Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1001: We can't stop...

"Follow the boss, and push Happy!" This is another attention. After all, the Dragon Swordsman rushed to Tang Yin. Even if it was Tang Yin, it was impossible to run with the boss at his own speed. They don't put the boss in their eyes, and they must have someone to buy them time with the boss. When the time comes, it is enough to directly rely on the number of advantages to crush the past.

But can it really be crushed? After Tang Yin's troubles before, with the help of the boss, the major guilds have already caused obvious attrition. Just now because of the hatred between the major guilds, there are situations where they have to get together again.

Therefore, when the major guilds swarmed up, and Happy's side was also prepared. When they just dispersed, they had already notified the guild to increase their hands. Now Tang Yin's three apprentices are leading this team, and Wu Chen is also leading the team. With one, Ye Xiu led another team. And under the command of Ye Xiu, he was directly facing the other guilds in a defensive manner.

Don't look at the fact that the quality of the troops is inferior to the opponent, but after all, except for Happy's group, two, three, four, and five. There is still an advantage in the number of groups. In addition, there are still some players in the major guilds that are mixed together. There is no immunity between them. People who often hit themselves will greatly affect this group of people. Play.

And when they wanted to separate, Xingxin could already hit him, how could Ye Xiu make them succeed. Relying on their methodical cooperation, relying on the strength of one guild, blocked the pursuit of several elite guild groups.

"Not good!" The professional players of the major guilds who were entangled by Xingxin immediately realized that something was wrong. After being delayed for a few seconds, Tang Yin's sharpshooter and Mucheng gunner can no longer be seen. The figure is gone.

When the dragon swordsman goes around a hillside, the dragon swordsman's figure will also be invisible.

This is why they are really anxious, and they all try to get rid of the entanglement of the people of Happy. To catch up, but what could Ye Xiu make them wish for, is that some professional players can't hold it back, so it's good to kill some of them and explode some equipment.

And when several professional players used their strong hard power to break out of Happy's obstacles, when they chased this corner, there was still a wild figure boss, and the empty scenery was as if the wild figure boss had never appeared.

Now it is meaningless for Happy's people to be entangled. They start to disperse everyone, hoping to find the wild map boss. But how could Tang Yin, who had already thrown a coin, let them find it?

There were originally people who wanted to follow Xingxin, but Xingxin's group would go directly off the assembly line, because they had more than one account, and now they directly use another account to fight Tang Yin.

In the end, the news that the wild map boss was killed appeared on the big screen, and the major guilds did not find the wild map boss.

Such a result made the major guilds unable to help but lose, there is no way, it is not enough to grab them together, after all, the four members of the other party who are now resident and lead the team have professional-level strength. Usually they are used to being abused too... But now the main force of their team has come to help, it still doesn't work, which makes the mentality of the fans a bit blown up.

The players of the major guilds were unable to figure out this problem for a while. Of course, this is also an ordinary player. The senior leaders of the major guilds have seen the problem. It is not that their players are not capable, but compared to Ye Xiu and Tang Yin. One and a half years of tireless online games have been different. He has too little contact with online games, and some have not been in contact for a long time. Respond freely in all aspects, otherwise happy.

"What happened to Xiao Yin?" Chen Guo asked.

"I didn't pay attention, I traded it to you, Xiao Tang kicked the quilt." Tang Yin said straightforwardly and threw all the materials he picked up and traded it to Chen Guo, not at all in the mood to see it. Just kidding, it’s easy to see where these materials are important for their own daughter-in-law.

Watching the speed of light roll off the assembly line, Tang Yin Chen Guo was both happy for his best friend, but also depressed. I am happy that my girlfriend can have someone who cares so much about her. What is depressing is that this is also a level 75 wild map boss material. The major guilds robbed him of the momentum of human brains. What is your appearance of throwing garbage?

You must know that this time they will be called by almost everyone in the guild, because they urgently need the materials of this wild map boss. Guan Rongfei already had many plans to modify the Illusory God and Thousand Chance Umbrella. Three of the rare materials come from this boss, as are the weapons and equipment materials of Yifan.

However, these were not what Tang Yin cared about. Anyway, he was a deputy captain. Of course, planning these seven-and-seven things was to throw him a headache to the captain Ye. Now the sky is big, and my wife is the oldest.

When she came to Tang Rou's bed, Tang Rou was still sometimes cold and sometimes hot. So just in case Tang Rou wakes up coldly afterwards, Tang Yin will come over and change the quilt for Tang Rou the first time.

At this moment, Tang Yin's cell phone suddenly vibrated. Tang Yin looked over, and it was Tang Rou's mother who was calling. Worried that Tang Rou might be noisy, Tang Yin picked up the phone and closed the door before answering Tang Rou's mother's call.

"Xiao Tang, are you better now?" Tang Rou's mother's anxious voice came from the phone. She called once in the morning. It was also when Tang Rou's parents knew that their daughter was sick.

"Don't worry, Mom. I measured it once before Xiao Tang went to bed, and it dropped a little bit. I fed her some porridge at noon~www.readwn.com~ After taking the medicine, she fell asleep." Tang Yin said. But the tone was still subconsciously whispered. As for the title relationship, Tang Yin also had no relatives. So there was no need to meet between the parents of both parties. In the end, Tang Rou's parents simply asked Tang Yin to change his mind.

But now Tang Yin's call is very smooth.

"Thanks for your hard work, Xiao Yin, fortunately you are here. Hey~ We are a bit unqualified compared to you." Tang Rou's mother said regretfully.

"Um...Mom, you all spoiled Xiao Tang. If you are unqualified, there will be no qualified parents in this world." Tang Yin said.

"No, Xiaoyin, you don't know. When Xiao Tang was young, our business was in a period of rapid growth. During that time, we were on business trips almost every day, even when we went home, it was very late. We almost missed Xiao Tang’s entire childhood. But we can’t do it because our company has reached this point. Under the circumstances, we have bankruptcy insurance and he will face the risk of unemployment. Even some employees have sick relatives in their homes, and the whole family depends on our company’s work for their income. So we couldn’t stop at that time... "This time it was Tang Rou's father.


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