Full-time Occupation

Chapter 985: Coercion from Xueba

"Why?" Chen Guo waited for Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's next explanation. Not only Chen Guo, but even Tang Rou and Bao Zi cast their sights.


   However, Tang Yin intends to exercise some Luo Ji. He wanted to see what he thinks about these. He turned to look at Luo Ji who was watching the game and taking notes and asked: "Luo Ji, why do you think?"


   "Me?" Luo Ji was a little flustered by Tang Yin's suddenness, but he immediately adjusted.


   "I'm fighting, I have a special lineup analysis report on Samsara." Luo Ji ran to release a report and said.


"Huh? Samsara's lineup analysis report? When did you make Luo Ji?" Not only Tang Yin but also Ye Xiu were a little curious this time. But because they let Luo Ji calculate too much, they didn't care. After all, it was as large as the analysis of the equipment data-level skill points of each team, as small as the bottom algorithm of each material comprehensive pairing. These are Luo Ji’s work. So nobody really noticed when he made these reports.


"Did I not play after our offline group stage before? I started to study some player information and lineup match of our future opponents. So next time we meet, we can have a targeted play. This is it. I researched and analyzed the Samsara team, because they haven't changed the lineup in three years, so I give priority to researching him." Luo Ji said.


   He sent a piece of information to everyone. There are a lot of this information on it, and the members of the reincarnation are included in it. There are analysis of their play styles and player characteristics. Good at genre, even some loopholes have been analyzed. There are some alterations in it, which should be overcome by the other party later. But that's it. Everyone except Zhou Zekai has a weakness analysis of at least half a page of a4 paper.


This makes everyone know that they are slapped, but these are not the most terrifying. The most terrifying is that there is nothing wrong with what he wrote. You must know that Luo Ji already has a wealth of glory knowledge, plus because he needs to calculate the opponent’s equipment. In terms of attributes and skill points, in terms of theory, Ye Xiu would be squeezed out of this glory textbook.


   is also with the help of these rich glorious knowledge, his analysis is no longer like the original copy of the Raiders, but a real existence. This is terrifying.


   In the last part, one of the shortcomings of the Samsara team is that Samsara lacks strong players.


   "Luo Ji, you are really not so capable..." Tang Yin looked at Luo Ji's analysis report and said with a sigh.


"By the way, do you have any analysis for us?" Tang Yin said, after all, the other battles are only watched on the video, but everybody has a team battle every one or two days. Luo Ji is right. Everyone should know more about it.


"Oh, yes. But we have a lot of information, but because everyone has just finished the game and has made a lot of progress. Some of them are almost over. Originally, I wanted to wait for the captain to change our training plan or training camp next time. I'll show it to you when you strengthen it." Luo Ji took out a portfolio accurately from the pile of documents beside him, and handed it to Tang Yin and Ye Xiu.


  The Dahai portfolio contains the analysis of all the members of Xingxin. And the analysis of shortcomings and weaknesses here is more comprehensive. Everyone starts with a one and a half page of a4 paper, of which Baozi is at most three full pages, but thinking of the off-line way of thinking of Baozi, it is really hard to compile so many. .

While other people looked at their list of various shortcomings that they didn’t even pay attention to, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. This is the kind of powerlessness that a scumbag sees a tyrant... They know that in terms of IQ They are incomparable with Luo Ji, but before they thought they were trains and their railroad tracks were crushed all the way to the top, but they found out that they were Boeing 747s and they were runways. It was not enough to be crushed. Fly with others.


"Ahem... let's play this again. After watching Luo Ji, you can stay a little harder and tell us about your analysis. While the game is not over, let me talk about why you feel reincarnation. The reason why the other people in the team can't serve as the attackers, so that there is a game for everyone to compare." Tang Yin was really shocked by Luo Ji today, and Luo Ji did not expect that Luo Ji made such a big move without making a sound.


   But now, after all, analyzing the game situation is the ultimate goal. This kind of game is the best time to exercise the players' on-the-spot analysis ability.


"Let’s talk about the reincarnation judo profession. This profession has very few displacement skills. But it is also a profession that requires close combat to achieve full strength. This kind of profession is already very strenuous by moving alone, so he is the first to attack. A knockout," Luo Ji said.


   Hearing Luo Ji’s words, he didn’t expect to be beaten before, but because he didn’t have any displacement skills, Lu Boyuan had no resistance at all. Everyone found that this was true.


   "As for the other assassin, it is even more unsuitable, because the attacker needs to help the team open the situation from the front, and is not designed for frontal combat." Luo Ji continued.


   Everyone understands this. After all, every profession has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. The assassin is really not suitable for frontal hard steel.


"As for the last Du Ming... In the data analysis I got, UU Read www.uukanshu.com he is the most promising to become a tough player, and there is no major problem in his career, but his strength and The name of the attacker is a bit worse." After all, he hasn't played against the opponent before, and Luo Ji didn't use any final words in the final words, but everyone knew what he meant.


  Sure enough, Du Ming, who had just entered the battlefield, was a little hurried facing Tyranny's five-on-four parry, not to mention helping the team open the situation. Fang Ruiyin was given a qi bullet when he just came out, and then he was inexplicably hit with a black brick from Lin Jingyan. In the end, he was finally beaten by Han Wenqing for a while, and he almost went off the line.


Then in the Zhe competition, Luo Ji began to talk about the shortcomings of the reincarnation directly analyzed, except that Zhou Zekai stopped when he said. , There are no shortcomings.


   It's just that Zhou Zekai still failed to open the situation to the team again. Finally, under the steady and steady fight he wrote, in the end, there was no retreat in Samsara, and finally launched a wave of death charge. After winning in the trial chaos, the game was completely ended. In the end, the head ratio of the two sides was fixed at 6 to 2. Team Tyranny had a big reversal after losing in the ring match. Take the next trip away first!




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