Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 377 The Doomsday of Sea Beasts

The volcanic island that was originally only black was now stained with red. Standing on the deck of the "Williams", Fei Fei could vaguely see red mist rising over the island.

There are not many high-level sea beasts in the sea area near the "Lighthouse Outpost". Even the high-level wind chasing beast currently wandering over the island is probably passing by.

Needless to say, if there was an eighth-level sea beast in the field now, the two parties showing off their power would probably have fled long ago.

Through the far-sighted function of the monocle, Fei Fei finally discovered a scene of a pirate being hanged.

In the southeast of the volcanic island, near the side of the "Williams", more than twenty pirates were being chased by a turtle.

The dark-skinned pirates now only regretted that they only had two legs. The turtles chasing people seemed to have not used their full strength. They caught up with a pirate every few seconds and killed each one in one bite.

This is a sixth-level sea snake and turtle. It is not at a disadvantage against a seventh-level sea snake or turtle.

Sea snakes and sea turtles are natural enemies, and both species are interested in each other's tails.

Either the turtle bites the sea snake and then swallows it whole, or the sea snake bites off the turtle's tail and disintegrates the turtle from the inside of the carapace.

But there is a special situation where sea turtles and sea snakes happen to bite off each other's tails. The sea snakes are unable to move without a tail, so they can only surrender behind the turtle's butt.

Over time, sea snakes and turtles will coexist together, which is also the origin of sea snakes and turtles, this wonderful sea beast.

The combined combat power of two natural enemies is not as simple as one plus one.

The Sea Monster Turtle possesses powerful defenses. There is a downward curved hook on the front of its head, and the turtle shell on its back is covered with bone spurs. It can almost be called a fortress integrating offense and defense.

Sea snakes are known for their agility and speed, and their entire body is highly venomous. The venom glands in the sharp teeth of the snake's snout can knock down an adult tiger shark.

The pirates on the southeast coast were not favored by the sea god Portreas and were slaughtered by sea snakes and turtles.

Ahead was the sea, and beyond was a vast free space, but as soon as the sea snake turtle twisted around, it headed towards the southern coast.

The mountains of magic crystals piled up on the coast are existences that are more important than life.

The battle situation in the north of the volcanic island is not optimistic either. The originally one-sided situation on the ground was reversed with the addition of the seventh-level wind-chasing beast.

Low-level monsters are not scary, but low-level monsters with the call of an organization are a bit difficult to deal with.


The roar of the wind chasing beast is not a simple roar.

The chaotic sea beasts that were originally fighting on their own suddenly became different. The sea beasts with high crustacean defense were at the forefront, and the sea beasts with long-range attacks hid behind the human shields, venting their anger unbridled.

And the sea beasts with bloodline inheritance caused boundless waves to hit the navy guards sandwiched in the middle.

Both sides are fighting fiercely, and no one can easily escape from the battlefield now.

The Sea Snake Turtle on the southern coast has been attacked by two seventh-level swordsmen. Judging from their combat strength, they should be the captains of the three battleships left behind.

The wind-chasing beast on the north coast opened its wide periosteum wings, and with one flap of its wings, it left the combined range of the two seventh-level captains, rushed to a battleship without a captain, and threw hundreds of wind blades at it.

On the deck of the battleship, and on the sea between the battleship and the coast, there were corpses harvested by wind blades everywhere.

With the Sea Snake Turtle, one was bitten to death, and the other was bitten to death by the tail. The wide-area magic of the Wind Chaser caused the Navy Guards to suffer far more trauma than the Pirates.

The two captains of the Navy Guards who stayed on the shore could only watch the wind chaser wreaking havoc above their own ship, with no other choice.

Graybeard Jones on the opposite side did not move. Rear Admiral Wellington, commander of the Thirteenth Navy Fleet, would not take action. He did not want to be taken advantage of by the pirate leader.

"Abandon the coast and board the ship with all hands!"

Following Major General Wellington's order, the Navy Guardsmen, who had been fighting for a long time, dragged their exhausted bodies and rowed back to the battleship, not caring to take more of the magic crystals scattered on the coast.

The seventh-level wind-chasing beast was very intelligent. When he saw that the humans in the north had given up the attack, he directly ordered the sea beasts in the north to advance to the south.

Before the sea beasts on the shore could enjoy the magic crystals in their mouths, they were swallowed up by the overwhelming magic bullets.

The high-level super-level magic crystal obtained by Major General Wellington is enough for him to support an overloaded battle.

Three navy warships, with a total of six magic crystal cannons at the bow and stern, powered by super-level magic crystals and even crystal marrow, plowed the northern shore of the volcanic island almost completely.

Except for a few sea beasts of level five or above, the rest could not even find their complete bodies.

Graybeard Jones on the outskirts of the south bank put down the telescope in his hand and said to the people around him: "Wellington is a decisive man. If this goes on, nothing will be left of the sea beasts and magic crystals, but he can knock open the volcanic island." The hard ground facilitates mining below.”

A circle of pirates nodded in agreement, but William Kidman looked at the magic book in his hand with an indifferent expression.

"William, my son, what do you think of the next battle?" Jones asked looking at William who was reading a book.

"Since Rear Admiral Wellington dares to do this, it is obvious that he thinks he can compete with our five 'Black Iron-class' battleships. In other words, the 11th and 12th fleets of the 'Lighthouse Outpost' are now very close to the volcanic island. Yes! Once the three fleets merge, we will be the ones running away!"

After listening to William Kidman's analysis, a group of pirate leaders all nodded in approval.

Among the entire "Greybeard Pirates", Roentgen is undoubtedly the most powerful in terms of debate, but when it comes to wisdom, no one can compare with William Kidman.

Jones, who is on the seventh level, is already old, and his combat power level will only be about this in this life. However, almost all the senior leaders of the Greybeard Pirates were accidentally saved by Jones on various occasions.

Although it does not reach the strength of the top ten pirate groups in terms of scale, in terms of cohesion, the Graybeard Pirates Group is unique in the entire endless sea.

Jones glanced at the two captains who were still fighting with sea snakes and turtles on the coast, and waved downwards.

"Blow the whistle and let everyone on the island come back. Let us also learn from the Navy Guards!"

Both parties returned to the battleship. The dozen or so magic crystal cannons of the "Greybeard Pirates" only fired two rounds, and there were no sea beasts left on the south bank that could escape.

Even the sea snake turtle was nowhere to be seen.

The tower cranes and drilling rigs on the shore were almost completely destroyed, but under the uncovered ground, red magic crystals were everywhere.

A huge sword shadow fell in the northern sky, and the wind chasing beast in the sky tore its periosteum and flew towards the east with a howl.

In order to clear the last obstacle, Wellington took action.

"After clearing the magic crystals on the surface, sail towards the endless sea at full speed!"

After Graybeard Jones gave the order, all the captains returned to the ship. How could Wellington not let them take away the magic crystals, magic metals and materials they collected.

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