After everything was arranged, Renn decided to set off again.

Terumi Mei stood at the entrance of Amegakure Village and said goodbye to Ren, and set off back to Kirigakure Village.

Sanshouyu Hanzo obeyed Ren's order and changed the place where Yahiko was guarded from a dungeon to a house in the village, and personally built a barrier with poison gas around him.

Whether someone is trying to break in or Yahiko wants to escape, he has to think twice.

Renn was very satisfied with Sanshouyu Hanzo's approach. Before leaving, he asked him to develop Yuyin Village and be wary of enemy infiltration.

Terumi Mei returned to Kirigakure Village and brought Ren's password.

He once defeated Yagura and rescued Kirigakure Village from the cruel policies. The villagers naturally listened to his words, and Terumi Mei was very powerful, so he was completely qualified to take on the Mizukage.

The two parties have made arrangements, and although Terumi Mei is reluctant to give up, she still feels at ease to increase her strength in Kirigakure Village so that she can help Ren more in the future.

At this moment, Xiaonan followed Ren and walked towards the outside of Yuyin Village.

About a mile away from the village, Ren stopped and turned to look at Xiaonan.

Xiao Nan was looked at inexplicably and felt very uncomfortable.

"Any questions?"

Xiaonan raised his eyes and looked at Renn, his eyes full of questions.

Renn reached out and touched his chin out of habit, and asked thoughtfully:"I was wondering, where are your 600 billion detonating talismans hidden?"

This sentence caused an uproar in Xiaonan's heart.

How could he know this?

Xiaonan looked very nervous for a time, and he was afraid that Ren was just testing him. He suppressed the curiosity in his heart and pretended to be nonchalant and asked:"What six hundred billion? Detonating charm? I do not know."

Ren was thoughtful. He was actually not sure whether the detonating talisman currently in Xiaonan's hand was 600 billion. He just asked based on what he remembered. But looking at Xiaonan's reaction, even if there is not 600 billion, there is still a lot. , otherwise why would Xiaonan be so nervous?

"deny?"The corner of Ren's mouth raised slightly, and he looked at Xiao Nan and smiled. Xiao Nan took a step back and shook his head firmly, indicating that he really did not hide any detonating talisman.

Ren was not in a hurry. Anyway, the matter had just been resolved. The destination is still far away, so why not tease Xiaonan here?

"Let me tell you, the Xiao organization is so poor, should you have to pay for it?"

The news revealed in this sentence made Xiaonan's heart tremble. The Akatsuki organization is indeed not rich now. It can only maintain operation. And judging from Ren's meaning, he is sure that he has hidden the detonating talisman. But how did he know? What about the financial situation of the Xiao organization? Why does he know this so well?

Xiaonan has never let Ren come into contact with Xiao's internal organization, let alone let Ren see the accounts.

She doesn't dare to think too much and let Ren see it. When the mistake came up, he just insisted that he didn't have a detonating charm.

Seeing that Xiaonan couldn't get it out of his head in one or two sentences, Renn continued:"They say girls spend a lot of money and buy a lot of things, but Xiaonan, there is a way to spend money. Count."

Xiao Nan blushed at what Ren said. She quickly turned half of her body and didn't look at him. She just lowered her head and rubbed the ground with her toes, refusing to admit it.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't spend a lot of money."

Ren admired Xiaonan's rare shyness, and bent down to put his face in front of Xiaonan:"Actually, I never told you that I have the ability to search for souls."

"Soul searching technique?"

Xiao Nan looked at Ren with suspicion.

She had heard of this technique before, but had not seen it with her own eyes.

"Right, so I know that it's not surprising that you have the detonating talisman."Ren shook his head, stretched out his hand and tapped Xiaonan's forehead:"Tell me the truth, little girl."

"I still don't believe it unless you show proof."

Xiaonan bit her lip to avoid Ren's finger, but she stood still and allowed Ren to click.

Ren raised his eyebrows:"You are really suspicious. In this case, then I You will be convinced."

Xiao Nan nodded and waited for Ren to continue.

Seeing Xiao Nan obediently waiting for evidence, Ren suddenly thought of teasing her.

He lowered his head and put his face in front of Xiao Nan with a serious expression:"If I say After everything, you still don't tell me the location of the detonating talisman, so I will use the soul-searching technique on you to let you experience the feeling of peeling off your soul and flesh."

Konan shivered in fright and took half a step back.

Ren straightened up, frowned and thought for a while, then said:"By the way, I thought about it. You, Yahiko and Nagato have known each other since childhood and have been dependent on each other. From Jiraiya, right?"

Xiaonan nodded. This experience was indeed what Ren said. The three of them had known each other since childhood.

"But I also know that when you first met Nagato, you gave him a piece of bread and then brought him back to you and Yahiko's secret base, right?"

As soon as Ren finished saying this, Xiaonan couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice. Only the three of them knew about what Ren said.

Even Jiraiya didn't know it in such detail!

"I also know what you gave Jiraiya when you met him."

Ren pressed forward step by step, gradually breaking down Xiao Nan's psychological defense.

Xiao Nan couldn't help but retreat, and her eyes couldn't help but look at Ren's lips. She was afraid and looking forward to it, wondering if Ren could tell the correct answer. And he was afraid that Ren would use this power on himself.

"You folded a paper flower on a cookie sheet and gave it to him."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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