Full-time Occupation

Chapter 980: Win or lose

Nianqi Mask: A light mask visible to the naked eye, any attack damage can be fully absorbed. It lasts for 30 seconds, but it may be destroyed early under the opponent's strong output.

In other words, for the next period of time, Wang Jiexi and the others will not be able to provide support at all, and this is Tyranny's purpose. That's right, the distance between you is close, and you can completely support each other. But I am directly restricting you for more than ten seconds, what can you do?

You must know that the attack power of the other two people who are trapped in the Nianqi Mask is very limited except for Wang Jiexi. Needless to say a priest, and the other Ghost Swordsman is also a lot of ghost killers who specialize in attack power. This leads to a very limited attack limit for the three of them. And the result is that Nian Qishi can hold on for longer to create more time for Hangeul talk.

But when Fang Rui used the Nian Qishi, Wang Jiexi knew they were in the middle, and immediately called the other Liu Xiaobie and Gao Yingjie to come over quickly. How to disperse at this time would only be broken by each other. At the command of the captain, Liu Xiaobie also broke out in the first place, and his hand speed began to soar, showing the name of the hand speed madman to the fullest.

Liu Xiaobie is still very confident in himself. After all, his reward for the strongest heads-up champion last season was only won in the lottery, deepening his one-year study, and now his progress lies here. At the All-Stars, the idea of ​​challenging the Glory First Swordsman was not a whim.

As Liu Xiaobie's hand speed soared, everyone knew that he had begun to explode. But what shocked everyone was that Qin Muyun actually resisted Liu Xiaobie's attack!

What's happening here? A newcomer who just made his debut this season, a newcomer with mediocre data, since it has dragged down Liu Xiaobie, the heads-up king of last season?

It was only after the explanation that Qin Muyun used the same "spear technique" as Zhou Zekai! And it's a spear technique that controls the distance within three squares!

You must know that among the currently known professional players in the league, only Zhou Zekai has achieved this, but now Qin Muyun, this season, has played a "spear technique" for the newly debuted professional rookies to control their advancement and retreat within three squares! This is simply too science fiction.

This wave of Qin Muyun's outburst also shocked Liu Xiaobie. Although Qin Muyun played a "spear technique", it was reasonable to guess that there were still some detailed flaws in the technique of play. But because of the sudden eruption of surprise by the opponent, Liu Xiaobie, the hand speed madman, has not been able to break free from the opponent's suppression for a while.

And in this short period of time, Han Wenqing and the others have arrived. Yes, they didn't find Gao Yingjie the first time. It is true that Gao Yingjie and Wang Jiexi's double magic method is very disgusting, but many of them have no way to play.

But because the Demon Scholar is too mobile, if he deliberately wants to fly up to delay time, it would be too trivial to rely on the opponent to solve the problem within a few seconds of reading the gas mask. On the contrary, Gao Yingjie can still rely on the Demon Scholar. The air combat advantage was actually possible for their captain to delay time. After all, Zhang Xinjie knows very well that the main talent of this sharpshooter of his own is in the "spear technique".

Don't talk about Qin Muyun who snipes an aerial mobile unit, even Zhou Zekai can't do it.

So Gao Yingjie was dragged by the experienced Lin Jingyan, and the four of them beat Liu Xiaobie.

That was a real group fight, because the "spear technique" can advance and retreat from a controllable distance, and the sharpshooter himself is a long-range professional, which makes Liu Xiaobie now unable to escape even more. This is even more obvious with the addition of Han Wenqing and Fang Rui, especially Fang Rui, Han Wenqing and Qin Muyun are at least besieging him head-on, at least within the field of vision, and he can barely hold on with his quick burst of hands.

But want Fang Rui to fight head-on with people? You are afraid that you have not experienced the sinister society.

And Fang Rui proved that his wretched style of play was disgusting.

Relying on the long-range attacks of the qigong masters, various sneak attacks from the perspective of time. If he was attacked in one-on-one, he would still have hope of a comeback, but now he is one vs. four. Once again, Fang Rui's blasting cannon interrupted his skill and harmony, and was directly grabbed by Qin Muyun's step shot and stepped under his feet.

This was not over yet, and Liu Xiaobie couldn't move at this opportunity, and Zhang Xinjie directly burned the sacred flame that had just cooled down on him.

What was the feeling of being unable to release skills when being beaten up in a group, and now Liu Xiaobie has experienced it. How does he describe his mood now, probably, brother, have you ever experienced despair? I have experienced it!

Liu Xiaobie, who was unable to use his skills, was completely reduced to the fish on Han Wenqing's chopping board, and Fang Rui didn't sneak attack in the face of this opportunity.

All of a sudden, three characters with various frontal buff light surrounded a swordsman and then hit the middle. It was not too miserable.

Although Wang Jiexi and the others only took about a second to break the Nian Qishi, Liu Xiaobie just got cold when they got to Liu Xiaobie's side.

So before the opponent’s sixth man arrived, it was still a four-on-three situation. Yes, Lin Jingyan still relies on his rich battles and surprises Gao Yingjie, making him unable to support him, and the death of a teammate makes this For the first time, the main rookie was a little anxious~www.readwn.com~ Although he still played with Wang Jiexi in the end, it was only twenty seconds later.

And although Gao Yingjie and Wang Jiexi's rounds, the two of them started the double magic way for the first time, but because of the disadvantage of the previous three fours, and now they are also four on five. As a result, they are still in a suppressed state. And Tyranny started from here with a little bit of fierce advantage.

Don't underestimate these advantages. Sometimes the advantages in team games are like snowballs, as long as there are no mistakes, they will roll more and more, and in the case of one less of the main force of Tiny Herb. This advantage is slowly being amplified.

And with Zhang Xinjie, a late-level OCD tactical master, it is really difficult for Tyranny to make mistakes now.

"Congratulations Tyranny, and good luck to them!"

At the press conference after the final match, Wang Jiexi, the captain of Team Tiny Herb. What a simple blessing put an end to their glory journey this season.

However, although they have ended this season, as Han Wenqing said when they defeated Tyranny before, even though Tiny Herb lost, they let everyone see their future. Xu Bin, Liu Xiaobie, and Gao Yingjie, these talented Tiny Herb players are younger than the other, and Yuan Boqing, who has continued to improve, follows. All these show the strength of this micrograss in the future!


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