Full-time Occupation

Chapter 984: Weaknesses of Reincarnation

Of course, Lu Boyuan and Wu Qi are one of the main players in the three-year cycle of reincarnation. They are now at his age. Although they were beaten for a while, they are much worse than Han Wenqing in terms of condition, but they have not been unable to. The point of backhand.

And now Judo Lu Boyuan, the captain of Han Wenqing, is actively looking for Han Wenqing's flaws. You must know that for these veterans, they have also made very detailed strategic deployments. Among them, physical strength is their advantage, so when they break their minds, they start to fight attrition with each other and bring down the opponent as much as possible.

Both of them are good at close-to-body shorts by profession. At this time, Han Wenqing was bullying him again, and in the face of Han Wenqing’s fierce attack as always, Lu Boyuan subconsciously used his skills to fight back. Up the outline. As a result, Han Wenqing's figure flickered at the moment when both parties attacked. Since the attack just now was just a false move!

With the help of the opponent's non-recovery of the attack, Han Wenqing is another step forward. Fuhu Tengxiang: You can make the character move explosively. Has the effect of directly kicking the target over. And it's also evident that the master's 60th-level attack power can be seen!

Since I was deceived by Han Wenqing!

This is the only thought that Lu Boyuan had when he was hit by Han Wenqing. After all, this person is Han Wenqing. Now that he would use how cunning style of play, this is not Han Wenqing's style?

It turns out that not only Lu Boyuan, but also the commentator and the audience were taken aback. How many people's expressions have become weird because of Han Wenqing's caution. After all, this is really not the style of Tyranny's King.

But when they were surprised, they also realized how much Tyranny’s veterans had abandoned for this championship?

Lin Jingyan completely abandoned his core thoughts and thoughts, Fang Rui changed the profession he used, and even the nine-year veteran Han Wenqing also let go of his unchanging style of play and his indomitable fighting style...

But even if they have made so many changes, one thing is that they have not changed, and that is the heart of fighting for the highest glory championship!

And when kicking the opponent to the ground, he directly opened the 75th level state skill: shorten the distance of the force, and greatly increase the speed of the punch. Then it’s the lightning speed fist.

Lightning Light Speed ​​Fist: The attack speed is far above the general skills, and the countless shadows of fists that flash out in an instant are very deceptive.

With the extremely high attack speed of the Lightning Light Speed ​​Fist itself, coupled with the attack speed bonus of Cun Jin, at this moment Han Wenqing's attack speed reached an incredible level. The intensity of the countless boxing shadows is even better than the random shots that gather the attack at one point.

And the attack power that broke out here is even more terrifying. This series of ultimatum attacks directly kills Bu Jia Lu Bo Yuan, turning around like Wu Qi who is fighting Lin Jingyan on the other side. Moreover, Wu Qi’s Although the assassin's blood volume is a bit better than the previous Lu Bo, but the good is also very limited. After all, he is only proficient in leather armor, and he can fight back and forth with Lin Jingyan before, but after Han Wenqing joined, he completely fell below.

He worked hard before and was able to get out of Lin Jingyan's entanglement, but now that he was besieged by two great god-level players, he had no right to escape.

Seeing that his side had successfully killed one of his opponent's teammates, Qin Muyun was delighted, whether he could do it smoothly, he has a lot of credit, after all, he did not hesitate to use his blood for time, and he just used his life to hold back the opponent's core Zhou Zekai!

This time Qin Muyun was also the player who gave everyone the greatest shock, and he also proved to everyone that the outcome is uncertain, and you and I are both dark horses!

Then... he was crushed...

Because Zhou Zekai used the spear body technique to directly and seamlessly fired randomly, Zhou Zekai relied on his hard power to compress the bullets into the opposite of a single person, and the two sides are now only three personalities away, Qin Muyun There was no chance to escape at all, and Zhou Zekai still moved when attacking Qin Muyun, tentatively bringing Zhang Xinjie into his attack range.

In the face of Zhou Zekai's random shots, even Zhang Xinjie could only retreat. Yes, Zhou Zekai fought again when the reincarnation was obviously difficult, and used absolute strength to break Zhang Xinjie's defensive offensive forcefully.

After indiscriminate shots, they often headshot, one gun is directed at Qin Muyun's head and the other gun will reluctantly rely on various obstacles to dodge Zhang Xinjie.

Jiang Botao also took advantage of this opportunity, after placing a wave formation around him, the wave sword blasted towards Wu Qi as soon as it exploded.

Facts have proved that not only is there no real incomprehensible person, but there is also no real perfect style of play.

It's a pity that the support of the reincarnation is still a step too late, and Lin Jingyan can see that he is in heavy armor and directly starts the street storm with a level 75 skill.

Street storm. : Attack skill, but at the same time it can also be regarded as a state skill. During the skill time of Street Storm, a series of middle and low-level skills of the rogue will be strengthened ~www.readwn.com~ and can be used in a single brain and will not be counted in the skill cooldown under normal conditions.

However, Lin Jingyan's character can be said to rotate, a whirlwind appeared around him, this is the skill attack time of the street storm attack technique. Relying on Tyranny during this period of time, he forcibly swallowed the wave of blasting wave sword.

In the whirlwind, Lin Jingyan began to throw all kinds of things to daily necessities, like reinforced concrete, broken walls, stone benches in the park, etc., and the enemy hit by it would suffer certain damage and enter a state of vertigo. .

Relying on this skill, Wu Qi will be stunned directly. When the skill is over, it will be the second stage. In the next period of time, a series of middle and low-level skills of his rogue will be strengthened, and he will directly cooperate with Han Wenqing to fight a wave of bursts!

The second person in reincarnation fell.

"It's a pity, the flaws of Team Samsara have been exploited by Tyranny..." Tang Yin couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

"Huh? What's wrong with Xiao Yin? What are the shortcomings of Samsara? They have been used in this lineup for three years, and what are the shortcomings?" Observation asked a little puzzled.

"They lack a strong player that can open up the situation in a difficult situation, and some are overly dependent on Zhou Zekai. Once Zhou Zekai is restrained, their strength can also be used very well." Ye Xiu helped Chen Guo end.

"Huh? Wouldn't Lu Boyuan, Wu Qi, and Du Ming all be okay if you are a tough player?" Tao Xuan asked this time.

"No." Tang Yin shook his head and took Ye Xiu's words.


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