Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 541 Windless Zone

The lighthouse island thousands of miles away was filled with smoke, and the entire island seemed to have been combed over with a comb, and it was devastated.

The huge "Monument of Victory" seemed to have been grabbed at the waist by some kind of terrifying monster. The huge claw marks on the surface of the monument were shocking.

The Elf Archer Legion and the Dwarf Hammer and Axe Legion both shipped half of their combat power to the Lighthouse Island to increase the island's defense strength.

Where is it like now, turned into corpses, enslaved by sea slaves and dragged into the sea by sea beasts.

The battle took place at midnight, and a group of Griffin Knights and two Pegasus Knights were the targets of the first wave of attacks.

The alarmed griffins and Pegasus did not move away from the ground immediately, but fought at low altitude with the besieging Sea Tribe people.

Some Warcraft mounts were lucky enough to have their own riders, and some were wearing saddles, screaming and charging towards the tide-like army of sea beasts.

The heads of the knights of the kingdom of Bitland and the principality of Tar, who were rivals, joined forces to fight against the enemy, and both died in battle.

The leader of the Griffin Knights of the Kingdom of Oranto, relying on his seventh-level mount, fought hard until dawn and broke through to the north.

The rest are all dead!

The camps of the elves and dwarves were built next to each other. When the human knights were attacked, their camps were also besieged by boundless amphibious sea beasts.

Fortunately, the two sides had a period of time to get used to each other. One side was behind and used remote output, while the other side was rushing forward.

There are sea beasts on the ground, and we have to face the super-level magic dropped from time to time by the sea ships in the sky.

Although the elves and dwarves have great combat power, they are at a numerical disadvantage and cannot avoid the end of annihilation.

It wasn't until dawn that the shouts of death, the clash of metal weapons, and the scream of magic bullets gradually quieted down.

The navy guards who stayed behind watched coldly as the Sea Tribe people shuttled back and forth on the lighthouse island. The hatred on their faces was like the huge waves crashing on the shore, layered on top of each other, as if they were real.

The completed body was dragged into the sea, and the mutilated pieces of flesh were directly taken into the mouth of the sea beast and devoured.


A Navy Guards officer's eyes were red, and he was bent over and lying on the ground vomiting wildly.

Standing up again, the officer looked determined, slowly drew out the stabbing sword from his waist, and rushed towards a blue-skinned Naga leader.

"Charge", "Earthshattering Slash", "Fatal Blow"!

The skills of the three swordsmen were seamlessly connected, charging to close the distance between the two, splitting the ground and slashing at the approaching dirty sea beasts.

The fatal blow went straight into the Naga's ugly blue-skinned head.

"kill him!"

The mermaid royal family who stood on the spaceship to intimidate the Navy Guards soldiers on the island gave an order and countless Nagas waving tridents rushed towards the Navy Guards officers.

"Come on, you bastards, I already dislike you!"

The officer raised his sword and charged. The hundreds of subordinates who were blocked behind him killed the Sea Tribe people around him and rushed forward with the magic crystal gun.


Although the morning sun had risen, the officer still felt his hands and feet were cold, but the tip of the trident emanating from his chest was filled with blood, and he could feel a faint warmth.

The officer was pierced by a tall Naga man on a trident, came to the spaceship where the mermaid royal family was, and knelt down on one knee.

The officer did not remember what the mermaid royal Ulla Ulla said. The last image in his feeble eyes was a half-missed victory monument.

Sailing in the endless sea, time will become the word that people are most concerned about and the most indifferent to.

The Black Pearl joined the ten magic crystal spaceships guarding the manor and continued eastward.

What Fei Fei does the most every day now is lie on the top deck and lazily bask in the sun.

Momir and Maggie, one on the left and the other on the right, either lying down or leaning on the railings of the ship on both sides, looking at the sea and the sky.

The spliced ​​map of the Golden Island lies under Fei Fei's head. Not to mention clues, there is no clue.

In the past few days, there was almost one message from Fat Qiao every day, but now in the past five days, there has been no message.

The Golden Channel cannot be found, and heading west now will definitely lead us into the arms of the Sea Clan army.

The spring season is coming to an end, and the further east you go, the warmer the temperatures become.

It's a pity that Momir and Maggie were by the side, otherwise Fei Fei would have only been wearing big pants and enjoying some sunbathing.


"Haha, what a big golden grouper! Sir Francis, not only do you make delicious meals, but your fishing skills are also so high!"

Hehru's cheers echoed from below to the top deck.

Fei Fei couldn't help but smile. Fatty's cooking skills would only be considered good by low-class Nagas who often eat vegetarian food.

By the way, all the chores on the boat are now handed over to the three sisters. After Francis left the restaurant, his fishing skills improved greatly.

Dosta took away two spaceships and opened the way ahead. Gulie didn't like the bumps in the sea, so he also took away three spaceships and followed the Black Pearl in the sky.

The remaining five spaceships surrounded the Black Pearl in the middle and guarded it on the sides.

The journey eastward was uneventful.

Sitting up and rubbing his sore eyes, Fei Fei found that the two spaceships that Dosta had taken away stopped not far in front of the Black Pearl.

There was no alarm on the ship, so it was probably not in distress and something might have been discovered.

Sure enough, as soon as the Black Pearl, which had come from behind, slowed down and anchored, Dosta jumped in front of Feifan.

"Sir, there seems to be something going on ahead!"

Feifan remembers that the two Dosta reconnaissance spacecraft spent most of their time in the sky.

Looking behind Dosta, the two spaceships were not damaged on the whole, but they looked like they had just been fished out of the water.

"After flying into this sea area, the wind magic array on the spacecraft lost its effect, and the two spacecrafts plunged into the sea. Fortunately, no one was injured!"

"Forbidden Demon Zone?"

After listening to Dosta's story, Feifan raised his hand and fired a large water bomb and rushed forward.

It wasn't until it reached the limit of the skill's range that the large water bomb exploded with a "pop" sound.

Hehru wanted to move forward, glanced at Fatty, and then at Fei Fei, but hesitated to speak.

Noticing Hehelu's abnormality, Fei Fei said gently: "Hehelu, do you know this place?"

This place is tens of thousands of miles away from the Sea of ​​Elf Trees, and is no longer the area where the Naga clan operates.

"Sir Extraordinary, I think what's ahead of us may be the 'windless zone'."

The Windless Zone, also called the Wind Elemental Jedi, is where even seabirds cannot fly.

After a while, Gu Lie from behind came to the Black Pearl with three spaceships.

The windless zone is a dead end for sailboats, but it is not a big obstacle to the magic crystal spacecraft driven by steam turbines.

It's just that the windless zone is not affected by harsh weather such as hurricanes, so it has always been a paradise for sea beasts to gather.

Sea beasts below the seventh level were no longer looked upon by Fei Fei. Even among the seventh level sea beasts, only three or two died in his hands.

He was just afraid of encountering an eighth-level or even ninth-level sea beast.

That’s not traveling, that’s losing your life!

"Would you like to go around?" Gu Lie suggested with a frown.

detour? This windless sea area may be the sea area recorded in the notes of the legendary adventurer Buckley. If we take a detour to the north, it will be embarrassing if we enter the Arctic Ocean.

Going south, it was as embarrassing as bumping into the mermaid clan's lair.

What if his parents were hiding on an unknown island in the windless sea? Wouldn't it be a perfect miss?

"Let's go! The course remains unchanged! I still don't believe it. Even if we encounter the Saint-level Thoros sea monster, aren't we a hundred high-level combatants allowed to touch it?"

Feifan stood on the bow of the boat and waved his hand!

At this moment, the fleet commander's aura possessed him.

Missing the three first mates who were sent away by him, the manor guards trained by Godric could only pilot a spaceship.

It seems that only he and Momir are capable of captaining a spaceship like Yerevan who can do tricks in the air.

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