Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1006: The mental shadow area of ​​the players...

"Then let's add it quickly." Tang Hao has already prepared the manpower here, and Yu Wenzhou and the others rely on the opponent's career, knowing that the opponent is directly using a professional team.

And thinking of profession, Yu Wenzhou also knew Chu Yunxiu's calculations at this time, because of her profession, Elemental Mage itself is a violent export profession. This style of play has a greater advantage over long-range, and she, Chu Yunxiu, is the alliance's number one element mage, a true god-level strength. She is absolutely worthy of anyone in terms of output alone.

In contrast, although he is also a long-range profession, the Warlock is a control-oriented profession and his output is very limited, regardless of whether Huang Shaotian or Hanwen are melee swordsmen. Of course, they also have other long-range players, that is, this will be a tactical game. So interesting?

After thinking about it, Yu Wenzhou had a suitable candidate in his mind. Just when he was about to roll the call, someone suddenly called out: "What is that?"

"What is it, where is it?"


Hearing the dialogue, Yu Wenzhou also raised his perspective, and saw two figures leaping down from the cliff on the top of the mountain.

"This..." Yu Wenzhou was also surprised when he saw this scene. This is the character ID of someone who has already seen a better-looking person.

This is Escape and Lord Smile!

Now Tang Yin's Escapade is considered very famous in the professional circle of Glory, so it goes without saying that Ye Xiu's Lord Grim.

The two of them jumped down like this, obviously there is still a long distance away from the shadow warrior Shahan of the wild map boss, but after hearing the loud noise of a sniper rifle in the sky, the shadow warrior of the wild map boss Sha Han was directly headshot by a shot. .

And when they listened to the sound, they knew that this was the sharpshooter's Barrett sniper rifle! And the person who can play this scene also knows very well that it is Xianyaoyou! After all, in the previous All-Stars, Tang Yin had fallen from the highest point of the springboard and shot a headshot of a moving player.

Although this upper body is higher than that of the platform jumping event, the size of the wild map boss is also larger than the player!

However, Tang Yin's shot directly drew the hatred of the wild boss, which made the Shadow Army Master Sha Han kill them directly. Facing the rushing Shadow Army Master Sha Han, Ye Xiu fired his anti-tank gun directly. , Air pressure gun, will be hit by Tang Yin with a headshot to the stunned boss, exploding farther away from the battle teams.

At this time, Yu Wenzhou and the others also reacted, and immediately ordered, "Hurry up!"

As soon as Yu Wenzhou's voice fell, everyone began to attack the wild map boss, and the knight directly chased after him and wanted to provoke him.

But... it's too late...

The resistance of the wild map boss to anomalous attributes is so high. After being blown up by Ye Xiu, it was lifted while in mid-air. And because of the distance between them, the attacks of the major guilds couldn't hit the Shadow Army Master Sha Han in the first place. And having lost this first opportunity, they wanted to reach Sha Han, the shadow warrior of the Wild Boss, and it would not be so easy.

Because with the wild map boss landing, the next moment he stepped on the cliff and chased Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu. The Shadow Sergeant Sha Han is the 75th-level wild map boss of the Dark Night System, and the Dark Night System itself is a more flexible system. Except for the traitor, the warlock, assassins, thieves, and ninjas are not a class known for agility.

Although the cliffs on the left and right sides cannot be climbed by the player, the wild map boss does not affect it. Seeing that the wild map boss was directly on the cliff with a few leverage, he ran towards Tang Yin and the others.

With the speed of Shadow Sergeant Sha Han, the knight could no longer keep up with him. Then I saw Tang Yin's escape, various heavy firearms appeared in his hands, various howitzers, anti-tank guns, laser cannons, piercing guns and other skills blasted downward. While relying on the skills to continue to fly back, they also attacked the magic scholar who wanted to pursue.

Ye Xiu next to him is the same, his skills are more diverse.

The two are in the sky, throwing all kinds of skills down like they don't need money. But it is, because they only need to pull the boss to the top of the mountain, regardless of whether it is the assassin's air jump, the mechanic's mechanical rotor, the magic scholar's broom control, the summoner's little flying dragon, etc., can't fly so high.

As long as the boss is pulled to a certain height, their battle is over.

And because Ye Xiu and Tang Yin were just two people, the people below were against each other again. This formed that only Tang Yin and the others could beat them, but they could not achieve the result of Tang Yin and others. This makes them depressed.

I can only watch the two improper people use various skills to continuously send them to the top of the cliff, but they have no way at all. Finally, when Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu returned to the cliff, Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu I also very politely sent a thank you to the big guilds on the World Channel.

After all, I took a gift from the other party and it would be too bad not to say a thank you. Tang Yin said that they Happy is a very loving and polite group. It was definitely not sent to anger them, absolutely not! Tang Yin dared to swear by Lao Ye's morals on this...If he had any...




"You are cruel!"

"You two wait for me!"

For a while, on the World Channel, thanks to Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu’s thank you, there were a series of related responses. After all, everyone is a professional player. If you rushed forward, the scene was quite terrifying~www.readwn.com~ But this way But the players were surprised by the situation. To know who Lord Grim and Xiaoyaoyou are, they are proper great god-level figures, and the people who reply to them below? All of them have never even seen the ID. (After all, professional players now use vests).

Since they dare to travel with Xingyao, and Lord Grim is called the list? No, there are still second goods now. I don’t know who they are, right? Even if you don't know Tang Yin of Xiaoyaoyou, Ye Xiu should always know?

"Damn, are there so many idiots now? Or is your family only connected to the Internet?" Soon players began to support Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, but the main reason was to support Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu's popularity lies here.

"Even if you do, don't you know who Lord Grim is? If you say his identity, you probably will have to pee your pants."

"Know about Zhou Zekai! Xiaoyaoyou beat him head-on!" There are also Tang Yin fans.

"It's really a bunch of rookie chickens, even Lord Grim and Xiaoyaoyou don't know, come here, let me make up lessons for you."

The base of the players is here, one after another, even if they are professional players, they can't beat them. And watching the screen full of **** rubbish, the players of several big teams all have a feeling of crying without tears, plus a feeling of speechlessness. I beg the players' psychological shadow area...


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