Milton jumped to the top of the chimney with a slight leap.

Renne, Maggie, Xiaodi, Nobunaga, Wojin, and Aylin followed closely behind.

Brian and Sayaka needed to use the wall to climb up.

Only Kurapika looked up and realized that he couldn't get up.

Ren glanced down.

The bottom is densely packed with monsters.

They were transformed from humans, but now they are completely out of the human category. They are ferocious, violent, and like mad dogs. Being trapped in this almost airtight space makes them even crazier.

Even similar ones were attacked.

Pounce, bite.

Blood flowed.

A monster was thrown to the ground. Immediately, the surrounding monsters swarmed up. In an instant, the monster was eaten, leaving only a skeleton.

However, even if only a skeleton was left, this monster did not die, but stood up again



No need for Ren to say anything, Maggie knew what she should do.

She stretched out her hand and stretched out the thread of thought.

At a height of six meters above the monsters' heads, the thread of thought stopped.

Then, Maggie jumped down first, Falling on the line of thought.

Renn jumped down.

"There is no need for the rest of the people to come, Xiaodi, you also go with Nobunaga and the others. Except for Kurapika, the rest of you go to the commando team. Maggie and I are enough here."

Immediately, Renn looked at the monster below


The decomposition machine appeared and landed in the center of the ground.

Maggie used the mind thread to tie up the monsters below, one by one, and threw them all into the decomposition machine.

Nobunaga and others jumped down the chimney.

Wo Jin Pai He patted Kurapika on the shoulder and said:"Kurapika, you wait here for the captain and the others. The rest of us will all be classified as commandos and carry out path exploration work."

Kurapika nodded.

At this time, Kurapika has clearly realized the gap between his strength and others. What

Brian said about being the last one is 100% true.

"Decomposition successful!"

"The decomposer level has been improved. The current level is the decomposer of the palace!"

Immediately, the decomposition speed of the decomposition machine further accelerated.

Renn looked at the monster below

"The power of this monster is very special. Even if there are still bones left, it can survive and spread infinitely. Whether it is humans or other creatures, it is within the range of spread."

"It may have research value. I can try to catch one alive."

Ren had an idea.

Then he jumped down.

Maggie glanced at Ren and did not move. She continued her work, tied up the monster and threw it into the decomposer.

Among the members of the scavenger team, Maggie is undoubtedly the one who doesn't need to worry about the least.

Wo Jin and Nobunaga will inevitably get excited and make irrational decisions. To be honest, they are not smart enough. This is a point that the enemy can take advantage of.

Xiao Didi's short-term memory impairment was somewhat relieved after taking notes, but it was still not cured.

Countless monsters rushed toward Ren.


The next moment, the monsters suddenly lost their target and began to attack their companions again.

Renn took a fancy to a monster.

The monster's body was relatively well preserved.

Then Renn stepped forward.

An iron chain, After being taken out by Ren, Ren waved his hand, and the iron chain was wrapped around the opponent's body.

The monster was attacked and roared violently.

Monsters around him swarmed over.

But it was too late.

Ren gently He jumped and took the monster back to Maggie's mind line.

The iron chains tied the main parts of the monster, and even if the monster struggled, nothing could be done.

Ren hesitated and took it out from the package column. The thinner wire was wrapped around the monster, wrapping it tightly, and then wrapped with the inheritance bandage.

In an instant, the monster turned into a mummy-like existence.

It couldn't even make a sound.

Ren tried to put the monster into the package column, but failed.

So Ren jumped out of the chimney and came to Kurapika

"Kurapika, I’ll give you a mission to carry this thing on your back."

"Before we return to the base, the care of this thing will be left to you, and nothing will be tolerated."

Kurapika nodded.

Ren returned to the chimney.

Kurapika looked at the mummy, hesitated, stepped forward, hugged it with both hands, and then his expression changed.

"So heavy!"

It is inevitable to be heavy. It is the weight of a human being inside. With the addition of iron chains and wires, the weight should be more than three hundred kilograms. For a young man, this is not a small amount.

One after another The monster disappeared into Ren's decomposer.

Maggie asked:"Captain, this kind of monster can be destroyed by burning it with flames, right?""

"Yes, it is possible, but incineration may bring about some unknown side effects. No one knows whether other things will be produced in the substances produced by incineration."

"In addition, incineration has a relatively large impact on the environment."

Whether it is the Hunter Association or the World Government, fundamentally, we should consider the overall situation. The incineration speed will indeed be much faster than Ren's decomposition, but there are risks.

Since there is Ren's decomposition machine, then, There is no need to use the incineration method.

It's just a slower speed, it doesn't matter.

After a while, all the monsters in the execution base were decomposed by Ren.

There was not much gain in terms of skills.

These people were all alive during their lifetime. They were ordinary people, and what was entangled with them was not thoughts.

However, Renn found that the power of Atlac, which he had not improved for a long time, had improved.

This surprised Renn.

The power of Atlac, in Renn's speculation is that it is an existence similar to the mind beast born from the Cajin Empire's Egg in a Pot ceremony, and it will definitely be stronger than the mind beast of the Cajin Empire.

Because, the power of Atrak The difficulty of acquisition is here.

Most things in the world are conserved.

The more difficult the conditions for acquisition, the more generous the results will usually be.

A group of monsters appeared in front of the commando.

Nobunaga looked back.

"Brian, Sayaka, you two be careful, don't rush too far, and stay as close to Xiaodi as possible"

"Yes, Master."

Brian is a little excited.

After waiting for so many years, this is the first time for Bryan to fight with the members of the scavenger team.

Sayaka is a little nervous. She has not experienced as many things as Bryan.

The Psychopathy Society It didn't take long.

But no matter what, the battle began.

Such a group of monsters would not show mercy.

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