The canyon is bottomless.

Ren hesitated, picked up a stone from the side, and threw it into the canyon.

No sound of landing came back.

This proves that the depth of the canyon may be deeper than Ren expected.

"According to the information obtained by Rooney, the fourth Dark Sonata was thrown from this place. With the special material of Dark Sonata, it should not be damaged."

"What's more, Dark Sonata is still enveloped by Nian."

"But I just don’t know where it will end up."

A white cat appeared next to Ren.

Without the white cat, Ren would not dare to go down this canyon. Although Ren is very confident in his own strength, few people in the human world can~ He is his own opponent.

However, the unknown is scary.

The dark continent is the real continent.

The human world is just a small island in the lake in the dark continent.

In such a canyon, there is Renn would not be aware of the situation of the creatures in the Dark Continent.

And Renn had no information about such creatures.

They were extremely dangerous.

"Let's go down!"

The white cat came behind Renn and grabbed Renn with its four paws.

The figures of one person and one cat began to slowly descend.


Ren didn't use lights or anything. It's not very useful. It's dark in this canyon. Using lights will attract the attention of the creatures inside. In that case, Ren will become a target. The creatures in the canyon , is very likely to attack Ren.

In comparison, using the circle is undoubtedly a better choice.

First, the circle is not so easy to attract the attention of other creatures.

Second, the circle's observation range is much stronger than the line of sight. , even if it was blocked by something, Madoka could sense the existence of that thing.

It was already a hundred meters below.

Renn didn't feel the bottom of the canyon at all.

There were very few creatures around, and only some had the ability to fly. A gust of wind blows below the canyon, carrying the smell of mud.

"Below, there is most likely a swamp."

Ren's figure continued down.

Two hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

There is a certain degree of biological fault here.

There are no traces of any living things.

Because there is no food here.

Without water, there are no plants to survive. There is no plants, there would be no animals.

Further down

"It’s already a thousand meters."

Suddenly, a black mass slammed towards Renn.

Renn raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger.


The telekinetic bullet landed on this mass of darkness.

Killing the opponent

"Is it a bat?"

Ren frowned.

"It looks like we're almost at the bottom of the canyon."

"Bats are carnivorous creatures."

The next moment, dozens, no, hundreds of bodies, collided in the direction of Renn.

Renn quickly changed the weapon in his hand.

"M37-Gatling Gun"

, all of them were bats.

Countless telekinetic bullets poured out.

The bats fell one after another.

However, the number of bats increased instead of decreasing.

Renne had to change weapons again.

"M3 - flamethrower."

The flames were burning.

The burning smell of the bats rushed towards me instantly.

Finally, the bats stopped attacking.

Ren threw a flare down.

He saw dozens of caves on the mountain wall, like holes. , densely packed, the previous bats flew out of such a cave.

And below, just as Ren guessed, it was a swamp. A mixture of water and mud.

From time to time, a bubble appeared on the surface, exploded, and there was a smell. Emitted from inside.

Ren stared down, eyes slightly narrowed

"Below this, there is a very large creature hiding."

The radius of Renn's circle reached several thousand meters.

However, at this time, Renn did not release his circle to the maximum. The larger the circle, the greater the consumption.

Moreover, the swamp below has a certain effect on Nian. The interference effect.

What Ren can feel is what it looks like three hundred meters underground.

"Three hundred meters below, there is still a swamp"

"But if I want to expand the scope of the circle to a lower area, I must concentrate more, and in this case, I must first deal with the creature below."

"Otherwise, when I am concentrating on my perception, this creature suddenly attacks me, which may pose a death threat to me."

Ren asked the white cat to raise his height.


"Use the character, the Berserker!"

"Charge up, laser cannon!"

Energy is condensed in Ren's hands.

····Seeking freshness······· next moment.

A ray of light shot out fiercely.

The carrier is extremely powerful.

What Ren used was not an ordinary small colorless crystal, but a large colorless crystal.

Coupled with the function of electricity storage.

The power of this laser cannon was greater than anything Ren had used before.

Straight, stabbing into the swamp.

Immediately, a hole exploded in the swamp.

The laser continues to extend downward.

Until, hit


The creature below was hit and let out an angry roar.

When Ren's circle passed, this creature sensed Ren's existence, but it did not act rashly, but was waiting for the opportunity.

Waiting for Ren to get close enough to the swamp..After that, he will emerge from inside in an instant...............0

Swallowed Ren into his belly.

This creature can sense the energy in Ren's body.

If you eat it, it will definitely be a great supplement.

But what it didn't expect was that Ren was much more cautious than it expected, and he also had such ultra-long-range attack methods, which caught it off guard.

The laser cannon fell on this creature.

With a roar, he rushed out suddenly.

Countless amounts of mud splashed out

"Quick, go up."

The white cat led Renn and kept raising the height.

Below, a black shadow came up.

Renn could see the opponent's appearance clearly.

It was a snake. It was very big.

The diameter reached several meters and the length was several meters. One hundred meters long.

And more importantly, this snake has the aura of thought in it.

This is no ordinary snake.

It is no less than the snake summoned by the Archbishop of Angola.

A bloody hole, in The back of the giant snake was caused by Ren's laser cannon.

It was blocked by the mud at the moment and did not continue to bleed.

The giant snake climbed directly on the rock wall of the canyon and rushed toward Ren.

Its bloody mouth opened for a while. The strong stench hit Renn.

Renn saw the right moment

"Use the character, Juggernaut!"

"Breaking the Army and Rising Dragon Strike!"

In a moment, Ren's figure appeared under the giant snake's jaw.


It hit the giant snake's jaw directly.

The powerful impact made the giant snake's head rise involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards

"The raptor cuts through the air!"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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