Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 141 The second day of the riot

It is already daybreak, and according to the mainland custom of celebrating the first day of autumn every year, today is a festival to thank the "goddess of nature".

Thank the goddess for a fruitful autumn instead of a troubled one.

At the Grand Duke's residence in York City, a depressing atmosphere filled the living room.

The Duke of York, who was sitting high on the chair, rested his head on the high-backed chair and rubbed his right hand back and forth on the armrest.

The noble mahogany handle is shiny with oil, as bright as a gem.

"Grand Duke, the outer city has fallen, and most of the civilians have been incited by the thugs to join the rebel camp."

The butler reported the latest feedback, and the noble officials and senior guardsmen sitting in two rows in the audience were all silent.

"The castle fortress of the Dukes of the Four Mountains, the manors in the outer city, and the alchemy towers of the major chambers of commerce are all just the rebels trying to confuse us, forcing us to disperse the knights for rescue."

"More than a hundred people appeared outside the Grand Duke's Mansion. The guards on the tower reported that more than a dozen high-level combatants were suspected to be involved."

"After a night of high-intensity fighting, the high-level combat power of the Grand Duke's Mansion has been greatly consumed, and it will take time to restore its combat power!"

"The combat potion traded with the Alchemy Society was robbed last night! The twenty knights who were guarding it were killed in the battle! The whereabouts of the fifth-level knight leader who led the team are unknown, and the situation is very dangerous."

"The battle losses are still being counted. The loss of high-level combat power is not serious. We just need to rest!"

Yesterday, we could hear some good news. For this reason, the nobles gathered in the Grand Duke's Mansion held a small celebration party.

Unexpectedly, bad news kept coming one after another during a short sleep.

"A 'war mobilization order' has been issued to all the marquis, but it will take three days for reinforcements to arrive from the fastest territory!"

The Duke of York stood up and walked around the stage, his cold eyes gleaming.

Just as he was about to say something, a knight quickly walked into the living room and whispered in the butler's ear.

After the knight left, the housekeeper looked at the unruffled Grand Duke and hesitated to speak.

"Tell me, if you hear too much bad news, you'll get used to it!"

"Grand Duke, I just received the news that the armory was breached by the Brotherhood from the internal underground sewers. The knights stationed outside the gate are launching a counterattack to regain control of the armory!"


After returning to the high-backed chair and sitting down, the Duke of York pondered for a moment and told the butler:

"Deploy another twenty knights from the Grand Duke's Palace and let the Blood Word Knight lead the team to recapture the armory before noon!"

"Yes, Grand Duke!"

The butler bowed his head and bowed, then turned to leave.

"Grand Duke, are you still unwilling to accept the help of the Church of Light at this time?"

"God loves the world. We, the 'Knights of Light', are always on standby and can launch judgment against these thugs at any time!"

The speaker in the audience was a knight in full steel armor. His long blue hair was fastened by a golden hairband. He wore a white cape, a fair face, and a chin as sharp as a knife or an axe.

In the entire continent, the only organization that can legally own a regular knighthood is the Church of Light.

The "Knights of Light" under the Church of Light even competed back and forth with the "Knights of Pegasus" from the Principality of Ruhr for the title of the first knighthood in the mainland.

The main city-level city has a "Knights of Light" composed of fifty high-level combatants. Each knight has an intermediate level of combat power or above. The knight leader has a high-level combat power. The lowest level of the knight leader is an earth knight.

At this moment, standing under the stage of the Grand Duke's living room was Phillips, the leader of the Knights of Light in York City.

"Captain Philip, thank you for the support of the Church of Light. The current situation has not deteriorated to the last step. If it comes to the last moment, I will be able to pull off my old face and ask for the church's help!"

After clenching his fists and saluting, Phillips sat back in his seat and continued to sip the delicious coffee.

The Grand Duke, who continued to close his eyes, was soon disturbed by the noisy noise outside. He pulled the hanging rope at hand, and soon the butler hurried in.

Stopping the butler's salute, the Grand Duke asked bluntly:

"What happened outside? Did the thugs start attacking the Grand Duke's Palace?"

"No, Grand Duke, it was the surrounding civilians and nobles who were taking water from the moat outside! The Brotherhood thugs surrounding the Grand Duke's palace did not stop them."

Suddenly, a thin noble stood up and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Honorable Grand Duke, this is a despicable conspiracy of thugs!"

"The moat outside the Grand Duke's Mansion is stagnant water. It is a natural barrier to prevent siege. There is a high-level water magician sitting there who can block at least five high-level combat forces!"

"Now that the big water tower is destroyed, the civilians and noble families outside may empty out the water in the moat in just one day!"

He stroked his beard with his right hand. Of course the Duke of York knew that this was a conspiracy of the Brotherhood, but he couldn't stop it. Only water can survive.

If the Grand Duke's Palace prevents civilians and nobles from getting water, it will be equivalent to pushing the civilians into the arms of the Brotherhood.

This is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy. At least the Grand Duke has not thought of a feasible solution at present.

"It would be easier if there was a great water mage. One 'wave to the sky' is probably enough for the whole city to drink for half a month."

"There aren't many great water magicians in the royal capital, let alone our little city of York!"

"Yes, yes, several rivers in the outer city have fallen into the hands of Brotherhood thugs. The lack of water in the city will only cause greater riots!"

"Fortunately, there are many fountains in the inner city that are filled with underground water, otherwise the entire inner city would be in chaos within a day!"

The high-ranking nobles and officials in the audience were talking, which made the Grand Duke on the stage even more irritable.

"Send a Grand Duke's order to Duke Kurt's Castle. If necessary, blow up the dam on the mountain and divert water into the city."

Following the Grand Duke's order, all the high-ranking officials and nobles sitting there stood up.

"Grand Duke, you don't dare. Don't be afraid of diversion. If it causes a flood, York City will be finished!"

"Yes, Grand Duke, not even the Brotherhood dares to blow up the dam and flood the city. If the news leaks out, His Majesty the King will personally send you to the guillotine, Grand Duke!"

After everyone tried to dissuade him, the Grand Duke of York calmed down his anger a little. He was just dizzy with anger just now. If he really wanted to flood the city of York, the brotherhood would probably jump for joy.

The entire York City guard strength is about a thousand people, and with the large number of noble guard knights living in York City, it will not exceed 2,000 people.

Extraordinary estimates of the number of Brotherhood members who sneaked into the inner city through the sewers are similar, probably less than a thousand.

Most of them were thugs who took advantage of the situation and were unable to do anything under the attack of the city guards and the knights of the Grand Duke's Palace.

This was the earliest consensus among everyone in the Grand Duke's mansion.

As more poor civilians joined in, coupled with thousands of slaves in the outer city, the snowball of riots grew bigger and bigger. To be honest, even the brotherhood that planned the riots was somewhat unsure of what to do. .

At this time, on the underground floor of the armory less than five kilometers away from the Grand Duke's Palace, senior officials headed by York City Brotherhood Arbitrator Da Forman were studying the map of the Grand Duke's Palace.

There was also an extraordinary acquaintance, Sir Green, who also stood beside Daforman in a large hooded robe, attracting much attention.

"This is the topographic map I received from the internal line of the Grand Duke's Mansion. There are no guards distributed. He is just an ordinary gardener!"

"That's enough, Sir Green. Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you!"

The gray-haired Da Forman is in his forties, with a hook-like nose, a sharp chin, and a somewhat narrow face.

"You're welcome, Lord Daforman, these are the basis of our cooperation and my obligations as a businessman."

The armors and weapons for the guards of the Extraordinary Manor were all obtained through Sir Green's channels.

This fat old man with a stout body and golden curls kept the Green Chamber of Commerce in good order and was well-known throughout Olanto.

Feifei didn't have a good feeling about the weapons dealer, so most of the cooperation between the two chambers of commerce was completed by Gu Lie.

"When I capture the Duke's Palace, I can inform the entire continent and inform the entire continent of the purpose of our brotherhood. And I, Da Forman, will lead the entire Oranto brotherhood to the stage and to the sacred."

"The conservatism of the old president is impossible to change the current situation of Olanto. Only through radical means can the ideal of equality and prosperity for everyone become a reality!"

An impassioned impromptu speech made the fraternity followers around Daforman's eyes light up, imagining a beautiful and prosperous tomorrow.

Sir Greene, who faced everything around him with a smile, maintained the etiquette of a nobleman. This did not affect his earning of gold coins.

Before dawn, Fei Fei led everyone to the small single-family villa where the Sissel sisters lived in Central Queens.

After driving away a few street gangsters wandering outside the door, they slept until dawn.

Fortunately, there were baguettes and dried meat reserved by the maid in the kitchen. After a simple breakfast, we discussed whether to go or stay in the living room.

Fatty and Bonnie were still resting in the bedroom, but their spirits were fine.

Miss Mitchell, wearing a half-visor, insisted on going to Burman Tower to look for Master Percy after Bonnie recovered.

Although Fei Fei told Mitchell that Percy didn't know how many levels underground there were in Burman Tower, it was very safe.

The stubborn female warrior accepted her death and Fei Fei was immediately speechless.

"So, the situation is like this, should we find Percy first, or should we return to the manor immediately?"

Dosta is sure that people are there when the tower is there, and people follow when the tower leaves, and the fat man is lying upstairs.

Only Gu Lie can give advice.

"Sir, we should return to the manor immediately, that is our fundamental!"

"Although Master Percy is a friend of yours, I think it is unwise for us to take risks even though we know that Percy is safe!"

"We have no news about the situation in the manor right now. Sir, Miss Ruth is in the manor! Aren't you worried about her safety?"

A sky clear stone in his hand flipped back and forth on the extraordinary finger. It can be said that without this high-level empty clear stone, extraordinary teleportation would not be improved.

In last night's battle, including the subsequent aerial survival, this egg-sized Kong Akashi was the foundation for extraordinary life-saving.

The key is that this empty stone was given by that boy from Bai Xi.

Is this considered an indirect life-saving grace?

Maybe on the way back to the manor, I could take a look at Percy!

The Berman senior executives hiding underground must have a way to know the situation on the ground.

After confirming Percy's safety, he rushed back to the manor.

"I'm taking Mitchell to Burmanta now! You stay at home with Dosta and watch Fatty and Miss Bonnie waiting for our return!"

The decision was made, and there was no room for Gu Lie to refute. Mitchell's only exposed lips evoked a smile, beautiful and good-looking!

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