Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 531 Bloodshed in Prison

Holiday was lying comfortably on a beach chair on the deck of the spaceship. In the swimming pool a few meters away, several blond beauties wearing a shrunken version of the uniforms of female Navy Guardsmen were happily splashing in the water.

Orioles and swallows are making cooing sounds incessantly!

He took a sip of the special whiskey from the Royal Capital of Olanto and looked at the seagulls circling around him in the sky.

Each seagull held an amethyst coin in its mouth, flapped its wings and dropped the amethyst coin into the gold fruit bowl on the table.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong"

With every pleasant impact, the corners of Harold's mouth widened.

A cloud floated across the sky, and the bright sun in the sky suddenly became dim. The amethyst coins held by the seagulls turned into lumps of bird droppings, and every lump landed on his bald head.

"Bastards, idiots, I'm going to hang you!"

Harold waved his arms, his forty-year-old belly jiggling up and down.

When he opened his eyes, the spaceship was gone, and so was the blonde beauty in uniform.

The dim gas lamp seemed to be mocking him, and several pale figures were shaking in front of him.

Harold shook his head and glanced at the floor from the corner of his eye. The long blue and white tails and the scales looked like amethyst coins.

"Naga! Sea people!"

Harold was sweating profusely. Normally, when he reached the sixth level of combat power, his psychological quality would not make him so at a loss.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of a slang saying among the sea people: a trident in the hands of a sea pig is like a fork in the hands of humans!

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Harold!"

Saratos greeted with a smile, not forgetting to look back at Harold's self-portrait on the wall.

"Please forgive my presumption, is the handsome and majestic major general in this painting really you?"

Harold suppressed his blush and shouted calmly: "Who are you? Do you know where this place is?"

"Let me go quickly. I can pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, in less than a quarter of an hour, more than a hundred high-level guards will fill the corridor outside!"


A huge snake's tail whipped out from nowhere, and Harold's head was buzzing.

"Where are the three captains of the fishing fleet who were captured? I told you that you can return to the arms of Poseidon peacefully in your sleep! If you don't tell me, I will send you to the Devil's Abyss and sink forever!"

Harold didn't want to see Poseidon, let alone lose his soul forever.

Two bean-sized light brown eyes rolled around, and sweat dripped down his chubby cheeks like a stream.


Caught off guard, Harold was hit hard on the face with two more whip tails.

"I say, I say! Several Nagas, they are imprisoned in the most secret prison in Kaladi, I am willing to take you there! Poseidon, everything I say is true!"

Saratos was very satisfied. In his eyes, almost all humans were afraid of death, even lower-level sea beasts.

I am not familiar with Kaladi Prison, so having the warden lead the way can reduce many variables.

He was saying that even under his own nose, he didn't believe Harold could pull off any tricks.

The lowest level of the torture chamber under the sea level of Kaladi Prison can be said to be a revisit to the old place.

The situation of Pan Peter and Captain Quark is different. There are no prison guards on duty in the middle of the night.

After interrogating Captain Quark, you will get shiny crystal stones, which are gold coins that can be put into your pocket.

So Feifan and Momier walked all the way, knocked down the patrolling guards, and reached the execution chamber smoothly.

Having seen Captain Quark's miserable treatment and seeing Pan Peter, the three extraordinary people were able to hold back their anger.

It was Kaladi's custom to nail his hands and feet with iron nails.

Without Fei Fei's instructions, Momir had already taken action after seeing Fei Fei's concerned expression.

Even Fei Fei couldn't catch the trajectory of the rotating finger blade. It turned around and returned to Momir's fingertips.

The buttocks of all the nails were cut off by the finger blades, and Feifan put the four people down one by one.

Sure enough, he was about to die. When he pulled his palm out of the nail, except for the strong guard captain Lenavin, who groaned twice, the other three seemed to have lost consciousness.

Guilt resurfaced in Feifan's chest again. These four young people didn't know anything about iCarly at all, and they didn't even have to confess.

The "Holy Water Rain Technique" is too loud, but the "Soft Water Flood Technique" is enough to heal these injuries.

After the treatment was completed, Feifan and Momir returned the same way, holding two of them.

At this time, Harold, who was taking Saratos on the elevator, was racking his brains to think of a way to escape.

But on the large lifting platform, surrounded by more than 20 Naga knights, he didn't even have a chance to trigger the silent alarm.

All the operations were done by Naga Knight, he said.

"Click, click, click, click."

The lift platform shook for a while, and the gears seemed to be stuck.

Harold seemed to hear the sound of nature. Someone must have discovered something unusual and forcibly braked the elevator.

"Oh, Lord Hai Clan, this elevator may be in disrepair for a long time. Breakdowns have occurred frequently during this period. You can open the small iron door under the control console and check whether the connected steam pipe is leaking!"

Saratos glanced at Harold suspiciously, but his eyes were full of respect.

Lifting his chin, a Naga Knight captain walked out, came under the control desk, and opened the small iron door.

"Yes, there is an iron pipe and a section of copper pipe inside. There is a round valve on the copper pipe, turn to the left!"

"There is also a circular number wheel, yes! Turn 2 and 0. This is the minimum pressure exerted on the steam pipe! It is also the safest amount. However, our descent speed may be slower!"

After some operations, the elevator made a "click-click" sound again and began to descend.

Saratos nodded with satisfaction. He didn't want to kill this man anymore.

But how could he have imagined that according to Harold's words, his subordinates had already spread the warning, and even the combat strength level and number of people in the lift were unknowingly leaked.

If elves are the children of the goddess of the elements, then humans are the godsons of the goddess of wisdom.


The elevator stopped, and when the elevator door opened, Saratos clearly saw the sun.

What is the result when the magic crystal cannon bombards a relatively small space?

Saratos felt it personally.

The moment the door opened, Harold used his fat body to knock over two Naga knights and lay prone in the corner.

The elevator is made of steel and cannot withstand the bombardment of magic light beams, but the magic bullets can still withstand it.

Besides, at such a close distance, even if the crystals used to power the magic crystal cannon are only mid-level, the high-level Naga Knights can't stand it.

After the dazzling light, there were beams of light striking.

Three rows of prison guards were arranged in high, middle and low positions, and thirty magic crystal guns were covering and attacking them one after another.

At the front are five high-level shield warriors, guarding against the trapped beasts in the stairwell.

Saratos was strangely angry, not because of the blue flesh and blood flying in front of him, nor because of the prison guards outside.

But it was Warden Harold who was hiding in the corner and shivering.

If it were in the sea, the sixth-level Saratos might be able to fight for several rounds with the seventh-level combat power and lose to the sea escape.

But when he was alone, his mentality calmed down.

The few remaining captains risked their lives to break through the shield knight's defensive circle, and they were so heroic that they self-destructed their magic cores, opening a way for Saratos to escape.

He didn't have time to kill that shameful human scum, and he couldn't let his subordinates lie down. Holding his missing arm, Saratos launched a charge.

Twenty Naga knights and five squad leaders remained in Kaladi, leaving no intact corpses.

Feeling the call of the water element, Xaratos came to the sewer where Extraordinary Momir escaped, and got in without thinking.

Fortunately, he still had thirty of his subordinates arranged under the wall of Kaladi Mountain. Dragging their mutilated bodies, Saratos shook the blue blood all the way.

He wants the humans who follow him to pay the price, the price of blood.

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