Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 494: Portable Killer Weapon

In order not to attract onlookers, the extraordinary Black Pearl was parked on the flight deck of the Bicrates.

After all, if a 30-meter spaceship crashes into a space ring, even the statement of the identity of an extraordinary high-level insurance broker is unreliable.

Fei Fei believed that his physical attributes had mutated when he came into this world.

He kept these secrets deep in his heart and did not even tell the most trusted priest Ladonna.

Under the dazzling sunshine and the falling snow in the sky, Fei Fei was kidnapped by the commander of the Kailiwen Army, and the two of them drove the Black Pearl aimlessly north.

When the ice floes on the sea gradually increased, even Fei Fei, who had never been here, felt that he was somewhat deep on the edge of the Arctic Ocean.

The end of the field was reached, but Fei Fei found that he couldn't take off the blue hat on his head.

If there were any outsiders here, they would definitely be amused by the extraordinary posture and laugh out loud.

He held his head with one hand and pulled Xiaolan hard with the other, looking at Kailiwen awkwardly.

The spaceship hovered in mid-air, and the two of them stared at each other, helpless.

The north wind howls, "Iceman" is the name given by Fei Fei to these elemental beings. These icemen can fight in the air, so the Black Pearl is not safe.

The spaceship was neither high nor low from the sea, fifty meters at most. A big-headed fish that was twice as big as a tiger shark jumped up from the sea. Fortunately, anywhere in the Black Pearl could interact with the magic array on the spaceship. Establish connectivity channels.

The stationary black pearl seemed to have lost control and fell ten meters, barely avoiding the bloody mouth in the air.

"This is a humpback whale, dominant in the waters on the edge of the Arctic Ocean!"

Looking up at the smooth underbelly of the humpback whale, Kailiwen looked intoxicated.

"It's so beautiful! The whole body is the color of the sea! I have only seen illustrations in books, but I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see a real one!"

Feifan didn't feel lucky, just looking at the huge figure leaping up above his head, Kailiwen's Kung Fu figure was still spreading on the Black Pearl.

With a body twice as big as the Black Pearl, Fei Fei was very sure that the attack just now would not end well if he was bitten.

When the humpback whale broke out of its shell, it was a seventh-level sea beast. After ten years of controlling the soul inheritance, it became an eighth-level sea beast.

With the help of ocean treasures, it is possible to reach the ninth level.

Obviously, it was the little guy on top of Feifan's head that attracted this big guy.

Humpback whales and Iceman are natural enemies. In the eyes of humpback whales, Iceman is a large water magic crystal.

"Bang, boom"

The humpback whale fell into the sea, and the huge sound caused water splashes all over the sky. Broken ice blocks hit the spacecraft like hail washing the ground.

"Fan Fei, hurry up! Find a way to get rid of that thing, otherwise our journey will come to an end today!"

After regaining his senses, Kailiwen was filled with fear. Although the Black Pearl had climbed rapidly, he could not imagine the consequences of being slightly negligent towards high-level sea beasts.

"What can I do? Even if I take out the magic crystal, I can't attract the interest of this blue guy!"

Feifan smiled wryly and touched his head.

"Eh? Where have you gone?"

The little iceman who made their heads bigger than both of them had disappeared from Feifan's head.

"Look! The bow of the ship!" Kailiwen exclaimed, pointing behind Fei Fei.

Feifan hurriedly turned around and saw a "sea urchin" covered in spikes jumping off the bow of the ship.

The spikes of the soft tower collapsed straight after leaving the side of the Black Pearl, and blue brilliance flowed back and forth on the crystal ice spikes.

The two people quickly came to the bow of the ship, leaned out and looked down.

Sure enough, the humpback whale that failed to attack did not go away, but was swimming back and forth directly under the Black Pearl.

The little blue "sea urchin" iceman plunged into the sea with a sudden force, and a few seconds later, the painful roar of a humpback whale came from the sea.

As soon as the sharp and piercing whale roar reached their ears, a huge blue figure suddenly jumped out of the sea and flew straight into the sky.

Isn’t the thorn ball hanging on the humpback whale’s forehead the little iceman?

Little Blue's round body was covered with at least a hundred spikes, half of which were deeply pierced under the skin of the humpback whale's head.

The humpback whale in the sky shook its head and tail, but couldn't get rid of it.

"Now you know how terrifying this elemental life is!" Looking at Fei Fei's surprised expression, Kailiwen teased.

"I heard that you are Saint Trite who came here after traveling across the continent, and so are the two guys fighting in the sky. Ice elements and humpback whales who have passed their juvenile stage will be kicked out of the group, and the best will be eliminated, and they will return on the day of the coming-of-age ceremony! "

Feifan nodded and said with emotion: "I'm just surprised that such a powerful sea beast as the humpback whale actually lives in a group!"

"Haha, that's of course. The higher the level of sea beasts, the higher their intelligence. Of course they know how to stay together for warmth!"

Kailiwen was very satisfied with being able to get out of trouble and save his own life. The Black Pearl was already at a safe height, and he did not refuse Feifan's suggestion to stay and watch the battle.

Except for the fact that young icemen are protected by adult icemen, those who come out to sharpen their skills are often loners.

"Do you know? Except for sea monsters like the Thoros Sea Monster that are so powerful individually, all others would have been wiped out by Saint Trite's ocean fleet if they didn't rely on their tribe."

The humpback whale took the blue "sea urchin" away. Feifan and Kailiwen packed up their mood and prepared to return.

The Black Pearl's sound-transmitting conch can contact Gu Lie, and the two of them are not afraid of getting lost.

Sitting in the bridge of the ship, drinking scalding coffee, Kailiwen did not forget to complain twice.

"Carry a big killer with you. If you pick up an infant Iceman, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble for the Bicrates!"

"We are all magicians, but did you just see the two guys using magic to fight against each other?"

Fei Fei shook his head, curiosity evident on his face.

"They are all high-level water magic, and their magic resistance is not low! In the end, we have to see who is more ruthless to me!"

There was a magic priest who was already accomplished in the system, and his extraordinary attitude suddenly changed.

"Sir Kailiwen, if the Iceman is an elemental life, doesn't it mean that he is born with a affinity for magical elements? Then why is there so little news about the Arctic Ocean on the mainland?"

There is an elemental elf in his own space. Strictly speaking, an elemental elf is also an elemental life, but after close contact, Fei Fei can still feel the difference between the two.

"Ice element, ice puppet, ice man."

"These different names actually refer to the thing just now! The Iceman was once glorious, but after a continental war, he settled in the far north."

"No one knows how the Icemen reproduce, or how they came to be!"

"Just like elemental elves, they can be bred in places with strong magical elements. They are pure elemental bodies! To say that life is a bit exaggerated, because many elemental elves have almost no independent consciousness from birth to destruction."

"Icemen are different. They have flesh and blood. High-level icemen can speak the common language of the road, can think, and can feel joy, anger, sorrow, and joy!"

Back on the Bicrates, Feifan was not punished.

Because if the Iceman clan launches a foreign war, they will definitely recall all the experienced clan members.

The news of the discovery of the Iceman was sent back to Saint Trite by General Andre in time, which was of great help to the Duke's Palace in formulating the plan.

Lieutenant General Wellington even complained to Feifan through Andre that he had not made contact with the Iceman Clan in Bingyang. You must know that the Iceman Clan has not communicated with the outside world for more than a thousand years.

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