Gaara broke free from Ren's hand, ran to the side and hid, watching Rasa and Ren confront each other.

"You actually created this kind of puppet?"

Rasha couldn't believe that the tailed beast container that even Chiyo's mother-in-law couldn't build was actually made by this man who came to Sand Hidden Village for the first time?

Ren stood there without saying a word, quietly feeling the surroundings. He was shocked and frightened, with complicated eyes of admiration.

The puppet squatted behind Ren, staring at Gaara with its dark eyes, as if it would pounce on Gaara in the next second and seize the one in Gaara's body. Crane dragged out

"Later you will study how to pull the tailed beast out of Gaara's body."

Ren left these words and left.

Rasa, Granny Chiyo and others were left looking at each other.

When Ren walked away, Granny Chiyo's face immediately darkened and she looked at Gaara.

Rasa stood aside, Worried.

On the one hand, it was because he was worried about Ichibi Shukaku, and on the other hand, he was shocked by Ren's strength.

He knew clearly that Ren's move was very rude and offended the Sunagakure Village, especially hitting him, the Kazekage, in the face.

But none of them could beat Ren. They could only be obedient.

The others were shocked that Ren was able to create that kind of puppet.

You know, even Scorpio, who is known as the genius puppet master, did not defect. Such a thing could not be built before!

What's more, according to the first batch of defeated ninjas, Ren probably didn't know the puppet technique before.

He learned it by fighting with them.

This statement This caused the entire Sunagakure Village to fall into madness.

The worship of the strong overshadowed the losses caused by Ren for a while, as if his previous behavior of defeating the ninjas of Sunagakure Village was just self-defense.

Some even regarded Ren as their idol. , followed Ren, wanting to ask him for ninjutsu.

Ren sent those people back one by one, and took Konan to rest in the house of Sunagakure Village.

"Ren, what are your plans?"

Xonan looked at Ren and found that she couldn't understand more and more what Ren was doing.

At first, she thought Ren was just looking for someone, but later she found that he had no acquaintances in Sand Hidden Village.

And as After Ren created a puppet that could accommodate the tailed beast, he thought that maybe Ren's initial target was the one-tailed beast Shukaku.

But why did he want to possess the one-tailed Shukaku? For power? But why did he create another puppet


How about creating a puppet to accommodate the tailed beast?

Why not directly seal the tailed beast in your own body? With Ren's strength, suppressing the Ichibi Shukaku is a piece of cake, and there will be basically no situation like Gaara's out-of-control rampage..

Could it be that he had other plans?

Xiaonan had a lot of thoughts, waiting for Ren to give her an answer.

"For the tailed beast."Ren took a sip of the tea on the table and replied lightly.

Xiaonan wanted to ask again, but suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a crisp female voice sounded outside the door.


Xiaonan looked nervous and asked immediately

"It was Granny Chiyo who asked me to come over and inform Lord Ren."

The female voice said respectfully.

Renn stood up and took Xiaonan out of the house.

The woman led the way. Renn couldn't help but look down and saw that she had a hot figure, and her beautiful long hair was spread on her back. She swayed with the movement. Swinging.

She may have noticed Ren's gaze, turned around and smiled gently at Ren, then turned around and continued to lead the way.

An uncomfortable emotion surged in Xiaonan's heart, and she pulled Ren:"Be careful with her, I I always feel like the way she looks at you is wrong.

Renn laughed and said,"Okay.""

Soon the three of them arrived at the house where Granny Chiyo was. In addition to Gaara and Rasa, there were Ren and others.

"Lord Ren, I wonder how much you know about tailed beasts?"

This sentence really confused Ren.

His understanding of tailed beasts was all based on his experience of watching anime in his previous life and system reminders.

It is said that the nine tailed beasts are the nine tailed beasts separated from the body of the ten tails by the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo in ancient times. Chakra.

And Ichibi Shukaku is also one of them. He is a raccoon dog with curse seal patterns all over his body. He ranks ninth in power among the nine tailed beasts and is good at using wind escape and magnetic escape sealing techniques.

Now it is It was sealed in Gaara's body.

After hearing what Ren said, Granny Chiyo was silent for a moment and nodded:"Yes, you are right, but do you understand? If the One-Tailed Shukaku were forcibly removed from Gaara's body, would he die?"

After hearing this, Ren suppressed the joy in his heart, but pretended to be cruel, and said in a deep voice:"I don't care about this, I only want one Shukaku."

"Sir, this kid Gaara is still young, if he loses his life because of this matter."

Grandma Chiyo couldn't bear it, and begged Ren for mercy, hoping that he would not forcefully separate the tailed beast for the sake of Gaara still being a child.

"I'll try it myself."

Ren personally stepped forward, grabbed Gaara, and put him together with the puppet he made.

He took action, and Ichibi Shukaku felt a huge, irresistible force forcefully pulling himself out of me. Gaara's body.

Luo Sha couldn't bear to see her biological son suffer this pain. She stepped forward to stop Ren, but was stopped by Granny Chiyo._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

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