Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 408 The reason for showing goodwill

Just when Fei Fei was about to find a cloudless day to return home, Joe Brody from the Gold Saucer Chamber of Commerce came to the boat again.

Feifan was happy with the news Fat Qiao brought this time, but he still had a look of lack of interest on his face.

On the stern deck of the "Black Pearl", Feifan sat cross-legged, with only half a loaf of black bread left in his hand.

The seabirds surrounding him flew into the air after Fat Qiao boarded the boat, but did not leave. They hovered above Feifan's head and screamed "Ooo" to express their dissatisfaction with Fat Qiao's arrival.

Fat Qiao kept smiling, with three layers of chin stacked together, making him look like a good person.

Fei Fei: "So even the Mutual Aid Association and your alliance are ready to make plans?"

Nodding, Fat Qiao only thought that Fei Fei was visiting the Endless Sea. The volcanic island suddenly appeared. There was no reason why this young noble would not join in the fun.

As a reminder from the last time, Feifei still thinks Fat Qiao is a good person!

However, Fei Fei was puzzled by the continuous overtures of goodwill.

Not to mention the city of York, even the royal city of Olanto, Canstra, is synonymous with backwardness and poverty in the eyes of the Saints.

The information about the Golden Disk Chamber of Commerce is extraordinary. Although it cannot be compared with mainland-level chambers of commerce like the Berman Chamber of Commerce, it is also one of the best large-scale chambers of commerce in Freeport.

Businessmen are only interested in profit, this is the principle of existence.

After handing over the wine trade to the King's Court Chamber of Commerce, the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce only retained the single product of coffee beans.

The steady growth in income over the past two years ensures that Fei Fei will have money in hand when he does something.

The production of steam locomotives also stopped when Feifan disappeared. Now that some big forces have vaguely heard that the steam engines manufactured by the Duke's Palace have the shadow of Feifan Chamber of Commerce, this business is also impossible.

Fear often comes from the unknown, but when you lay out the entire deck, the first mover becomes invincible.

Looking at Fat Qiao who was gushing about how nice the weather was and how active the seabirds were, Feifei couldn't bear to interrupt him.

"Vice President Joe Brody, do you have something to tell me? The two pieces of information you have provided in the past two days could be sold for quite a lot of gold coins in the 'Faith Eagle' organization!"

The word "vice president" made Fat Qiao stunned. It seemed that he had found out his details.

"Well, haha! Lord Cordo is so kind to his employees. If the cigarettes in your chamber of commerce are not traded with foreign countries, it would be a blasphemy to the gods if they are only used as gifts!"

It was very difficult to look regretful and depressed with such a big round face, but it made Fat Qiao feel a little happier.

"Haha, tobacco? That's just a gift made by the Chamber of Commerce for friends!"

As a welfare for employees, cigarettes were spread outside for some reason.

From ten dinars per pack to the current price of one gold coin, Feifan even rolled his eyes.

Looking at Fat Qiao's constipated face, Feifan certainly knew how extraordinary the cigarette he was selling was.

Most of the tobacco leaves on Brave Continent are sun-dried or naturally shade-dried.

The cigarettes produced by the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce are baked in Extraordinary's special oven.

As for the techniques of roasting, roasting, and roasting until fragrant, Feifan is unique here.

Seeing Fei Fei's silence, Fat Qiao was a little anxious, "My Lord Fei Fei, you don't know that Fei Fei's cigarettes, that golden shredded tobacco, are even more expensive than gold!"

"That kind of mellow aroma, I only smoked it once and I will never forget it! I'm not afraid of your jokes. I wanted to put away the cigarettes you gave me and go home and taste them slowly. The wind is a bit strong on the sea, haha!"

The cigarette burned quickly when the wind was strong. Feifan was amused by Fat Qiao's words. He took Gu Lie and others with him, just to open up the sign of Feifan Chamber of Commerce in Freeport and slowly shift the focus of York City to St. Trite.

Chamber of Commerce's best living soil is in St. Trite.

The most business-friendly place on the entire continent is the Freeport.

In countries like Oranto or Bitland, what do you businessmen want to do with armed forces?

Looking at the Freeport Chamber of Commerce Alliance, if the volcanic island was not too small, silver-class or even gold-class battleships could come over.

Do you think the Congressmen and Chamber of Commerce can’t see the magic crystal spaceship’s paint wiped off? No one is a fool. If you win, take the magic crystal. If you lose, try again next time if you have a chance.

Back in St. Trite, when walking on the street, everyone should greet each other or greet each other.

Fei Fei stood up, reached out to pick up the bait at his feet, and dumped the large chunks of fresh meat into the sea water.

After a while, sea fish of various sizes came up and down the mouth to feast.

Fat Qiao was about to praise the extraordinary feat of feeding fish, when suddenly a silver light flashed in front of his eyes, and he was so frightened that he almost fell into the sea.

A nearly two-meter silver gun stick was inserted into the sea by Fei Fei, and then a twisting fat-headed fish was inserted out of the sea by Fei Fei.

Feifan persuaded Fat Qiao to have lunch with him, and the vice president readily agreed.

The vice-president of the Golden Disc Chamber of Commerce is certainly knowledgeable. Of course he knows that the staff and gun that made him dizzy are the weapons of a magician.

It was not like he had never seen a skilled magician before, but when Fat Qiao watched Fei Fei handle the fat-headed fish, he suddenly felt that Fei Fei would succeed in Freeport even if he became a chef.

A black dagger with golden light flowed back and forth in Fei Fei's hand. In just two strokes, the head and body of the fat-headed fish were separated.

Two more clicks, and the fish skin and tail disappeared.

Looking around, there was nothing but a table.

"Eat it raw?"

Fat Qiao had seen fishermen eating raw fish, but he thought that was the way barbarians ate.

The two silver plates were filled with white, tender and crispy fish meat while Fat Qiao was hesitating whether to eat or not.

There are two small dishes filled with red "jam".

Fat Qiao still knows about Extra Extraordinary Whiskey.

Fat Qiao swallowed shamefully as Fei Fei picked up the fish fillets with two thin silver sticks and put them into his mouth with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Picking up the fork at hand, Fat Qiao picked up the fish fillet and swallowed it in one bite.

"Tsk tsk! Sweet, tender, and smooth! It's delicious!"

Fat Joe's disdainful way of eating gave him a different kind of pleasure.

Seeing Fei Fei put another piece of fish into the red "jam" and rolled it, Fat Qiao followed suit.


Fat Qiao, who almost vomited it out, watched Fei Fei eat it with gusto. He wanted to say it was poisonous, but he chewed it twice as if he had an aftertaste.

"Suck! It feels like a burning sensation, but after swallowing it, I feel the desire to take another bite!"

Under extraordinary astonishment, Fat Qiao finished half the plate of fish heads and "jam" in just a few strokes.

The shy Vice President Joe Brody looked at the jam in front of Fei Fei, and after Fei Fei agreed, he poured it directly on the dinner plate, squeaking and enjoying himself.

"Sir Extraordinary, where does this jam come from? I can get rid of the merchants there and buy some! This hot feeling is very much like me when I am in love!"

Feifan hesitated. He didn't know whether to tell Fat Qiao that the chili sauce was actually a potted flower in many aristocratic estates.

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