"It's time for us to go down. "

Alex stabilized his mentality, but his subordinates did not, and the defensive base was broken by Wren, and Anthony and Danny caught it, and then, the entire defensive base was captured.

Those ordinary people, in the face of the alliance of the two elders, were no opponents at all.

The elder himself is one of the most powerful minds in Meteor Street.

As long as the defensive base shows the slightest flaw, it is impossible to stop Anthony and Danny.

Just like the Phantom Brigade invaded the Youkexin Auction, there were so many gang members, but there was no way to take the Phantom Brigade, so they could only be slaughtered.

Alex hid in the steel building and did not come out.

for if he comes out he shall die.

With his strength alone, he couldn't fight against two elders at the same time.

Anthony and Danny didn't have a way to break this steel building in a short time.

Wren brought Maggie and Wojin over.

"Use the character, Street Fighter!".

"Poison bottle throwing!".

A green bottle was thrown out by Wren, and the green poisonous gas entered the façade of the building along the gap.

Alex smelled the scent and frowned.

"Wojin, go find some oil. "

"Yes. "

Soon, Wojin found several oil drums.

Wren opened it and sprinkled oil on top of the steel building.

Immediately, take out the lighter.


The flames burned.

This method was learned by Wren while watching an anime called the Twelve Great Wars, which refers to putting a warrior codenamed Zodiac into the same area.

Let them kill each other.

Until there is only one person left.

The warrior, codenamed Dragon, trapped another person behind a building and used flames to heat the building, causing great trouble to the enemy.

The thermal conductivity of steel is very strong.

If you burn outside, the temperature inside will inevitably rise.

That's when Alex had to come out.

"Anthony, Danny, this oil may not be enough, let your men help find some too. "

"Good. "

Anthony glanced at Wren and realized what Wren was going to do.

Barrel after barrel of oil was dumped.

The temperature inside the steel building is getting higher and higher.

Some people who are not so strong in physique can't stand it anymore.

Moreover, the oxygen content in the building is becoming less and less.

"My lord, I can't do it. "

One struggled and collapsed in front of Alex.

Alex's face was gloomy.


Alex scolded angrily.

This steel building, which is Alex's proud work, can withstand high-intensity damage, and it is fully equipped with materials, which can allow the people inside to live for a long time.

But Alex didn't expect that Wren would use such a method to crack it.

This is something that Alex did not take precautions in advance.

Another man fell.

"Open the door!".

Alex came to the door.

"My lord, but they're just outside. "

"It's nothing, if we don't open the door, we will all be suffocated inside, open the door, we still have hope of life. "

The gatekeeper nodded.

"Yes, sir. "

The door opened, and Alex appeared in the doorway.

Wren, Anthony, Danny, and the trio stood directly in front of Alex.

Two days ago, the four of them were sitting at the same table.

Now, it has become an enemy.

"Do you guys like that much about being under Barry?"

"Are you worthy of yourself for the sake of Barry, working so hard?".

"Don't you want to get more?"

"Join me in overthrowing Barry's rule, the Nine Elders, and they should be equal. "

Anthony sneered and said, "Alex, now that it's time for you to stop saying these things, it's meaningless, your fate has been taken care of, only death." "

"It doesn't work for us to sow discord. "

Alex's face sank.

"In that case, come on. "

"I avoid fighting, and you really think I'm weak?".

"I just don't want to spend my energy where I shouldn't. "

A powerful momentum condensed on Alex's body.

Wren raised his hand and fired a shot.


The bullet went into Alex's chest.

Alex's eyes widened.

Immediately, Wren fired three shots in succession.


Alex fell to the ground with a bang.

With Alex's strength, at all, he couldn't stop Wren's telekinetic bullets.

The entanglement on Alex's body collapsed the moment it touched the telekinetic bullet.

Rennes's strength is at the level of Sisoka and Kurolo during the Youkexin period.

And Alex is just the level of the Yin Beast Leader.

Anthony and Danny's eyes flickered.

I was very surprised by this result.

"It can't be. "

Alex wasn't dead yet, there was still a trace of breath left, and his face was thick with disbelief.

"How can you be so strong?".

Wren came to Alex's side and crouched down.

"The reason why we are not on your side is not because we don't want to get more benefits, but because you are not strong enough. "

"Barry asked all six of our elders to attack, and he alone contained the ten old men and the Yin Beast, do you think Barry will put himself in a dangerous situation?"

"It's not right or wrong, it's strong or weak. "

"Alex, you're too weak. "

Alex's eyes widened.

"What about you?".

"I don't know, but Barry shouldn't be able to threaten me. "

"Then why do you still bow down to Barry?".

"Because I'm not very interested in the power of Meteor Street, and besides, I hate traitors. "

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