Full-time Occupation

Chapter 999: These two guys are so dirty!

What Xiao Shiqin was depressed was not that everyone besieged him. After all, it was the same when he was replaced by them. But what he was depressed was why Ye Xiu was the first to cheat him? And why didn't he think of this trick...

"Retreat!" In the face of the 75th-level wild boss hunt and the siege of other guild players, Xiao Shiqin decisively issued a retreat command, anyway, this wild boss is not what they urgently need.

And thinking about this chaotic scene, soon some guild wanted to try to take over the wild map boss.

"Ghost formation, get up!" Seeing Li Xuan's order, a group of void ghost swordsmen began to open the ghost formation, as the team leader and the core of the game are the ghost swordsman team. Of course, the most guilds under their banner are also Ghost Swordsmen. For a time, ghost arrays of various colors appeared directly, covering an area where the void was. It was like sealing that area.

This style of play is not very popular in the dungeon, but it is very practical in pvp, and there are also special styles piled up by the same number of classes, and other guilds have not been able to copy it. After all, as far as the Ghost Swordsman is concerned, there is really no guild that has much void.

But there is no ghost swordsman, they have other professions. You have a lot of ghost formations, we can't make it, but we have a long-range career!

Seeing the magical scholars in the middle cottage, Wuyang Wuyang surrounded him, all kinds of lava flasks, acid rain and dry ice and other range skills were randomly placed. It was a bombardment against the void, anyway, there were so many people on the opposite side, and their skill attack range was large, so anyone could hit someone.

"Warlock claw man, swordsman make up!" Lanxi Pavilion was not to be outdone, a large number of warlocks began to use the gate of death, waiting for the stuff near them to pull over, the swordsman who had the right to the warlock began to explode.

"I'm afraid of you!" The people in Baihua Valley didn't persuade them at all, and they had many ammunition experts, and all kinds of grenades and bullets were thrown at each other without money. Although they don't know how to play, but rely on the number to still play a very brilliant time effect.

"Wow! Why is this messy?" A paragraph of text suddenly appeared in the team friends channel of everyone in Xingxin.

"Xiao Yin? How did you go online? How is Xiao Tang?" It was Tang Yin who was taking care of Tang Rou, and Chen Guo was worried about the situation of her girlfriends immediately when she heard Tang Yin's voice. .

"It's better than the morning. I want to eat. I just accompany her to sleep. Don't worry if I'm still watching in her room, nothing will happen." Tang Yin said.

Tang Yin originally wanted to leave directly to give Tang Rou rest at ease, but he was worried that the fever would repeat. Anyway, his laptop was silent, and he simply stayed in Tang Rou's room. In this way, he can take care of him at any time. There was also a small mica with Tang, and now the small mica is also asleep in Tang Rou’s bed, it actually slept earlier than Tang Rou, when Tang Yin fed Tang Rou lunch before, it fell asleep by Tang Rou NS.

"Does Xiaoyin need me to change shifts with you?" Mucheng asked a little worried.

"Don't worry, Xiao Tang is asleep now. You didn't have anything to do when you came up. Just keep me watching." Tang Yin typed again.

"I envy Tang Yin every time I get sick, so I don't need to be single at all." Chen Guo thought of how her girlfriend had a fever, and she envied Tang Yin's abnormal physique, who had a regular fever to clean up the virus.

"Hey, you won't be envious of this thing. If you don't talk about it, I'll be busy." Tang Yin said.

When I arrived, I just saw that several big guilds had just driven away Thunder, and seeing Happy leaving the battlefield earlier than Thunder, Tang Yin knew Ye Xiu’s thoughts. This was like using the big guilds to consume each other and then use them. They act as shields.

And now the major guilds and fights are starting, and some melee professions have been called to get started. Then Tang Yin could also make a move.

Previously, Ye Xiu's wild map boss acted as a shield to resist the attacks of the major guilds, now it is their turn to block the shield to resist the wild map boss's attack.

Tang Yin directly shot Barrett from a long distance and shot the Wild Boss Dragon Knight who was still in the void headshot. The hatred they haven't established directly robbed them back.

Now the Grand Guild has been fighting into a group, and there is no time to attack the boss. Now that the wild map boss is led away by a sharpshooter, he will be chased, but he is surrounded by opponents, and no one wants to let anyone go. But if they didn't want to leave the boss, they saw the Dragon Swordsman start to slash into the wind.

Directly smashed a group of players on the path into the air. Before this was over, I saw that the heavens were flying spears in the sky, attacking the boss again and again, and flying to the other side, the Dragon Swordsman reincarnated with the advantage of a ghost and chased it. Cut down the players on the path again.

Then Tang Yin came directly in the air with a Green machine gun pressure gun and returned to Xingxin's array.

Seeing this scene, don't they still know the identity of the visitor, who else might be besides Tang Yin? It turned out to be waiting for them here. Want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit during the battle.

But the major guilds are now all professional players leading the team, how can Tang easily succeed?

To know that the hatred of the wild boss is on Tang Yin, then they have a reason to partner. All the players ordered Tang Yin to be killed.

But they had just launched an attack, and Tang Yin was a dragon swordsman who had come with a shovel. For a while, the attack that was meant to hit Tang Yin hit the Yetu boss again, and Tang Yin only shed a few skills after all. There are many knights, UU reading www. Of course, uukanshu.com can't establish a stable draw, so the dragon swordsman who was beaten turned directly to be a berserker's big move, and the blood sea raged down.

This cut directly emptied an empty space. You must know that this move is set to be only a knight holding a shield to resist damage, but now Tang Yin's position has come very suddenly, and the front row they are chasing is all displacement ability. There are no knights for the strongest professions. This knife directly cut a large part of the opponent's players.

At this time, even those professional players have to admit that Ye Xiu and Tang Yin, who have been flying up and down in online games for a full year and a half, have already opened up with them in response to these situations in online games, regardless of reaction or awareness. A certain gap. After all, they haven't lifted things about online games for a long time. The last time they came to an online game, they were still being trained by the people from Xingxin...

This is indeed the case. Tang Yin knew what Ye Xiu meant, which was to create ot so that they could not cause any effective damage to the Dragon Swordsman. At the same time, he relied on the super strong damage of the wild boss to reduce the staff of the major guilds.

And now the major guilds that have gathered together because of previous battles are now very capable of being separated, not to mention the orderly game wild boss OT attack.

"These two guys are really dirty!" This is the inner thought of all career candidates now...


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