Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 269 Fast and Furious

The next morning, Fei Fei got up early.

The trace of gloom in my heart has long since dissipated, and my mood at this time is like this sunny day with the sun shining high and no clouds in the sky.

It's just that the wind is a bit strong.

After having breakfast with Rodney in the college restaurant, Fei Fei came to the black stone training ground for junior apprentices.

Ten teenagers lined up in a line, among them were three unfamiliar teenagers in addition to their own seventh grader of the water system.

Feifan, who almost completely rejected the training plans drawn up by a few or a dozen professors in the academy, was indeed grouped together to annihilate them.

The high-level competition among the four houses that is valued by the college's top management, as well as the final competition for the strongest among the four houses.

For example, in the junior and intermediate judging competitions, they are all accompanied by runners. They are happy when they win and not sad when they lose.

This made Fei Fei a little upset, and he just got up right in Dean Leslie's office.

The dean was so annoyed that he just waved his hand and said, "You can do whatever you want."

So, Feifan applied for a month of intensive training without having to report to the academy every day.

Of course, the Seventh Primary School was also taken along by Fei Fei and taught while training.

"Okay, let the three new friends sit down and introduce themselves!"

"I am Gur, the fire element, you all know me!"

The two elements of water and fire are naturally antagonistic, but this hostility has greatly changed after Fei Fei and Rodney became teachers.

A little fat guy with a tonnage that rivals Gerald's is Yuan Guangguan. He is Padre Rodney's apprentice and is said to be very talented.

"Hi, everyone, I am Fengman from the wind element, and the light wind is my favorite!"

This is a frivolous boy, well, Feifan thinks so.

When introducing myself, I glanced randomly at my two apprentice ladies and focused on them.

"I'm Dunk Benjamin from the Earth Element. Everyone calls me Little Dunk!"

Sure enough, as the son of Priest Dunk, he was already a junior magician when he was less than sixteen years old. He was many times better than his intermediate rank.

Not far away, Priest Dunk watched his son take a step forward, waving his arms excitedly. Judging from the shape of his mouth, it should be "Come on, son of a bitch!"

Next time I have to ask Priest Dunk the name of his neighbor, his potato-like appearance when he stands up, and how his son can be so beautiful.

"I am Annal of the water element. If you are not very familiar with me, please don't call me Anna or An'an!"

Fei Fei could swear to the gods that Anael looked at the frivolous Feng Man when he introduced her.

"My name is Teran."

"Okay, you don't need to introduce me. You are on a different course than the four of them. When you go down, introduce yourself slowly!"

Trunks, who was held back, looked at his eldest brother with a resentful look on his face, feeling extremely disrespectful.

I originally thought that the three college candidates who came here would have one or two thorns in their side, but seeing the eagerness in the eyes of the three young men, Fei Fei didn't know why.

He did not know that the name of Cordo Extraordinary Hero was already known to women and children in and outside York.

The rubble areas in the outer city and the inner city are better. If they are from other neighborhoods in the inner city, they will be recognized in a matter of minutes.

At that time, the reason why the Grand Duke of York wanted to assign two guardian knights to Fei Fei was because Fei Fei was so famous in York.

This name can sometimes be fatal.

Percy's grandfather, the president of the Berman Chamber of Commerce, who was coming on the way, heard that there were also representatives of the military ministers in the palace, as well as the bosses of the Alchemy Society of the Royal Capital, and other forces gathered in York City.

Coincidentally, mid-September is the birthday of the Grand Duke of York, which gives some people with ulterior motives an excuse to come to York.

Through the daily reports from "Vivian Messenger", Feifan knew that there were thieves in his manor almost every day. Fortunately, there were two high-level thieves, Gu Lie and Tarot.

As for Klin's motorcycle workshop, they were all moved to the alchemy tower.

This time out for training, Feifan doesn't have to stay in York City, and can avoid a lot of trouble.

Look at me eagerly. Is that drool coming out of your mouth?

After the training, Feifei was ready to lead the team.

Due to Feng Yue, the academy cannot provide a balloon spacecraft, and can only ride on a six-wheeled carriage.

The arrival of steam locomotives has made Fei Fei no longer interested in carriages. If it is a carriage pulled by Pegasus, you can still try it.

After all, in the extraordinary concept, those who run on the ground are definitely not as fast as those who fly in the sky.

Just like a balloon spacecraft, it is controlled by humans and is extremely slow; if it is controlled by the wind element, Fengyue can travel back and forth to the royal city of Canstra in one day without any problem.

"Ms. mist mist"

A row of five five-color steam locomotives suddenly appeared in front of the eyes of ten teenagers.

Oh, that's where the saliva comes from.

Not only these ten pairs of eyes, but also other cultivators around them saw the scene of the motorcycle appearing. The magic balls in their hands lost their accuracy and flew everywhere in the sky.

"Ahem, why are you standing there? Get in the car and let's go!"

Following Fei Fei's order, his water apprentices sat on the driver's seat without hesitation.

Two girls, Annal with an excited looking Emily.

The three new teenagers were like children seeing their favorite toys. Before sitting in the back seat, they caressed the ground dragon leather seats with their hands and drooled.

"Whether it is a training team or a normal training team, as long as it passes my assessment this time, these motorcycles will be the rewards for the top five!"

"Wow", "pah, pah, pah, pah"!

Emily clapped her hands with a smile on her face. She had approached the extraordinary priest many times and offered 5,000 amethyst coins.

Yes, you heard it right, Emily is a real little rich woman, well, even worse than Percy.

It's just that her net worth is worse than that of Percy, but Emily's parents are willing to spend money on their daughter!

The poor raise a son, the rich raise a daughter, Feifan thinks there is nothing wrong with this statement.

Even the three new newcomers were smiling and secretly encouraging.

Is the youthful mentality, speed and passion enough?

"Set off!"

With an order, the five motorcycles sped forward. Charles took the lead, lifted the front of the motorcycle, and with a sudden squeeze of the valve, the three-meter-high gate of the college jumped through.

In second place was Anael, who also soared into the sky amidst Emily's shouts.

The Keen brothers who followed closely followed Gerald's example. As soon as they flew into the air, the motorcycle fell downwards.

The Fengman boy in the back seat was so frightened that he quickly used a "Light Spirit Technique" to escape the fate of being hung on the college gate.


There was a reflection in the distance, and Fei Fei turned around to look. Isn't the glass window in that direction the dean's office?

"Forget it, Dean Leslie might forget what happened today in a month!"

Feifan, who also wanted to move coquettishly, resisted the thought of showing off his driving skills and walked through the gate honestly.

Yes, he was about to hit the big iron gate. The guard responsible for guarding the gate felt that he was dazzled. The extraordinary priest appeared outside the gate of the college on a motorcycle!

"Did you drink too much in the tavern last night and still wake up?"

The gate guard squeezed his eyes that were dazzled by the sun, pinched the bridge of his nose and turned back to the duty room.

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