The next moment, a bald head emerged from inside.

The figure is quite tall.

He wears very little clothes, his skin tends to be earthworm pink, and his eyes are yellow. Overall, he is different from normal humans.

"Lord Wren."

This person is exactly the earthworm among the Yin beasts. He came from the underground at a very fast speed. When he noticed that there were fluctuations in the ability to read here, the earthworm came in this direction.

However, when he got closer, After that, Earthworm realized that he had found the wrong target.

The opponent's thoughts were too terrifying.

He was not at all a match for him.

From a distance, Earthworm stuck his head out, took a look, and immediately recognized Ren.

The Yin Beast I know about the Scavenger Squad.

In the conflict between the Ten Old Men and the Meteor Street Elders, the Scavenger Squad and the Yin Beast were both involved. At that time, Earthworm was not a member of the Yin Beast.

But the Yin Beast The former member of the beast revealed a lot about the situation of the scavenger team.

Their talent and strength are top-notch.

Moreover, the subsequent record of the scavenger team is enough to prove all this.

Although some time ago, the ability of telekinesis users In the circle, there have been doubts about the strength of the Scavenger Squad, but those who know it will never doubt it.

A person of the same level as Chairman Nitro.

In fact, the mastermind behind the slander of the Scavenger Squad must also Knowing this, the reason why he slandered the scavenger team was simply because he wanted to disgust the scavenger team.

The moment the earthworm saw Renn, he turned around and wanted to run away.

However, Renn's words made the earthworm dare not move.

The earthworm He knew very well that there was a level gap between himself and Ren.

"Who are you?"

"Returning to Lord Ren, I am Earthworm, one of the members of the Yin Beast."

Ren nodded.

"Were you sent here by the ten old men because of the trouble at the auction?"

"yes. Earthworm hesitated for a moment and said,"I didn't know it was you, Lord Ren. Don't worry, I will never stop you, nor will I report the matter to the police.""

The earthworm was afraid that if he accidentally offended Ren, his life would be lost.


Ren interrupted:"These killers are not sent by me. Don't throw this blame on me."

"I came just because, among the killers this time, there were people who fought against the enemy's killer group. I need the people of this killer group alive."

Earthworm breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ren was really targeting this auction, Earthworm wouldn't have dared to stop him.

And in that case, I'm afraid the job of Yin Beast would be lost.

This was something Earthworm had to get with great difficulty. of

"Lord Ren, all our Yin Beast members will be here later. Then I will ask them to capture all the killers alive as much as possible, and then hand them over to you."

"What do you think?"

Ren nodded.

"Okay, then I’ll trouble you."

Originally, Ren En was ready to withdraw soon after seeing the time and situation. He didn't expect the Yin Beast members who came here to be so polite. In this case, Ren En had no need to refuse.

"The more killers you capture, the better for Ren."

"No trouble, no trouble."

The earthworm shook his head repeatedly.

"Then Lord Ren, I'm going"


The earthworm burrowed into the soil, wishing to disappear immediately. It was too stressful to be in front of Renn.

Renn took out his identity card

"Everyone, it's almost time. Let's bring all the captured killers to the predetermined gathering place."

Everyone replied.

In an abandoned factory, except for one door, the rest of the parts were sealed.

Above, a light was flashing.

Renne was the first to arrive at the location.

Six killers were killed. Ren threw it on the ground.

The next one was Maggie.

There were more prisoners than Ren, eight.

Nobunaga, Wojin, Brian, Xiaodi, Sayaka, walked in one after another.

The captives Killers, all piled up in the factory

"Maggie, tidy it up."


Maggie stretched out her hand, stretched out her mind thread, and tied up these killers one by one.

This used to be a pork factory.

There were many hooks on it, used to hang pork.

It was just used to hang these killers.

One by one, neatly.

Her whole body was tied up by Maggie’s thoughts, and her mouth was stuffed with socks.

"Nobunaga, go and break all their teeth to prevent them from committing suicide."


Nobunaga and Brian stepped forward.

Ren didn't let Wojin go. This guy doesn't know the severity of his attacks and can easily kill people.

"Use small drops to suck all the excess debris into the fish to make it look cleaner.........."


At this time, Earthworm found the Yin Beast people who had just arrived.

Earthworm looked at Xiao

"I just saw Ren from the Scavenger Squad."


Immediately, the members of Yin Beast all looked wary.

"What happened this time, was it them?"

"no. Earthworm shook his head and said:"The scavenger team is here to capture the members of the killers who are fighting against the enemy's killers.""

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and stared at Earthworm. They were a little dissatisfied that Earthworm didn't finish his words at once.

Earthworm saw the looks in a few people's eyes and pretended not to have seen it.

He was quite frightened at that time. Let these people experience it too. Earthworm's mood has improved a lot

"I promised Ren that I would try my best to capture the killers alive, and then send these captured killers to Ren."

When Earthworm said this, he looked at Xiao.

Xiao nodded.

"There's no problem with this"

"If this is the case, the scavenger team should have helped us eliminate many killers before, and we should give some rewards in response to our feelings and reasons."

Xiao Jiang said it nicely.

When he said it, it became���The Yin Beast did not help because it was afraid of the Scavenger Team, but because the Scavenger Team helped first

"Give all the killers you captured alive to me. I will sort them out later and give them to you, earthworm."

"Earthworm, go and hand them over to the scavenger team."

Earthworm 5.0's face fell.


Xiao showed a smile

"This is the job you took over. If you don’t do it, how about we do it?"

"However, if someone is willing to take your place, then someone else can go. Earthworm quickly looked at the others.

At this time, the other Yin Beast members subconsciously took a step back.


Xiao Xiao glanced at the person next to him

"Okay, let's take action"

"Work in pairs."

Suddenly, the Yin Beast members scattered in all directions.

Earthworm, sharp claw.

Porcupine, blond hair. Sick dog, leech.

Old man, handless.

Bat, owl.

Sharp Claw glanced at the earthworm next to him.

"Senior Earthworm, is that scavenger team really that strong?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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