“Use characters, gunners!”

“M137 – Green machine gun!”

A machine gun appeared in Wren’s hand, and the next moment, the mental bullet poured out.


Immediately, countless hollows appeared on the bodies of those puppets.

Even the puppet, after being fatally hit, had to fall.

Bido’s face changed.

“Who are you?”

“The one who killed you.”

A large number of puppets fell, and Bido in the middle was revealed.

Wren stopped the M137-Green machine gun.

“Use characters, Street Fighter.”

“Poison bottle throwing!”

“Brick throwing!”

Two skills down, except for Bido, there is no one who can stand up, Bido’s puppets all fell to the ground, which made Bido’s heart drip blood, these puppets, but he, with great difficulty, accumulated them.

“Your Excellency, should there be no grudges between me and you?”

Bido glared at Wren, his eyes red.

Wren glanced at the corpses on the ground.

“You have no grudge with these people, but you have made them into puppets and deprived them of their lives.”

“It is their honor to become my puppet so that they can live forever.”

Wren glanced at Bido.

“Then, it is also your honor that you died at my hands.”

Wren took an arrowstep.

“Use the character, Sword Soul!”

“Ghost Slash!”

Wren’s sword slashed towards Bido and hit directly.

A huge wound appeared on Bido’s body, and even the white bones could be seen.

Bido, crashed to the ground.

“Disassembly machine!”

“Nobunaga, wojin, throw all the corpses into the decomposition machine.”


The turning sound of the gears sounded, and Wren heard the prompt sound of harvest and was very satisfied.

These four people have improved Wren’s ability skills a little bit.

“Now, it’s time to go to the altar.”

Wren took the car out of the parcel compartment, and the four of them got into the car and drove directly to the location where the altar was.

Xicheng District.

When they got to the place, the four people got out of the car, Wren put the car in the package bar, and then Wokin opened the entrance to a sewer and jumped in.

Nobunaga, Wren, Maggie, followed.

A long and narrow passage was completed.

Not long after, a circular space appeared in front of the four people.

It is somewhat similar to the altar of the previous cult, but the area is smaller.

“The shape of the altar is exactly the same.”

“This one is a little smaller, but, breath, looks more weird.”

Wren did not hesitate and directly summoned the decomposition machine.

After that, the altar is disassembled.

Suddenly, a black shadow passed by.

Maggie’s mind moved, and a net was thrown over.

The black shadow crashed into the net.

Wren looked over.

A spider was looking fiercely at the four people.

Immediately after, another spider appeared, appearing next to the first spider.

The third, the fourth…

Wren’s expression became serious.

“I didn’t expect the altar here to have such a defense.”

“But it’s just right.”

“The strength of these spiders is not comparable to the one killed by Jin Fulix.”

Wren cut off one of the edges of the altar with a sword, and then threw it into the decomposition machine.

The spiders seemed to be enraged and became crazy and hysterical.

After hearing a sharp sound, all the spiders rushed over like Wren’s side.

Apparently, he wanted to kill Wren, the murderer who destroyed their altar.

“Use characters, Street Fighter!”

Singled out to use Sword Soul, one-to-many, using Street Fighter.

When Wren changed jobs, he considered various battle situations.

And in fact, it turns out that Wren’s choice is not wrong.

Gunsmith, long-range sniping, if there is no gunsmith profession, Wren wants to kill Gar, it will not be so easy, and even the level in Meteor Street, the tower tower of Lofita, can not pass.

And Sword Soul is Wren’s strongest single-handedness character.

One-to-one, this is the best to use.

But in today’s case, Street Fighter is undoubtedly the most suitable.

“Brick throwing!”

A brick smashed on the body of a spider, and the next moment, the brick shattered and splashed on other spiders, causing splash damage to these spiders.

On the other side, Maggie, Wokin, Nobunaga, and the three also faced the siege of the spider.

Spider after spider fell, but more kept appearing.

Wren frowned.

“You guys hold on, I’ll go find the source.”

Wren looked in one direction.


After that, suddenly, he crashed head-on.


Several Wren appeared, and now Wren can maintain three doppelgangers at the same time.

The spiders pounced on Wren’s doppelganger.

A long and narrow passage.

The next moment, Wren rushed out and saw a huge spider nest.

There are cobwebs everywhere.

Countless spider eggs are densely strewn in the web, and there are countless small spiders.

A giant spider, hanging upside down in mid-air.


Wren gasped.

From the giant spider’s body, Wren saw a very strong thought.

“This must be a creature from the Dark Continent.”

“It is impossible for such a terrifying creature to be born in the human world.”

The giant spider chirped, and immediately, countless small spiders rushed towards Wren, and more small spiders, breaking out of the shell from the spider eggs, just born, were already very fierce.

Wren’s thoughts moved, and a bucket appeared in Wren’s hand.

Open it.

The oil inside was poured out, this is gasoline, Wren prepared for the car.

“Use characters, gunners!”


Ferocious flames shot out, gasoline, and instantly ignited.

Wren quickly moves his position.

The spiders that rushed towards Wren were all ignited, fell into the flames, and struggled violently.


The giant spider roared angrily, and more spiders came over.

I want to put out the fire.

Unfortunately, they can’t.

Once gasoline is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish.

Moreover, Wren’s flamethrower is still spraying flames.

The entire space has become a fire.

Wren slipped through the entrance.

After that, the walls were broken, stones were used, and the exit was blocked.

As long as there is oxygen in it, gasoline will continue to burn, and if the oxygen inside is consumed, then the creatures inside will also die due to lack of oxygen.

In any case, the spider inside will surely die.

Wren returned to where the altar was.

Because no new spiders appeared, the previous spiders had all been killed by the three of Maggie.

Wren put all the spider corpses, as well as the dismantled altar, into the decomposition.

One thing after another disappeared.

“Decomposition successful.”

Maggie looked in the direction Wren had been before.

“Wren, what’s there?”

“A spider’s nest.”

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