"What did you do to him?"

Xiaojie rushed to Yi Mi angrily.

"It's none of your business. Yi

Mi said:"I am his brother. This is a matter within our family. It does not require the consent of an outsider like you. Do you understand?""

"I'm Killua's friend"

"A killer doesn't need friends."

Yi Mi stared at Xiaojie, with a dangerous aura in his eyes.

"If Killua insists, then I will help him clean it up."

Immediately, Yi Mi's murderous intention was released towards Xiaojie.

Before Ren could make a move, Hisoka next to him took the first step and helped Xiaojie offset the pressure.

"Ilmi, he is mine."

Yirmi glanced at Hisoka and looked away.

Xiaojie felt very aggrieved.

On the one hand, he was bullied by Hisoka during the previous exam, and he was bullied very hard. Now facing Yirmi, he felt aggrieved. Likewise,"320" was completely helpless. We still had to rely on Hisoka for rescue.

I couldn't accept it all of a sudden. A far away place.

Jin Fulis raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Xiaojie, the path of a hunter is not that easy, but I believe you can do it. After all, you are my son, Jin Fulis!"

Ryan looked away when he saw Hisoka take action.

Xiaojie, you can't die, at least you can't die in this hunter exam.

The battle between Xiaodi and Bokuer has officially begun.

There is no suspense at all.

Xiaodi's strength, He has reached the master level, the same level as Hisoka and Chrollo, and Boku'er can only be said to be good among ordinary people. In terms of potential, Baku'er is not strong at all.

Learned After studying for so long, I learned a seven-color bow, which could not even kill a chimera ant squad leader.

It was not as good as Leoli.

At this point in time, Leoli was much weaker than Bokuer, but soon, Leorio's strength will become stronger than Baku'er.

With a flick of his body, Xiaodi came behind Baku'er


The next moment, Bakuer fell to the ground.

"The third game begins."

Sayaka and Pengsi.

Pengsi is very small and is good at driving bees. In the original work, the bloody letter that Xiaojie and the others saw was sent by Pengsi, using bees.

A very pitiful character, It's a pity that he teamed up with Bakuer.

Otherwise, Peng Si's fate would not be so tragic.

In a sense, Bakuer is a little disaster.

"Sayaka, wins"

"Kurapika wins."

The Xiaodi trio all won the competition, which was as expected by Renne. In the previous exams, Renne did not deliberately arrange anything, but in this last level, Renne still exercised a little care on his team members. A small privilege.

They didn’t have to face bad opponents.

"Next scene, Xiaojie, Bodero."

Gon walked towards the ring step by step.

Baldro, in the original work, was killed by Killua. In this world, he avoided this fate. Although he will lose the next battle, he still needs to be grateful.

However, Baldro himself would not know this.

Looking at Xiaojie, Baldro could not afford Xiaojie.

"Kid, I won’t bully you, so you should take action first."

Xiaojie nodded.

After that, he stepped hard to the ground.

It exploded in an instant.

Suddenly, Xiaojie's speed increased to the extreme.

Bodero's face changed.

"So fast."

Baudero found that he had underestimated the enemy too much. Although Xiaojie was younger, he was no weaker than himself, and the situation became very bad for him. Once the advantage of the first move was given away, it would be difficult to get it back.

Xiaojie's The attacks were connected continuously.

A series of encounters made Xiaojie's mentality a little broken at this time.

Therefore, Xiaojie vented all the situations into this competition.

He shot with all his strength and exceeded the limit.

Bodero retreated repeatedly.

In this situation, This made Baldro blush.

He was such an old and experienced fighter, but he had to lose to a brat, an opponent who was a grandson. This made Baldro feel very unbearable.

"I do not want to!"

Baldero roared, and out of thin air, a force burst out.

Renn couldn't help but look over.

He didn't expect that Baldro could actually sprout new buds from an old tree and break through in the face of the battle.

Baldero had a smile on his face.

"You're out of luck, kid."

After breaking through the limit, Bodero regained his advantage.

However, soon, Bodero discovered that in fact, it was not just him who broke out. Xiaojie on the opposite side also broke through the bottleneck and became better than before. Stronger.

This discovery made Baldro so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

For a moment, he felt the emotion of"How can I be bright when I am born with Yu"?...

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I must win this competition."

The aura on Xiaojie's body became stronger and stronger.

He bumped into


Baudro flew out upside down.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Xiaojie was stunned for a moment.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Ren came to the side and took a look.

"He's fine. The blood he's bleeding is not from serious injury, but from anger."


"Yes, it may be that I feel unbearable after being defeated by you."

Ren explained a few words casually.

"Next game."

Two figures walked into the ring.

Hanzo and Geneda.

In this hunter exam, Hanzo is one of the few potential candidates without background.

Gon and Killua both have backgrounds.

The three of Xiaodi are Qing Members of Dolph's team.

Hisoka and Ilmi are already mature telekinesis users.

Only Hanzo and Leorio are geniuses among ordinary people.

After more than ten rounds,

Hanzo won.

In the original work , Gonzo and Hanzo had a fight. Gonzo was no match for Hanzo and adopted an almost rogue method to win.

Because of Nitro's bad taste

"Next game, Hisoka, Dongba."

Hisoka squinted his eyes and walked towards the ring.

Leorio pointed his finger at Dongba.

"Uncle Dongba, come on."

It was mostly meant to be sarcastic.

Dongba glared at 1.9 Leorio fiercely.

He coughed dryly and emboldened himself.

After that, he walked towards the ring step by step.

He crossed the line of the ring with one foot.


Hisoka took out a deck of cards from his arms.

The next moment, Dongba shouted at the top of his lungs

"I surrender!"

Hisoka was stunned for a moment, then silently took the card back into his arms.

Renne shook his head.

If you want to admit defeat, why do you have to wait until the last moment? You can do it before.

At this point, many people are interested. Everyone is looking forward to the battle between Dongba and Hisoka.

Including Renn.

Many people have speculated whether Dongba is hiding his strength.

This time, it is an opportunity.

But as soon as the voice of"the game begins" fell, Dongba chose To admit defeat, I have to say, gave the expectant the worst answer.

"Hisoka, victory."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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