Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 103 Advanced Magician

"It's not that they don't like me. They want to kill me. Brother Anthony, where did you get the news?" Feifan was shocked. He had been attacked at his doorstep before. This time, he didn't have to think that the other party would definitely send experts here. .

"Don't worry about the source. Just be careful. It will be safer if you can spend more time with Lan Ling and Nia."

This is really exciting. Nia is the daughter of the dean of the magic academy, and the blue spirit loli girl also has status and background?

To be fair, Fei Fei knew that Anthony, the "Night Watch" traitor, would not harm him.

Otherwise, he would not have given him the precious magic gold sword, and now, if Anthony does not come tonight, he does not know that he will be overtaken by two unlucky dukes.

Nothing but interests. In the entire continent, except for the top chambers of commerce, those chambers of commerce of royal courts and royal families are considered first-class, and the remaining chambers of commerce with princely and aristocratic backgrounds account for half.

Individual chambers of commerce that have no power or background will always be at the bottom of the pack, and will be eaten by others while you eat the soup.

If a piece of meat appears in your soup basin, the better one will be taken away, save your life, and the worst one will be killed directly.

Feifan rubbed his hands and looked at Anthony seriously.

"Brother Anthony, although my house is not big, it has enough rooms. How about you stay here for a while? I also want to ask you for advice on some magic swordsman fighting skills."

"Haha, I can't help you. This is an agreement with others. Giving you the magic gold sword is outside the rules. You have to be content."

Look, the more people there are, the more complicated the relationships will be. Except for parents in this world, and at most Priest Ladonna, who will care about themselves?

"No, Priest Anthony, I call you teacher, master. You can't ignore me!"

Qiqi Ai'ai was so extraordinary that he felt that if his parents were still in the barony, he would have spent at most three years of college with Miss Ruth, and then return to his hometown to enjoy life.

However, the way home became clearer and clearer, and he couldn't get rid of the temptation to go home.

So he couldn't die before he found his way home. Is Anthony a good man? Fei Fei didn't know, so he had to try. Anthony's thigh was at least stronger than his little arm.

"Priest? What a missed title. It's a pity that I didn't teach you anything, and I won't teach you anything. You still have to walk your own path."

Ignoring Feifan, Anthony in black cloak disappeared into the night outside the gate.

"Perhaps, if you survive this time, I will tell you something else!"

The cool breeze carried fragments of words to Fei Fei's ears.

"Survive for something else."

Returning to the backyard again, Feifan felt like a different person. He was surrounding Lan Ling and Nia, pouring iced coffee and water. Even the barbecue was taken from Dosta's hand, cut into thin slices with a razor blade, and placed it on the two women. On the plate.

Lan Ling thought it was natural. How could a jerky little girl have the inner odor of a mature woman?

On the other hand, the fire mage Nia's face turned red and she was at a loss. "Didn't I reject him already? Why are you still showing your attentiveness!"

Miss Ruth was also cared for. The gentle girl didn't think that Feifan's face could change so quickly. Anyway, she had seen many of them in her hometown. While smiling at Fei Fei's cuteness, he held down his younger sister Lucy, who was gritting her teeth about causing trouble for Fei Fei.

I saw the slime "Lan Fei" being ravaged many times in Lan Bubble's arms.

The moon goddess rested and pulled her moon back into the clouds.

The little backyard party at the extraordinary residence in the rubble area has come to an end.

The departing Lan Ling was very happy, probably because of her recognition of her charm; some people were worried, and Miss Nia boarded the carriage with a slightly sad look on her face.

When they were almost gone, the little devil Lucy finally released the seal and chased Fei Fei all over the yard. Fortunately, Ruth brought the maid and two knight guards to push Lucy into the carriage.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Dosta, the housekeeper, suddenly transformed into Dosta, his confidant, which made Fei Fei widen his eyes and feel uncomfortable all over.

Stableman Eddie Hubert and his family wanted to stay and help, but Gulie persuaded him to leave. Fat Francis, who failed in a bet at the wine table, was responsible for cleaning.

One moment after another, someone threw a cuckoo chicken leg from the small little tooth fruit tree in the yard. The fat man spent all his strength to put it into the space ring.

"It seems that the two Dukes who made trouble in the cafe still want to play the game of sneak attack and kidnapping. This time it is estimated that it will not be the mid-level combat profession that came last time. It may be a high-level combat profession, a great swordsman." Possibly a great thief too.”

"The person who was talking to you in the living room just now must be the 'traitor' Anthony!" Gulie's voice suddenly sounded from behind Dosta.

Last time, Gu Lie and Fatty sniped down the gray-bearded thief. A seriously injured thief was so terrifying, let alone a thief supported by the Duke's Palace. Just talking about the number of high-level thieves skills mastered, it is only a lot more than Greybeard.

"It was him who brought me news, warnings, and suggestions that I don't know are reliable or not!"

"Is this the reason why adults suddenly become shameless at parties?"

The blushing Fei Fei rolled his eyes at Gu Lie and said nothing, but Gu Lie confirmed the answer.

"Dosta and I are already at level five, and with your 'three series' combat power, it won't be a big problem to deal with four high-level combat professions. But I'm afraid that the other party will not come with four people, or it will be six levels." Combat power like a great swordsman."

"Gu Lie, are there many sixth-level combatants in the human continent? As the second most numerous race in the Brave Continent, our orcs are only slightly less powerful than humans. There is not even one sixth-level combatant among ten thousand orcs. You humans Can?"

"It's not possible in the wilderness, but what about big cities? Especially the main city-level city where the Duke's residence is located."

The exchange between the thief Gulie and Dosta somewhat made Fei Fei feel relieved. Great swordsmen, great thieves, and great magicians are not cabbage, they are all over the streets. Besides, the Duke's Palace Guards in the inner city are not vegetarians, allowing high-level combat forces to run amok in the city.

Just as he was thinking about the Guards, there were two Air Guard spacecraft with huge light beams flying slowly in mid-air.

After saying good night to the three of them, Fei Fei came to the bedroom and placed four high-level water magic skill books on the table.

Last night, I was indeed taught a high-level water magic - "Ice Arrow" by Fei Fei.

However, when he was besieged by the Moon Wolves on Mount Dawukan, Feifan drained all his magic power reserves without throwing out a single "Ice Arrow."

Now that his life was threatened again, Fei Fei felt that he could try again.

Holding an ordinary one-handed stick inlaid with water magic crystals in one hand, he slowly chanted the "Ice Arrow" spell in his mouth.

First, the surrounding water elements began to gather in large quantities, and then using the water magic crystal on the top of the wand as a connection point, the magic power in the extraordinary body began to communicate with the surrounding free water elements.

A pale blue light flickered on the top of the wand, and a multi-edged ice arrow the size of an arm formed in front of Feifan.

A cup of scalding coffee on the table was instantly frozen into ice lumps. Compared with the intermediate magic "Ice Arrow", the high-level "Ice Arrow" is more powerful and the extreme cold is even more severe.


The ice arrow flew out of the open window at high speed, bursting at the extreme limit of the magic skill's range, turning into a large cloud of ice mist.

"It's done!"

Striking while the iron is hot, Fei Fei happily picked up the four scrolls of high-level water magic skills on the table and slapped them on his forehead one by one.

The advanced skill "Holy Water Rain" failed! "Ice Shield" failed! "Weak Water Without Traces" failed!

"Is it still too much?"

Holding the last magic skill book in his hand, Fei Fei slowly picked up the other three skill books that failed in practice and prepared to put them back into the golden space.

"Nima, there's a chance that there will be one of the four people in the last one, come on, come on!"

The "Summoning Water Element" high-level skill book glowed with blue light, and then gradually dissipated in the air in front of Feifan's head.

"Second company, second company, six six!"

Suppressing his excitement, Fei Fei quickly focused his attention and mobilized the few magic powers in his body after releasing the "Ice Arrow".


A small dot shaped like blue water waves appeared next to Feifan's legs, not even reaching the bend of his knees.

"This is so fierce and cute!"

Wanting to praise myself for being extraordinary, I almost fell down on the water element.

I don't know if this small body can support myself. Fei Fei squatted down and held up his hands, but his hands could only feel that they were passing through the stream.

Apart from the comfortable coolness, there is nothing in my hands.

Due to his size, the speed at which he recovers mana can actually be worth the magic power consumption of the little "water element".

In other words, as long as Extraordinary continues to output magic power, the water element will theoretically always exist and will not disappear.

Unexpectedly, demonic summons like "Hellfire" not only require the summoner's magic power supply, but also have time constraints.

I just don’t know if the water element will be more powerful when it’s full of blue.

I can finally have a good night's sleep.

In a small white building less than 200 meters away from Feifan's residence, four people were sitting around a small round table, staring at a block map of the rubble area.

One of the high-level thieves wearing black leather armor yawned and looked at the two people lying nearest.

"Master Knight, today is a good opportunity. Drunk prey is always easier to kill than sober prey."

"I am only a deputy. Out of respect for the Lord Knight, I cannot be called that in the future!"

A middle-aged knight called Knight Commander said lightly, but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he was still very satisfied with the title of his subordinate.

"Master Magician, which of these two plans do you think is more likely to succeed?"

The proud black-robed magician was too lazy to respond to the thief's ignorance, but he still showed due respect to the knight responsible for this plan.

"Four of us high-level combatants set traps and sneaked in for a sneak attack. The person who made this plan was really brave and threw it into the sewer!"

Sneaking in for a sneak attack is a standard thief style, but the thief who just spoke just buried his anger in his heart. He couldn't afford to offend any of the three people in the room.

The shadow in the corner stretched out his withered fingers and tapped lightly on the second plan. The magician and the knight looked at each other and nodded lightly.

"Then at midnight tomorrow night, directly attack Cordo Feifan's residence and take this ungrateful boy back to the south!"

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