"Little trick!"

Ma Qi slapped it over, and a thought net covered it. The little thing wrapped in the black air was trapped in the thought net by Maggie. Maggie put it in front of her.

A black bugs

"It is somewhat similar to the creatures that Ren conducted experiments, but the difference is that all of those creatures are dead, and these ones survived and can be considered to be taken back."

"Renn must be very interested in these."

Maggie continued to go deeper.

At this moment, several figures appeared at the door of the manor.

"Did you see that woman go in with your own eyes?"

"Yes, I see clearly"

"Very good. Since she dares to go in, it proves that the danger level of this manor is not that high. If we follow her, we might be able to get something very good."

The three of them walked in.

A black shadow passed by


Three times.

Suddenly, all three people fell to the ground.

The next moment, three insects came over and got into the bodies of the three people. After a while, the three people stood up staggeringly.

Maggie said to the people behind her, I don’t know.

Finally, Sayaka found her own direction

"I succeeded!"

Sayaka ran to Aylin's side very excitedly.

"Senior Aylin, thank you."

Aylin nodded and said nothing.

A ball of flame appeared in Sayaka's hand.


Aylin turned to Sayaka and nodded.

Sayaka's eyes suddenly widened.

Because all the long hair on Aylin's body has disappeared, and now Aylin's face is a normal human face.

"Senior Ailin, have you recovered from your illness?"

"Yes, okay. Aylin took off his hood, looked at the sea, and said:"My illness is cured and all my memories have been restored. I know where I come from and who I am.""

"I am the son of the Archbishop of the Church of Angola."

Sayaka's pupils shrank.

The Angola Church is not a good thing in the scavenger team.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Aylin said:"Furthermore, with your current strength, even if I want to hurt you, you can't escape. I just want to tell a story and need an audience. Are you willing?" Sayaka nodded.

"Our family is a noble of the Kingdom of Feros. Our family lives very happily. However, suddenly, one day, my father changed and became very strange."

"My father, killed my mother."

"In this way, great power was gained"

"And that was the beginning of the Angola Church"

"I don't like that place"

"But my father was very keen"

"One day, my father caught me and said that he would give me strength, make me his heir, make me second only to him, and send me to the altar."

"Then, I became the same person as before"

"I lost my memory and became an emotionless monster"

"My father used me as a tool"

"Last time, I followed you here, actually to attack you, but there was an accident on the way. The iron cage trapping me fell into the water. When I came out from the bottom of the sea, they were all dead."

"No one gave me orders"

"After that, I felt the peaceful aura from the captain, so I joined the scavenger team instead of taking action. That peaceful aura made me calm."

"I am grateful to the Scavenger Squad. Aylin said:"Therefore, I will not hate joining the scavenger squad because of the destruction of the Angola Church and the death of my father. I will not"

"However, I can no longer stay in the Scavenger Squad."

"Tell the captain that I am very grateful to him."

After the words fell, Aylin stood up and walked toward the sea.

Step by step, it was like stepping on flat ground.

"Sayaka, goodbye."

Sayaka was stunned for a moment and did not react.

When Sayaka came back to his senses, Aylin's figure had disappeared.

Sayaka quickly ran back to the manor

"Senior Rooney and Senior Aylin left"


"Yes, he said he wanted to quit our scavenger team.

Rooney frowned and said,"I will tell the captain the news.""


Rooney came to the beach and plunged into it.

After a while, Rooney came up, looking embarrassed. He couldn't find it.

After hesitating for a while, Rooney sent a text message to Wojin and Maggie each.

Wojin raised his eyebrows and put down his phone.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Kurapika asked

"Aelin quits the scavenger team"

"Senior Aylin, why?"

"Maybe he's going to do something? Let’s change the direction and head towards the Kingdom of Feros."


Wojin guessed what Aylin was thinking.

Aylin wanted to do something that might have some serious consequences. That's why Aylin chose to quit the scavenger team because he didn't want to drag the scavenger team down.

Wojin went over , just to see if I could catch up and help a little bit.

Renn was obsessed with the construction of the monster park and couldn't extricate himself.

This is a bit like a game designer who has designed the key points.

"The basic framework is ready"

"The terrain here is very solid, and it is protected by mind patterns. It is very difficult to destroy it. A secret room, two hundred meters long, one hundred meters wide, and ten meters high, can be used as a game level."

The length, width and height of Rennes are broadly described. It does not mean that the secret room has this design. There will also be various wall pillars in the middle. It is said to be a secret room, but it is actually a complex terrain.

"Connected with a door in the middle"

"Only after passing the previous level can you proceed to the next level."

"The circular design, right in the center, is my monster experimental base, the monster I brought back from the Angola War."

"In this way, even if the experimental base is opened, the monsters I cultivate will be blocked by NPC monsters and will not be leaked to the outside world so quickly."

"Of course, it would be best if the experimental base is not destroyed."

Ryan began to design the first level.

"The NPCs in it can refer to the world I know. For example, Naruto should be designed according to the Naruto world. The monster NPCs should be set as ninjas."

"In terms of strength, set it to the level of a rookie killer."

"Only those who have reached the Sky Arena Newcomer Killer level can pass this level."

Ren buried his thoughts of death.

The outside world.

Maggie glanced at the figures chasing her behind her, shook her teeth, and accelerated her speed.

"I'm too careless"

"I didn't expect that I can't deal with the things here."

"Must call for help."

Maggie glanced at her phone. The distress message on it still hadn't been sent.

The signal here is too bad.

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