Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 374 Boarding the Pirate Ship

After the Holy Roman Empire was divided, the huge Imperial Navy fell apart.

Navy generals loyal to the empire commanded warships and were stationed at the largest port in the imperial capital of Saint Valeran, maintaining the last dignity.

Most of the young generals were divided into two groups. One group joined the navy guard of the Kingdom of Olanto, and the other group joined the Principality of Tar.

Only a few people yearned for freedom and became pirates.

Saint Trite's Navy Guards were originally composed of descendants of the Imperial Navy who became pirates.

The Navy Guards and the Pirates are naturally mortal enemies. The captured pirates will be tied to the wind-fluttering flagpole on the port pier. The wind-fluttering flags swaying with the sea breeze indicate that another life has returned to the sea. embrace.

The navy guards and pirates, plus the sea clan, are just food for powerful sea beasts.

As for the mysterious Sea Tribe people, Feifan also saw real people in the circus in Freeport.

It is somewhat similar to the mermaid in my impression. The male is extremely ugly, but the female sea tribe is graceful and affectionate, comparable to a fairy.

Unfortunately, if you are one of these four forces, you will only become one who will be robbed by the four forces.

The "Whaling Fork" belongs to the outside of the Quartet and is not strong. Facing steel and steam battleships like the "Greybeard Pirates", it can only lower its sails and anchor.

Fei Fei, who was originally curious about pirates, heard the name "Greybeard" and instantly lost his favorable impression of the pirate group that was about to arrive.

The "whaling harpoon" is only one-third the size of the black giant ship emitting white smoke behind it. There is no need to fire the magic crystal cannon. An ordinary impact will break it into powder.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the pirates to approach, Captain Quark once again told all the crew to be careful and not to reveal their flaws.

The pirate group is interested in merchant ships. As for fishing boats, if they come up and show off their prestige, they will leave.

The bottom warehouse where the magic crystals were placed was the four steam engine rooms that were blown up.

The first floor below the deck is a fish warehouse filled with ice, and the second floor is the crew lounge and restaurant activity room.

As long as the pirates don't go down to the bottom warehouse or open the steam engine room, Quark thinks everyone is safe.

The mustachioed first mate returned to the deck and nodded to Captain Quark. The magic barrier in the bottom warehouse had been adjusted to be transparent. Without the magician's means, it would be difficult to detect the fishery.

Feifan, who was dressed as an ordinary fisherman, stood at the stern of the ship and watched the pirate ship getting closer and closer. In order not to cause trouble, Moon Wolf Aguit was thrown into the golden space by Feifan.

Although this so-called "Greybeard Pirates" is not one of the top ten pirate groups, it is still a powerful pirate group that ranks high.

It has five "Black Iron Class" steel battleships and no less than 500 large and small pirate elites.

Obviously, the submarine earthquake and the subsequent appearance of the volcanic island attracted the "Greybeards" who were active nearby.

"Greybeard" must have something like an element detection stone disk, he is quite big.

Captain Quark, who was experienced in sailing, regretted it deeply. If the "Harpoon" had turned around immediately after the extraordinary warning and went towards the pirates, it might have just been expelled from this sea area, instead of being like a tiger like now. The shark clung to him.

The black pirate ship is approaching like a mountain, and the "harpoon" is like a cuckoo next to a wildebeest.

"Bang bang bang" three whaling forks with barbs pierced the deck under Feifan's feet. As the steel cable behind the forks was straightened, a throne made of various sea beast bones slowly emerged from the side of the pirate ship. decline.

Not many people came down from the Throne of Bones. A guy wearing a black triangular felt hat took the lead, and a dozen fierce-looking pirates accompanied them on both sides.

It wasn't until the pirates on Greybeard's side jumped off the deck that Captain Quark looked away from the three harpoons.

"You brave men of the 'Greybeard Pirates', do you know how this little fishing boat of mine can be of service?"

"Haha!" The first mate of the pirate sitting on the throne held a gold pipe studded with gems and took a long puff. "A volcanic island appears not far ahead? Are you interested in going to see it?"

"Haha, this gentleman is joking. We are just a fishing boat. From the spring plowing day to now, we haven't even reached our destination!"

Then the pirate leader asked a few more questions, and Captain Quark answered them fluently.

With a wave of his hand, ten pirates behind the leader came out one after another, in groups of two, to inspect the entire ship.

Facing a pirate group of this level, Captain Quark knew that no matter how soft or hard he was, he couldn't impress them.

The leaders of the five "Black Iron Class" steel armored ships don't look like fools no matter how they look at them.

The two people who came back first were in charge of the deck. Apart from a few slightly smaller spaces, there was nothing to check on the clean deck.

A quarter of an hour later, the two people who checked the first-floor cabin braved the cold and rushed back. Except for the empty ice room, they found nothing unusual.

In the end, only the two pirates who were checking the bottom warehouse did not come up.

Captain Quark's heart was trembling, and his hands were covered with sweat.

Fortunately, on the sea, only the captain is qualified to face the winner.

Quark trusted his crew, but he couldn't guarantee that one of them would accidentally reveal a flaw.

"Dang Dang, Dang Dang"

The sound of going upstairs from the stairwell hit Quark hard in his heart.

The last two pirates walked up to the leader and shook their heads slightly.

The leader nodded and received it, stood up from the Bone Throne, and shouted to the crew members who had their backs turned to him:

"Dear fellow sailors, if you want to join our "Greybeard Pirates", turn around now. From now on, we are our own!"

The leader shouted as usual, but after waiting for a moment, the scene in front of him was very different from what he expected.

Didn't he shout and followers gathered? Or are we "Greybeards" now in decline?

Pushing up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the "Professor" continued to count the waves on the sea.

This group of pirates haven't left yet, and the last light on the horizon is about to disappear.

Staying on the "harpoon", we are in the light. Once we become pirates, we will fall into darkness forever.

Besides, how many rich men have you seen become pirates?

I dare to bet my share of the magic crystal. There is no such fool!

Feifan glanced at the "Professor" meaningfully, turned around and raised his hand.

"I, Korfi, I do!"

The pirate leader left with full of malice. For a skinny young man like Xian Fei Fei, he really wanted to blow up and sink the warship that had been converted into a fishing boat.

If he wasn't afraid that the "Greybeard Pirates" wouldn't be able to recruit people in the future, he vowed to do this.

The most depressing person is not him, but Captain Quark.

When Fei Fei turned around and raised his hands and shouted "I do", Captain Quark almost fainted.

I thought I was dissatisfied with the distribution plan of the magic crystal income, and was ready to join the pirates to get more rewards.

As a result, Quark was dumbfounded again.

Seeing Fei Fei standing respectfully beside the Bone Throne, Quark couldn't help but burst into tears.

"This kid is a good person!"

Only Fanfan remained motionless as he watched Fei Fei's retreating back.

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