"Head of the group."

Kulic couldn't stand it anymore.

The Kuto thieves group was really pushed to the extreme. Neither of them thought about winning. They just wanted to exchange heads before the group was destroyed and celebrate Ren's death. Kuto thieves group.

But now, even such a small wish cannot be realized.

Emil hesitated for a while

"We split up and attacked from two directions"

"No matter how strong Ren's attack is, it can only guarantee one direction. I will help you fight for the opportunity."

Kulic nodded.

"Thank you, Captain."

But what they don't know is that their actions can be clearly seen in Ren's eyes.

"It is indeed a good way to attack me from two different directions."

"However, you don't know enough about my abilities."

Now that things have come to a point, Ren and Jin Fulis are certain to win. The

Kuto Thieves Group only has a chance of victory when all six of them are present. Now that there are three less, the Kuto Thieves Group is impossible. Winner.

In terms of strength, Renne and Jinfulishi can crush the remaining three Kutos.

As long as Renne is willing, he can defeat each other at any time.

The reason why not is that Renne just wants to be more cautious. Possibly, at a lower price.

Because Emil only showed the ability to predict danger.

Renn felt that it was impossible for Emil to become the leader of the Kuto Thieves Group with such an ability.

Therefore, Renn His strategy is to deal with the others first, and then deal with Emil.

In this way, even if Emil still hides his trump card, he will still be under Rennes' control.

This is Rennes' stability.

There are advantages to stability, and there are Disadvantages, but as long as you master this degree, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages. The Kuto thieves group was trapped in this building because they were too stable.

But now Renn's stability is just right, within the limit. of

"Use the character, Street Fighter!"


A clone appeared, and Ren's body hid on the other side. According to the crystal ball, it followed Curic and came not far behind Curic.

Emil jumped out on his own initiative, attracting Ren's attention.

Ren The clones controlled by En were fooled.

The clones of Emil and Renn confronted each other in the passage.

Both of them were acting.

However, Emil only knew that he was acting in order to attract Renn and give Curry Qi created an opportunity to attack.

But Renn knew that Emil was acting, so he cooperated with Emil and sent his clone in front of Emil, waiting for Coolidge to attack the clone.

So, Renn's body You can find the opportunity to attack Kulic


Emil roared.

Kuric received the message and jumped out immediately.

The telekinetic bullet shot at Ren's clone in an instant.


The bullet entered Ren's clone, and the clone was injured and exploded like a balloon.

Emil saw the smile on Ren's clone before disappearing, and his pupils shrank sharply.

He knew that he had been fooled.

He and Coolic, were all fooled.

Renne knew their plan and used it to their advantage.

"Coolic, be careful!"

Emil shouted.

The moment Coolic saw Ren's clone disappearing, he also realized something was wrong and turned around quickly.

However, by this time, it was already too late.

"Energy-charged laser cannon!"

At the critical moment, Kulic concentrated his energy in front of himself


But it can't be blocked.

Ren's energy-charged laser cannon does more damage than ordinary laser cannons.

So instead of using large colorless crystals, only small colorless crystals are used. It's not something that Kuric can block..

The laser cannon accurately penetrated Kulic's heart.

It penetrated directly.

The muscles next to it were burned into coke due to the high temperature.

Kulic's eyes widened.


Falled to the ground heavily.

Renn grabbed Coolidge's body and left quickly.


Only Emil was left in place, furious.

Soon, Kuric's body was decomposed.

Renn looked to the other side.

Jin Fulis did not use gorgeous moves, but fought with Akers. Head -to-head.

Fist to fist.

Punch after punch, hitting the flesh.

Ax was hit so hard that he vomited blood.

As for Jin Fulis, only the clothes on his body were a little dirty and he did not suffer any substantial damage.

"you lose."

Akers stared at Jin Fulisi.

"I lost, but the leader and the others will definitely win."

"When they come back, you will die!"

Ax roared angrily and rushed towards Jin Fulisi with big strides.

"The purpose of my existence is just to delay time"

"My task has been completed"

"I will die without regrets!"

"You will be buried with us!"

Jin Fulisi shook his head.

"Impossible, you underestimate Renn too much."

Immediately, he made a fist and punched out


Akers' arm was broken directly, and the bones inside were shattered.

And Akers' body flew backwards heavily and hit the wall.


Ax spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole person's aura became very depressed.

His vitality was disappearing rapidly.

Renn's figure appeared next to Jin Fulis.

Ax's eyes widened when he saw Renn. Stare wide

"You're not dead yet?"

"Of course not dead."

Akers was stimulated and spewed out a mouthful of blood again. This time, Ackles failed to survive and died directly.

His eyes were wide open and he could not rest in peace.

"Renn, those two people have been solved?"

"One was solved and Emil is still there. Ren said:"I'm not sure what special abilities he has hidden, and he didn't act rashly, so come over to your side first, Senior Jin.""

Jin Fulisi nodded.

"It's better to be careful"

"Since he is the only one left, let's go there together now"


Emil was hiding in a corner, surrounded by traps.

Emil's face was gloomy and scary.

"Coolidge is dead"

"If nothing unexpected happens, Akers will die too, and Jin Fulis is a more terrifying opponent than Rennes."

"Wait a minute, the two of them will definitely find me"

"What awaits me is death."

Emil had a struggling expression on his face.

"Should we let that thing out?"

"That is a monster. Once it comes out, no one can stop it. The whole city will be destroyed by it."

"But if I don’t let it out, I will definitely die."

"Yes, I'm going to die, why am I still thinking about so many things?"

"No matter how big the disaster is, it has nothing to do with me."

"I'm not afraid of the price. Could it be more serious than death?"

The emir made his decision.

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