Full-time Occupation

Chapter 989: 34 million

However, compared with the league's championship, Happy's side is only a small dividend, because the league championship's bonus can be a full 10 million, although compared with the league's influence, this bonus is a little bit less. , But how to say it is twice the prize money of the challenge.


   Of course, compared with the team that entered the playoffs and won the championship. In the regular season, the ranking-related bonuses seem to be very small. There are 20 teams with a total of 16.8 million. The bonuses decrease with the ranking. The first team in the regular season has only 1.6 million in prize money, and the 20th ranked team has only a poor 80,000.


   However, the current alliance has developed to the present, and obviously the income of each team no longer depends on these bonuses. After all, don't miss the first place in the regular season, even if it is 10 million in the final championship, that is not a problem in front of the major teams.


  Because the real economic source of the team is based on the current extremely high influence of the league, broadcasting fees, sponsorship fees, tickets and other methods are used as means of income. These are the real source of income for each team. Apart from anything else, the box office revenue of a single home game is in millions. As for the smallest team, it depends on which team's reputation.


   I think that when the finals reincarnation at home, the whole journey was full, and the box office revenue alone was tens of millions.


   Therefore, the professional players of the various big teams don't care about the bonuses. To be honest, even if it is the championship dividend, the bonuses are not as high as they have received an advertisement or endorsement. The transplant that everyone chased after was a trophy that symbolized the highest honor.


   Finally, the smoke of this season finally disappeared with the end of the finals. However, because of the glorious play update in the middle of this game. Everyone paused for a while in the middle. But the result is that after the finals are finished, the major players will have a holiday in July within two days.


   At the same time, the summer dressing meeting window officially began at this time, which resulted in the trial lecture being the busiest period for the operators of the various big teams. The front foot here is still doing various activities at the end of the club finals, and on the other side, we must start to consider various information about the transfer of our own team.


Among the many guilds, the first explosive news was Happy, which surprised everyone. On the first day of the transfer window, Chen Guo brought Tang Yin and Ye Xiu to a press conference. And it was officially announced that Su Mucheng would freely transfer to Happy.


   To be honest, everyone was somewhat prepared for this news. After all, the CP that everyone had been fighting for so many years was finally officially announced. They all expected that Mucheng would go to Happy. But what they didn't expect was that Mucheng's Dancing Rain was also transferred with Mucheng!


  Of course, this was given to Mucheng by Tao Xuan, and Tao Xuan also paid for the transfer money. Chen Guo originally wanted the money to return to Tao Xuan, but Tao Xuan refused. After all, this was a "parting" gift from his brother to his sister. But because Dancing Rain had to exchange teams in the end, after the last few people of Dancing Rain negotiated. The transfer fee for buying Dancing Rain was regarded as an overdraft for the team, so that Ms. Orange would also have a stake in Xingxin.


   Don't underestimate Dancing Rain, this account is very valuable. Now Excellent Era doesn't want to be sold in a comprehensive way like the original work, even if Tao Xuan's direct internal price is used, it will start at 4 million!


   However, in order not to damage the environment, after Tao Xuan took the lead, Chen Guo and the current Excellent Era boss Xia Zhongtian discussed it, and promoted it at a price of 8 million. As for Mucheng, there was nothing to say. After all, she is pre-arranged at the expiration of the contract, so there is no extra charge at all.

   But anyway, Su Mucheng and Dancing Rain were signed to the team on the first day the transfer window opened, and this made Happy's team grow. Together with Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale, these are already three All-Star teams. In addition, there is also the recent hot discussion about possible appearances and great rookie Tang Yin.


   There are four players standing on the ceiling of glory, and the last team with a lineup just won the championship...


   Only at this moment did the audience realize that Happy's previous statement of aiming for the championship might really not just talk about playing. It was really launching a charge with this goal. But they are just a grassroots team that has just been established. Ye Xiu and the three great gods who came out of the team are all absolute professional rookies. As for Yifan and Wei Chen, they were there at the same age. Although there are many newcomers, they have not been more than one official game in the league. It is better to say that they are not newcomers.


   Some others have only been in contact with Glory for more than a year. This team has just entered the league and aims to be a championship. How to think how to feel fantasy.


   Not surprisingly, the transfer of Mu Cheng and Dancing Rain was undoubtedly the biggest news on the first day the transfer window opened. And the result was a double slamming on the headlines of the next day. The major media are all speculating about Happy's current trend. Of course Excellent Era was also guessed together.


   Although it is said that Excellent Era lost the game again and will sink into the challenge for another year, after all, the number of fans here will not be as difficult as other teams. But it's always just a challenge. And this position is destined to have many professional players leave Excellent Era. And now is the best opportunity for each team to come to Excellent Era to dig people~www.readwn.com~ Now the first one to leave is Mucheng, what about after that?


   There are worries and ridicule about Excellent Era's future, but it is undeniable that these have made Excellent Era particularly concerned.


   After all, the quality of Excellent Era's players is here. Excluding the players and the roles, how much can you keep as the new boss who accepts Excellent Era?


   And like Mucheng, there are other golden generations whose signing time expires. After all, their signing time is the same, and this year is when all the golden generations expire.


   This also makes everyone wonder, will there be any major transfers in the future? After all, the golden generation of that year is now the absolute core of the major teams. If they leave the team, it will definitely be another big news.


   But the next day, the major teams released news, and all the golden generations renewed their contracts.


   Of course there is no, for example, there has been no news about Xiao Shiqin...


   This also makes everyone curious. Now Xiao Shiqin, a free agent, will go there, but they didn't wait for Xiao Shiqin's news, instead they waited for another heavy news!


  Sun Xiang, One Autumn Leaf, jointly transferred to the Samsara team at a price of 34 million.




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