
The two exited Greed Island and returned to the base.

Maggie immediately called Nobunaga.

No answer.

After hesitating, Maggie sent a text message to Nobunaga. As long as Nobunaga's mobile phone reaches a place with signal , the text message will automatically be sent to Nobunaga’s mobile phone.

Then, he dialed Wojin’s number

"Wo Jin, come back and gather together, we have a mission."

Wojin's expression became serious.

Kurapika looked at Wojin and hesitated.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"There's a mission. Wojin said:"Your training this time will be temporarily suspended. Let's return to the base.""

Wojin immediately found a car and headed towards Oudley Port.

The next day, Nobunaga finally received Maggie's message and stopped.

"Brian, it's time to go back"

"Master, but our training is not completed yet."

"We have a mission. The captain summons us."

Brian's eyes lit up.

"Master, can I also participate in this mission?"

In the previous mission, Brian was not able to participate because he was too weak. This is something Brian feels very regretful about. Brian has always wanted to fight side by side with other members of the Scavenger Team.


"Very good."

Ren turned on the computer.

There was a lot of news from the Hunter Association.

Currently, the defense line has been established.

Soldiers and telepathic people cooperated.

Barbed wire, bombs, trenches, and other means were used.

Temporarily, the monsters were prevented from attacking. Spread.

However, the number of monsters has increased to a considerable level.

The plan of the Hunter Association and the government is to start from the defense line, continuously shrink inward, and send teams of agents to kill and collect monsters for centralized processing.

A total of twelve processing bases will be set up.

What Ren has to do is to constantly travel to and from these twelve bases to decompose the monsters inside.

"With the style of the Angola church, it will definitely not be that simple."

"This is already the Angola Church’s declaration of war against the world."

"The Angola Church will not do this without certain certainty"

"There must be some back-up plan."

Ren's eyes flickered.

"However, fortunately, this thing of mine has been completed."

Ren looked at a huge disk-shaped thing in front of him.

This is Renn, and his research during this period was successful.

The mobile version of the mind pattern array.

The radius of the disk is one meter, and the height is almost one meter. It contains a lot of Death thought entanglements and thought patterns

"After activation, the coverage range is 3 kilometers"

"It has two functions: fog formation and crystal ball."

Ren took the disc back into the parcel column.

"If you give me more time, I can create a stronger mobile mind pattern array."

A ray of light fell from the sky

"��came back"

"Wojin, long time no see"

"team leader."

Wo Jin ran over.

"By the way, I heard that you have received a suitable disciple?"

"Yes, very nice. Wo Jin showed a smile and said:"I left him at Oudley Port. Captain, can we take him with us on this mission?""

"You can do whatever you think is okay, but you are responsible for your disciples"


Wo Jin patted his chest.

"My disciple is very strong, even though he has not yet begun to learn telekinesis."

As soon as he finished speaking, two more figures fell down.

Renn looked over.

"Nobunaga, Brian"

"team leader."

Ren looked around for a week and said:"Since everyone has arrived, please humble yourself and we will set off later."


Everyone agreed in unison.

This time, except for Rooney, everyone else in the scavenger team will be dispatched.

Ren, Maggie, Xiaodi, Nobunaga, Wojin, Brian, Ellie, Saya Add.

When seeing so many people in a row, Ren was a little emotional.

Unknowingly, there were already so many people in the scavenger team.

If you add Wo Jin's disciples, there are 9.

Compared to thirteen My personal Phantom Troupe is only missing 4 members.

"Set off!"

"Use magnetism, Odley!"

All eight people in the group have mastered telekinesis abilities and can directly use the magnetic abilities in their identity cards.

"Captain, I'm going to bring my disciple here"


Nobunaga's expression was a little strange.

On the one hand, Wojin found a disciple, and Nobunaga was happy for Wojin.

However, on the other hand, Nobunaga also had thoughts of competition.

Renn took out two cars from the parcel column.

9 people had to get two cars to sit down.

Not long after, Wo Jin came back, followed by a figure.

Renn looked over and his pupils shrank.

This person looked a bit familiar to Renn.

"Captain, this is my disciple, Kurapika."


Ren glanced at Kurapika and then at Wojin.

It is very puzzling to understand this strange combination.

It was completely beyond Ren's expectation.

In the original work, Wojin and Kurapika are enemies of life and death. Wojin killed many people from the Kuskuta clan, and Kurapika eventually killed Wojin.

But in this world, Kurapika has become Wojin's disciple

"Saw the captain."

Ren nodded slightly.

Wo Jin felt a little strange when he saw Ren's expression.

"Captain, why do you look weird?"

"It's nothing, I just feel like the temperaments of the two of you don't match very well."

Wojin patted Kurapika's shoulder heavily several times.

"Captain, don't look at Kurapika looking thin, but this guy is very strong."

Wo Jin introduced another person to Kurapika.

"This is Nobunaga"

"This is Maggie, Xiaodi, Aylin, Sayaka"

"This is Brian, Nobunaga's disciple."

Kurapika took another look at Brian.

Before, Wojin said that he just wanted to compete with Nobunaga, and the competition among his disciples will continue in the same way.


Bryan stretched out his hand to Kurapika


Ren made the assignment

"Me, Maggie, Xiaodi, Sayaka, Aylin, 5 people per car"

"One car for the remaining four of you"

"Drive directly there."

The speed of the airship will be faster, but due to the impact of the accident, Renn could not find a suitable airship.

Therefore, he decided to drive directly.

It will not be much slower, but the driver will be more tired.

This makes Renn I was thinking about whether the scavenger team should buy an airship of their own. After all, the number of people in the scavenger team has increased. Sometimes, it is not so convenient to use a car.

"Set off!"

Ren sent a text message to Jin Fulis.

Jin Fulis put down his phone and looked at Nitro

"President, Renne is already on his way. Nitro nodded.

"The monster processing base is almost completed."

"The real encirclement and suppression plan can begin."

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