Full-time Occupation

Chapter 997: Are you coaxing ghosts?

"Tsk tusk, it's really miserable." Tao Xuan said beside Ye Xiu. Now everyone in Happy is still training, so there is only Ye Xiu alone. As for Tang Yin, because Tang Rou had a fever, Tang Yin was taking care of her now, so Tang Yinzai did not come with Ye Xiu.

Xiao Shiqin's defense against Tang Yin was overwhelming after all, but Tao Xuan was in such a rare mood now that he was stuck in the video, and even sent a copy to Tang Yin, who took care of Tang Rou. It also made the two upstairs happy.

Ye Xiubai glanced at the hurt friend next to him, but he couldn't do anything now. After all, a group of people were bombarding him, even if he faced such a scene, he couldn't say anything easy. I have recruited some skills, made a few non-attribute dazzling patterns and added a wave of movement speed to myself, which has improved a lot.

While galloping, Ye Xiu started looking for something that could be used as a shelter. This was just a giant tree in the front right. Isn't this a perfect shelter? Without saying, Ye Xiu directly changed direction and ran towards a giant tree.

Take a leap, and then relay in a few raised places. Within a few moments, Ye Xiu jumped to the top of the tree. Relying on the giant tree and its thick branches and leaves, it temporarily resisted the opponent's long-range firepower. After all, under Honor's physics engine, even the leaves are modeled separately and are still solid.

Here Ye Xiu was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, when he looked up, he saw a character also raised his head.

The two characters face each other.

"Hahahaha..." The two heart guys couldn't help laughing. The duck batch with a harmonious atmosphere for a while, of course, this is only on the surface, under the quilt...

"I attract their attention, you guys go grab the boss!" The two smiled and sent the same words to their team at the same time...

So in the next moment, the two people who still had a harmonious picture in the previous moment will shoot directly in the next moment. Xiao Shiqin took out a grenade and set up several mechanical tracking and self-detonation robots at the same time. In contrast, Ye Xiu was even more ruthless, and it was just a powerful dragon breaking the army that started and blasted Xiao Shiqin.

How do you say this picture... It's like the front foot is still a small friend on the road, and the back foot becomes the enemy who wants to get the other side's mind out of the dog's mind.

In the face of Ye Xiu’s powerful dragon breaking the army, Xiao Shiqin barely avoided it after three consecutive back-jumps, but Ye Xiu’s later skills and the arrival of small skills such as Dragon Fang and Sky Strike were faster than one. It is said that the mechanic has a little melee ability, but it is obviously incomparable with the battle mage.

However, Ye Xiu did not forget his purpose. He still wanted to contain the opponent’s main offensive. Xiao Shiqin thought so too. Neither of them had the intention of spending time with each other. This has just been relieved, and the two regressed. The two ends of the tree fell and prepared to contain the opponent's main force first.

Both of those who had just landed were ready to dodge, but... nothing happened...

When the two of them looked at each other's legion, the opponent's legion had already been killed with his Xiangye Tu boss. For a while, there were only two bosses standing alone beside the giant tree. Quite a sense of sight of the empty nest old man...


Just then a crow flew over their heads. And the things of glory are very real, so the crow still left two indescribable things, falling on the heads of the two who were so embarrassed that they were motionless, and then flapped their wings and flew away...

"Uh... they're all gone," Xiao Shiqin said.

"Aren't you leaving?" Ye Xiu asked.

"I really want to go." Xiao Shiqin said bluntly. Now the distance between the two sides is very close, it is obvious that Ye Xiu's Battle Mage has the upper hand, but if they go, the distance between the two sides will not be widened. Wouldn't it be his turn?

So he didn't think Ye Xiu would let him go easily.

Obviously Ye Xiu also knew the truth. Both sides had already had a friendship between human brains and dog brains, and they were also beeping the hammer. Hit it directly!

However, Xiao Shiqin did not resist this time. Ying accepted Ye Xiu's blow, and with the help of Ye Xiu's blowing effect, he wanted the Zai Jiang team to run away. But Xiao Shiqin really didn't mean to fight against him. Ye Xiu also ran towards his team. After all, their main purpose this time is to grab the wild map boss. They were not the only professional players who came this time.

"What's the situation now?" Ye Xiu asked after returning to the team.

"Well, it's quite lively." Wu Chen reported, although theoretically he is the boss of online games, but that's not just theoretical. Now that Ye Xiu came, the first command was of course handed over to him. This is true in any guild.

And Ye Xiu raised his angle to see that it was quite lively.

As mentioned before, there was a sign before the Dragon Swordsman appeared, and this led to the knowledge that he had lost a huge amount of refresh and lost more than their two guilds.

And now the team here has Lan Yu, Tiny Herb, and Baihua already in formation, and there are spies who say that the Void team are on their way.

There are only eight wild map bosses at level 75, and the professional characteristics are already very obvious. The major guilds decide the priority of hunting these bosses based on their own conditions.

The Dragon Swordsman is a swordsman. Needless to say, the importance of this boss to Blue Rain is that there are two main cores in their team, both swordsmen. Tiny Herb also needs a main force, Liu Xiaobie, and a ghost swordsman, not to mention Baihua, their captain, Yu Feng, is a berserker. The Void is coming soon. One of the two ghosts of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also their captain. They are also determined to win this wild boss.

Ha, they are a little bit soy sauce than Lei. After all, they only need Zhang Qi. His profession is a swordsman, but none of the rookies has entered the main force of Thunder...

The major guilds arrived first, and the Dragon Swordsman now wanted the bonfire among the bonfire night fires to be surrounded by the major guilds, but until now no one has done it, and they are waiting for the opportunity.

"Quick, didn't you guys come for this? Hurry up and open fire." Ye Xiu started to chat with Xiao Shiqin in private.

"You rush up first." Xiao Shiqin replied cleanly.

"Come on! What are you waiting for!" Ye Xiu sent another one to Huang Shaotian.

"I'll rub you guys too? Where are you guys coming out..." Huang Shaotian responded quickly, but too many replies, Ye Xiu looked at it lazily and changed his goals again.

"The speed of Jiexi, look at your dress, now is the time for your cleaners to work!" Ye Xiu began to greet Wang Jiexi.

"No hurry." Wang Jiexi faintly replied, but there are already some black lines on his head. Although they have many magical scholars, are they all holding brooms and sanitation workers? Where does it look like...

"Comrade Li Xuan, the ghost formation has to be opened early, and the CD is opened early. Now that it is rushed up by a wave, the overall situation is determined." Ye Xiu gave another message to Void Li Xuan.

"Are you coaxing ghosts?" Li Xuan's answer was very close to reality...


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