Full-time Occupation

Chapter 967: Troubled League

But things have already happened, and Chen Guo admitted that he was wrong. The league didn't want to pursue it, but just in case they forget it again, the league emphasized to them that there will be a press conference for a new team to join the league in a week. They can't forget it this time.

Of course, Chen Guo hurriedly responded to this, which also made them unable to return to the h market now. But everyone has nothing to do with this. It happened to be a good time to go shopping in city b. During this time, because of the game, although they have been here for a month, they have not really been shopping. Now is the time to relax. .

And when things were done on the alliance side, everyone from Happy went to gather with everyone from Yizhan.

This gathering not only celebrated the successful promotion of Team Happy, but also celebrated the successful relegation of Team Righteous Sword.

That's right, relegation is the goal set by the members of Yizhang after they recognize their own strength. Although their early publicity has caused their rankings to be much lower than everyone's expectations, they are also newly joining the league. In the team, the performance is pretty good.

Moreover, the direction of the righteous cut everyone is very clear, and the competition is also one-to-one. At the same time, it also made them realize that professional games are really more difficult than they thought.

Fortunately, they first had the opportunity of a major update of glory, and then they purchased a large number of high-level self-made weapons and equipment from Tang Yin. Let their overall strength obviously rise a big step. It was also these two opportunities that virtually reduced the distance between them and those strong teams.

And because there are allies like Happy in the online game, they don't need to send people over during the big update, but can study the game with peace of mind. You know that during that time, members of other teams were sent to online games to grab the boss every day!

While they can concentrate on the game, they can also maintain an advantage under the grab of rare materials. It can be said that they can have the current ranking, part of which is Tang Yin's credit!

It is also because of this that the friendship between the two teams is here, although everyone has not said it, but it is very clear.

Now it is the penultimate round of the league. It can be said that their ranking has been firmly locked at 13. The final round of the game can no longer affect their ranking. Don't underestimate this ranking. If there is no previous big update, they are now likely to jump repeatedly on the edge of being out.

"For Happy to advance, for Yizhang's seat! Cheers!" As the organizer of this gathering, Lou Guanning was said to be the first to lift it up. But everyone is a professional player. After all, Yi Zhan still has one round to play, so in addition to this glass of wine. After that, everyone stopped serving alcoholic drinks.

Of course, there are some who haven't finished drinking. That's right, that person is our Ye Buxu. But he was in a special situation, even Lou Guanning had heard of it, so everyone didn't force it.

"From next season, we will be opponents. Time flies so fast..." Lou Guanning sighed as he put it down. After all, they have really benefited a lot since they met Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. Although the two sides are in a cooperative relationship, they are definitely the one that has the advantage. So Lou Guanning really doesn't want to become an opponent with a team that has such a deep friendship.

"But no matter what the future is like? Even if it's a life-and-death situation between us, it will be on the field, no matter what the result will be under the field. Our friendship will not change!" Lou Guanning said.

"Um... I think you can rest assured of the old building in this respect." Tang Yin saw Lou Guanning's worried eyes and said, "After all, our two goals are different. If nothing else, it won't happen. There is a scene where we need to fight each other to death and death."

"Oh? What do you say? Then what is your goal for next season?" Lou Guanning asked while drinking a drink

"It's a difficult single. I won the championship on the basis of relegation!" Ye Xiu continued lightly, and then slapped Tang Yin.

"Puff..." Even Lou Guanning, who has been receiving various table manners education, directly sprayed at this moment.

No way, there are too many slots in this sentence, showing relegation and winning the championship, how did you go with such an extreme thing so lightly.

And it's not the most important thing. Recalling how long ago, the five of them had just established a team. Their goal was to win the championship, and they wanted to give the league a surprise. Until they met Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. Just type their dreams out of their dreams. And they have the strength to tell them that a team that they have just pulled from online games, they just joined the league and will point to the championship. How does this take the league seriously?

Think about the cruel and inhuman PK abuse of the two great gods back then, and look at the goals of the two great gods now. Can you make the double label more obvious?

When talking about us at the beginning, it was unrealistic. As a result, you directly aim to win the championship. Even if you two are great gods, you can't be so double-marked, right? Even if you are very strong, don't you also say that glory is not a game of one person?

Facing Lou Guanning's reaction, Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu didn't explain anything. Toasted again and touched everyone. But this time, the drinks are all kinds of drinks. As for Ye Xiu, he still drinks, because he didn't finish the first drink, but this time he still didn't finish it...

Everyone was very restrained tonight, and because everyone at Xingxin continued to stay here, Tang Yin went out the next day for a stroll, and returned with a week-long tour of the best resort here.

After all, everyone was tired during this period of time, so Tang Yin tried his best to arrange the relaxation time during this period. It was definitely not because of which resort’s indoor swimming pool in winter~www.readwn.com~, not because they had it. Couples have mixed bathing hot springs. Tang Yin simply wanted to give everyone another good relaxing environment. Tang Yin dared to swear by Lao Ye's morals on this!

It's a pity that none of Tang Yin's plans were realized, because Chen Guo pestered Tang Rou every day, and she experienced everything Tang Yin originally wanted to experience. This Tang Yin was so angry that he took Ye Xiu's game solo directly.

In this way, a few people enjoyed the resort peacefully and steadily for a period of time. During the period, everyone also organized a group outing. After all, it is a great loss to come to the various scenic spots in city b not to go. And during the week when everyone at Xingxin relaxed and enjoyed, the league also ushered in the last game before the playoffs.

It's a pity that this league is doomed to be troublesome, and a news broke directly dominated the headlines of the major media: "Boss Excellent Era has changed!"


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