However, Wren has an absolute line of sight.

At the moment when Johnson turned around, Wren moved his position, Johnson rushed over, Wren was no longer in place, and two poisonous needles came to Johnson again.


One stab.

Johnson's poisoning effect is getting deeper and deeper.

Wren raised the muzzle of his gun.


The telekinetic bullet landed on Johnson's body.

At this time, Johnson had already put most of his energy on fighting against poison, and in the face of the wounds caused by Wren's telekinetic bullets, he could not heal quickly at all.

In itself, Rennes's strength is stronger than Johnson.

The Kuto thieves group, only because the abilities of the six people are matched and are very strong, will make Ren and Jin Fulishi jealous.

After separation, at most, it is the degree of the bishop.

It will not be stronger than the district bishop.

So, one-on-one, Johnson can't be a match for Rennes.

"Use the character, Sword Soul!"

In Wren's hand, a sword appeared.

A sword slashed through.

It was Johnson's neck that was aimed at it.


The bones broke, his neck was cut in two, and Johnson's head flew out.

I have to say that Johnson's vitality is really strong, even if his head has landed, Johnson still maintains a certain consciousness, and the wound is healing, which surprises Wren.

"The head is gone, and he can still not die, this Johnson's mental ability is indeed well developed. "

"I have another thing, though. "

Wren's thought moved.

"Dismantling machine. "

The next moment, Wren stabbed Johnson in the head and threw him into the decomposer, followed by Johnson's arms, feet, and torso being the last parts to be thrown in.


With the sound of the gear turning, Johnson's body, which was dismantled, was completely disassembled.

Nothing was left and utterly dead.

Wren looked at the crystal ball.

"Senior Kim has already tackled Blanche. "

The plan that the two made at the beginning was to prioritize Johnson and Blanche.

One has a strong resilience.

One is the ability of the operation system, which can control multiple puppets, and these puppets will play a good role in the battle, and must be solved first.

Originally, it was the best choice to deal with the emir first, but the emir was not so easy to solve, and the emir had the ability to foresee the danger and can avoid the danger to a large extent.

Neither Wren nor Kim Fulix can kill the Emir before the fog clears.

After all, the emir has only shown this one ability at the moment.

And if the emir is not killed, then the fog will be a waste.

As a result, the duo settled on the next best thing, choosing Johnson and Blanche as targets.

With the deaths of the two, the fog gradually dissipated.

Emir and others, regained their sight.

At the first time, the remaining four members of the Kuto thief group gathered together.

Opposite are Wren and Kim Fulix.

The emir's face sank.

"It seems that Johnson and Blanche were both killed by them. "

Akers glared at Wren and Kim Flix.

"You dare to kill Johnson, I won't let you go!"

Two lines of tears flowed from Ax's eyes.

When Wren saw Ax, he didn't think of Nobunaga.

In the original book, Nobunaga was also very angry and sad after learning the news of Wojin's death, because the other members of the brigade and Nobunaga were partners at best.

And Ogin and Nobunaga are friends.

It's different.

Obviously, the same is true of the previous relationship between Akers and Johnson, and the relationship between the two will not be worse than the relationship between Nobunaga and Wokin.

However, Wren will not back down because of this.

The scavenger squad, and the Kuto thieves, are already on opposite sides.

When the Kuto thieves took refuge in the Angolan Church.

To be merciful to one's enemies is to be cruel to oneself.

If Wren lets Ax go this time, then, next time, most likely, Nobunaga, or Wojin, or the rest of the team, will die at the hands of Ax.

The emir placed his palm on Ax's shoulder.

"Akers, calm down. "

"We must live to avenge Johnson and Blanche!"

A glimmer of clarity regained in Axes' eyes.

"Commander, I'll restrain the two of them, you escape. "

"Later, help me get revenge. "

The emir glanced outside.

"If you can't escape, since they choose to come in, they must be fully prepared, if we escape, we will definitely die, on the contrary, we have to fight hard to have a chance to live. "

"Do your best, even if you lose, I hope that we can pull a cushion!"

The emir began to give orders.

"Ax, you're in the way. "

"Simon, you assist Axes. "

"Kuric, you're going all out for Rennes. "

"Listen to my orders in time. "

"The traps in the building are something we can take advantage of. "

"Now the fog is gone and it's back to our home turf. "

All three of them nodded.

The next moment, Kulic reached out and fired a telekinesis at Wren.

Wren flashed to the side.

The other party will choose to attack himself first, which is what Wren has long expected.

After all, Jin Fulis, both in terms of reputation and strength, is stronger than Rennes, and the Kuto Thieves will definitely give priority to attacking the weaker one.

It is better to cut off one of its nine fingers than to hurt its nine fingers.

Therefore, Wren was already prepared for it at the first time.

In the gap, Wren fired a shot.


I saw that Akers opened his body with all his strength, like a shield, protecting the other three people in it.

Wren's telekinetic bullet landed in Ax's body.

It's like hitting a metal plate.

The four members of the Kuto Thieves Group, at this time, seem to have become a whole.

Axes is an explosion-proof shield.

Emir is the brain.

Simon is the arm.

Kulic is a weapon.

The cooperation of four people, flawless, with few flaws.

Moreover, there is the advantage of traps.

Jin Fulix moved his body quickly, leaving only an afterimage in the path.

However, Emir's ability to predict is too buggy, so that Jin Fulix's raid is almost ineffective.

Wren's thought moved.

"Perhaps, I can use this. "

"Use the character, summoner. "

Kulić's firepower is fierce.

Of course, Wren's firepower is more fierce, but Wren does not have an explosion-proof shield similar to Ax, and the firepower is absolutely disadvantageous to Wren.

However, if you use the summoner role, you don't need to worry about this at all.

Many of the summoner's skills can control the direction.

In addition, the summoned elves can take the initiative to find targets and attack on their own.

"Magic Star Ball!"

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