Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 169 Magic Academy Self-Assessment Competition

At the beginning of the Continental Era, and later when the city of York was established, there were only two schools in the city, Prudential College and the University of York.

Later, in the year 738 of the Continental Calendar, with the intervention of the Magic Guild and the Alchemy Society, the York City Magic Academy was established.

In the same year, the Alchemical University of Canstra in the Royal City of Olanto established a branch in York City.

After hundreds of years of development, the School of Magic has become unique in the field of magic, and the University of York is well-known in the upper-class aristocratic circles.

The Alchemy Academy only focuses on academics and research, and the Pluk Holy Academy has the smallest number of people and only serves the Church of Light.

Of course, the competition among the four academies is not simply swordsmen vs. swordsmen, magicians vs. magicians, but a competition divided into three levels of combat power: junior, intermediate, and advanced.

There are also challenges with no combat level restrictions.

After the autumn outing, Feifan returned to the Magic Academy and was pulled into the banyan tree corridor by Nia. The students who passed by showed understanding, and the bold ones even looked at Feifan with encouragement.

"You are thinking too much!" Seeing the Keen brothers running away with a smile on the black cloth, Fei Fei shouted angrily at their backs.

"What are you overthinking?" He stopped at a tree stump and looked back at the extraordinary Nia inexplicably.

"Nothing, nothing, by the way, Priest Nia, what do you want from me?"

"It's no big deal!" Nia said with some confusion.

"Uh, that's okay, I'm leaving!"

"Hey? Why are you like this? Even small things are important!"

Sitting down on the tree pillar angrily, Nia didn't know that every time she saw Fei Fei like this, she wanted to throw a few big fireballs at him.

No feelings? No, Fei Fei is a sentimental person with rich emotions.

If you leave at this time, you will offend Nia, offend the group of men who love Munia, and offend the dean.

"Haha, just a joke!"

Since he couldn't leave, Fei Fei sat honestly opposite Nia and listened to the lecture.

"Well, this competition among the four colleges is a test for our new priests. If they can get a good ranking, it will give them a lot of extra points for promoted teachers!"

Nia said this very seriously, which made Fei Anle feel very hurt as a priest.

"I heard that this will kill people, so my apprentices will not participate!"

"Have you ever asked your apprentices? You are so self-righteous!"

"They're still young!"

"You are not young anymore!"

Dismissed, self-righteous four words will be returned to you.

At first you said you liked older people and left immediately, but now you say I'm self-righteous? She also said I was old!

Inconsistent woman!

Fortunately, neither of them had any classes in the afternoon.

So there was a harmonious scene in the banyan tree corridor. One person tried to persuade the other, but in the end, no one could convince the other.

"Extraordinary Priest!"

"Priest Cordo!"

Two crisp calls pulled Fei Fei away from Nia's face.

Lined up in a row, seven teenagers stood opposite Fei Fei in the sunshine, serious and lively, which made Fei Fei feel that he was right to reject Nia's suggestion.

This thought lasted less than ten seconds.

The seven contracts for participating in the college's self-evaluation competition were neatly held in front of their chests, and the light in their eyes made Feifan dizzy.

"Humph", Nia stood up and walked away with a face, "If you are not a self-righteous guy, tell them about the dangers of the self-evaluation competition!"

Snowflakes of paper fell from mid-air.

"Huh? Do you think you are a magician after learning magic for a few days?"

"How many magic skills have you mastered? How many low-level 'water bombs' can your magic reserve allow you to release?"

"Those who signed up for the self-evaluation competition are all confident in themselves! Will you go up and deliver the food?"

"I, I, was wrong! Extraordinary great, extraordinary priest! Please calm down!"

Sitting on the tree stump, Feifei suddenly understood how Nia felt when she sat on this tree stump just now.

"But, Extraordinary Priest, why did you only tear up my contract?"

Trunks said very aggrievedly.

This is because even if you are a great magician now, I don’t dare to let you play.

Accidentally, your kid got hung up on the playing field. I'll risk my life on whether the Duke will be angry?

Hey, boy, even if your father isn't angry, I still can't pass the level of kindness in my heart.

"You dare to talk back? The six of them have been practicing for nearly a year, and you have only been here for less than two weeks. You want to say that you are strong?"

Annal, who came to Trunks to comfort him, looked into extraordinary eyes with pleading eyes.

He waved his hand and asked the teenagers to leave.

For Trunks, Feifan has his own ideas.

Obviously, the York family should have a secret that extraordinary people don't know.

Adams's attire and combat skills in the underground temple, as well as Trunks's performance on the training field that day, there is no doubt that the York family has a natural talent for magic swordsmanship.

Despite his age, Trunks was the youngest among the seven, but Fei Fei knew through daily observation that this boy's physical instincts were only slightly weaker than those of the Keen brothers, and even Charles couldn't compare to him.

If there is a most suitable teacher, it is Anthony.

Because when it comes to the combat profession of Demon Swordsman, Feifan himself is still half-full.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon. When the bell in the bell tower rang, Fei Fei gathered his mood and left the college.

Strolling through the streets of the rubble area, the rebuilt gas plant has begun operation, and the job recruitment office at the intersection is overcrowded.

Logically speaking, there should be very few candidates for extremely dangerous jobs.

But Fei Fei had forgotten how valuable the opportunity to work in an inner city was. He had no valid reason to persuade these poor people to seek safer jobs.

I just hope that the top management of the gas manufacturing plant are devout believers and can buy adequate life insurance for their employees.

After walking two streets, I unknowingly wandered into front of Little Henry's tavern.

"Zhi Niu" party doors opened one after another, and the bell beside the door retracted the collapsed spring under the rotation of a gear.


Little Henry, who was wiping the wine glass at the bar, looked up and saw Fei Fei entering the door, lowered his head and continued wiping.

“A glass of extraordinary whiskey!”

This is also the source of extraordinary happiness. Whenever people mention whiskey, they usually emphasize the word "extraordinary".

Yes, there are other whiskeys hitting the streets of York City.

There are rye whiskey, corn whiskey, and even potato whiskey.

A real drinker would not shout out a layman's word like a glass of whiskey.

Add ice and pour wine.

Putting the wine glass on a felt coaster and pushing it to Fei Fei, little Henry still didn't say a word.

"Is there no news about him yet?" Feifan asked habitually.

"This guy is really not a qualified priest! How could he leave his disciples alone!"

Ignoring the extraordinary complaints, little Henry continued wiping his cup as if he were his lover.

"Oh? Do you need me to take care of you? Cordo Feifan?"

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