Full-time Occupation

Chapter 969: The response of the big teams

Tang Yin and the others are still enjoying relaxing time, but the Alliance is very busy. After Tang Yin and his team's actual verification in the challenge, the league finally decided that the subsequent professional league playoffs will adopt the head points system used in the elimination part of the challenge. And combined with the reference opinions of multiple parties, the final scoring method was changed to get one head point for every opponent killed, and then the final score of the two sides was compared to determine the outcome.

Of course, in addition, there have also been changes in the competition system. The new playoffs will not be based on the results of the original two rounds, and the final small points will be used to determine the outcome, but will be based on the results of the production competition. With two wins in three games, the final winner is determined. Simply put, it turns the original two rounds into three rounds.

And such changes have been increased both from a competitive perspective and a commercial perspective. And this method can be used thanks to the peculiarities of the new competition system.

After all, the old competition system was divided into three parts: individual, ring, and team. Under the team competition occupies a big difference, the outcome of the entire game is directly determined by two parts. This led to no objections in the second part of the arena.

And if the scores of the team match are taken, it is very likely that one side will win directly after the two parts of the individual and the ring are over. Then there is no need for such a most popular team competition.

Regardless of the game being ignored, these are not what the league wants to see. The new competition system now avoids such a situation. As for the current two parts, An Ren head scored a single game, and finally resulted in the same score on both sides, which is also a lot of problems. After all, such a three-game two-win system. It just happened to be implemented.

After the new competition system was announced again, the league once again began vigorous propaganda. After all, the playoffs will always be the main theme of the league, and at the same time, the eight attacking teams have also begun to build momentum for themselves. After all, they have already gone. At this point, there is no team that hasn't expected to get that supreme glory.

As I said before, this league game is the most tragic one. For such a big event in the league, how hard the teams tried to build momentum, but Ye Xiu's headline was shocking: "I'm back." To the tyrant screen.

Seeking the psychological shadow area of ​​the alliance and the various teams, of course it would be okay if this is the case, but of course the facts will not end easily, because when the various major teams are arguing for themselves, the major media will ask them all kinds of questions about Team Happy and Team Happy. Ye Xiu's return.

Even if some questions have already been asked, the major media are still reluctant to do so. If this is a situation that is not very clear, seeing the content of the interviews by the various big teams, I thought it was they were helping the Happy Guild to promote it. Moreover, he helped Xingxin publicize at the major press conference of entering the quarterfinals like this.

And the big teams are also very weak. After all, although these press conferences are held by them, are you embarrassed not to answer the questions raised by the reporters? Can you not answer? This makes them very powerless.

And several of the popular teams are the main targets for reporters to ask questions. First of all, during an interview with Team Tyranny, the reporter asked Han Wenqing about Team Happy’s question: "For Ye Xiu’s return and the new rookie What do you think of Tang Yin?"

"I am looking forward to the duel with them!" As Ye Xiu's old opponent, Han Wenqing welcomed Ye Xiu back with his fists. As for Ye Xiu, they had been taken by Tang Yinkeng before, but this time they were still planning to take revenge.

And this idea was vividly reflected in Zhang Xinjie. In order to break Tang Yin's style of play against him, he had collected information from them very early, and his purpose was to get revenge!

"What do you think of Ye Xiu's return from the Wang team, and Happy rookie Tang Yin, who is said to be someone who may bring a new wall to the big teams after you. What do you think of this view?" The reporter here asked at the press conference of Team Tiny Herb.

"We look forward to the performance of the other party, but our Tiny Herb is also not afraid of any challenges!" Wang Jiexi said categorically.

"Team Yu, as the four major tactical masters who participated in the finals of the Challenger Tournament, what do you think about Ye Xiu's return and Happy's rookie?" Lan Yu's press conference, similar questions were asked again.

"The arrival of Ye Xiu and Tang Yin will undoubtedly give the entire league a high level. As for Tang Yin, he will be a very difficult opponent, but that's only it." Yu Wenzhou said confidently.

"Then the loss of Excellent Era, will this lead to a decline in the level of the league?" the reporter asked again.

"You have been thinking a lot about this. After all, this level still needs to be felt by the players. With Excellent Era now, how many players are willing to stay? After they transfer, I believe we can be in the league next season. China has established them again, but if you need me to help you predict some of Sun Xiang's whereabouts, there is no problem, I think..."

"The next question." The press officer of Lan Yu's complicated press conference was expressionless, and interrupted Huang Shaotian, the main player of their team, without giving up any face. After all, he did too much of this kind of thing. , It’s okay in other places, how does it feel to take care of Huang Shaotian at the press conference? Don't even think about this kind of thing! Anyway, Huang Shaotian has no human rights in this regard, and it has been a lot of one day or two days...

"Hmm..." Seeing this iconic exclamation, it explained the identity of the Samsara team's interview site, and at this time Zhou Zekai was also asked the same questions as before. Moreover, he is still relatively disabled. After all, he had been defeated by Tang Yin before, and Tang Yin showed that over 800 hand speed and strength in this challenge. Will the title of Gun King change in the future?

And there are some tricky questions like this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is obviously not what Zhou Zekai is good at dealing with, it is obvious that he is thinking about it for a long time.

Finally, when the atmosphere throughout the whole process had reached an inexplicable weirdness, Zhou Zekai only uttered two words: "It's difficult."

The answer was sudden, and even reporters suspected their auditory hallucinations. But there were still reporters who responded quickly and immediately added: "Team Zhou means that the opponent is very difficult for the opponent, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Zhou Zekai nodded and said.

The reporters of the major media were also helpless when faced with Zhou Zekai’s answer. Such an answer left them with no room to play. The Yangtze River is in waves...


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