their appearances.

"Senior Kim, what's your plan?"

"Divide the battlefield and deal with some of the enemies first. "

Wren hesitated for a moment and asked, "Senior Jin, how long will they stay in this city?"

"It's about a week. "

"A week's worth of words, that's enough, we can set up the Nian Pattern Array, and use this to make a quick position transfer. "

Jin Fulis raised his eyebrows.

"Miniaturization of the Island of Greed? That's a good idea. "

"Senior Jin, let's split up, set up six coordinate points in this city, and transfer them at any time, combined with my long-range sniper ability, it should be able to cause them a lot of trouble. "

"Good. "

Wojin stood on the hillside and looked at Kurapika below.

"Kurapika, there are 30 seconds left, and if it is not reached, you should know what the punishment that awaits you will be. "

Kurapika looked up and glared at Wojin.

"Master, you're a demon!"

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