Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1024: Comprehensive textbook

"I don't know." Gao Yingjie said, he is also considered a newcomer to the group.

"I haven't heard the captain talk about it." Lu Hanwen also said. The two of them can be said to be the representatives of this generation of rookies.

"I feel like one of the people in the group will be a very special and great person." Newcomers are always full of longing for the various things of the predecessors, especially the group owner who created this professional player chat group.

"Ahem... It's okay." This is the unified answer of all the old players who asked about the group leader. This group-building Qianmei is really not a great god, and his strength was only at the time. It can be said to be quite satisfactory. Of course, the only thing to do is to become a professional player from among so many glorious players, which is not bad. As for building a group, no one stipulates how much achievement is required to build a group.

It can only be said that after knowing the truth, the glorious newcomer was once again disappointed.

"That means that the current group leader is not paying attention to things in the group." Tang Yin continued to ask.

"Well, indeed, he hasn't seen him much since he retired." Zhang Xinjie said.

"In this case, it's not that no one upgrades the group. What if the group is full in the future? Now it is more than two hundred. In a few seasons, the number of our group will reach the upper limit. What will happen then? Do?" Tang Yin asked curiously.

Because even though their group has been upgraded by one level, the upper limit is only five hundred. Given the current development speed of the Glory professional circle, it is estimated that this group will be full when Mucheng retires from the golden age.

After Tang Yin said this, everyone was aware of this problem. Everyone will get used to staying in this group, and don't want to get a group in. It's troublesome. But what Tang Yin said was indeed a problem.

"At that time, @群主 will be enough. After all, he built the group, of course he has to be responsible for it to the end." Ye Xiu said.

As a result, as soon as Ye Xiu finished talking, Huang Shaotian returned to the professional player group through the invitation of his captain!

"Lao Ye! You're too big! You're too big! You're too big! You're too big! You're too big! You're too big!" When Huang Shaotian returned to the group, he sprayed wildly at Ye Xiu, nothing at all. I didn't realize why I was kicked out just now. And his spirit of defying power also made the rookies present feel excited!

Then Huang Shaotian was kicked again...

However, Huang Shaotian came back sooner this time. When he came back, he immediately exploded and sent all kinds of trash talk to Ye Xiu continuously.

As a result, he said for a long time, without seeing Ye Xiu reply, he began to change his goals.

"Xiao Yin, where is Lao Ye? You tell him not to run away! @逍遥游唐银."

As a result, Tang Yin didn't reply. Huang Shaotian discovered that the two inhumans had no idea when their heads were grayed out. This wave of his output is estimated to be white output...

And only the other professional players in the group took the place of Ye Xiu's wave of trash talk from Huang Shaotian. At this time they felt that Huang Shaotian was actually good to kick out, so why did they let him in again?

Of course, everyone just complained about it in their hearts, kicking people and letting people out are the team between the administrators, and in this category. For them, they are all gods fighting. For them, non-administrators, no matter how big your card is in the circle, you will be a kid in front of this group of administrators.

It was also at this time that the group calmed down, and the professional players were able to discuss the topic after all.

In this event today, Team Happy can be said to have won a big victory. Although the professional players don't care about this, they are still shocked by their results.

After all, they also participated in this event, and if they wanted to, they could also command and dispatch all the guild resources, but why none of them could accomplish these things Happy and they did?

Don't say that because they couldn't throw coins like Tang Yin did to find the places where each team hides ghosts, because this in itself is more than one way.

One of the easiest ways is to send a message in the guild so that when the whole guild is hunting for ghosts, pay attention to whether there are such powerful ghosts deliberately cultivated.

But no guild thought of such a simple method in the end, or they thought of it but they didn't use it.

For two reasons, most of the first handsome men are used as bait, and there are not so many manpower. The other is just one word-slow!

This is the reason for their slowness, because after they got Happy’s points and started to increase abnormally, they didn’t care, and their guild leaders were imagining each other, making various plans, and they tried their best to follow. Be careful, for fear of being discovered by anyone.

All kinds of useless work caused their efficiency to be very low.

"These two guys are really..." There are professional players who want to say something, but they can't think of any words to describe them.

"This glorious textbook is a bit too comprehensive." Xiao Shiqin couldn't help but sigh thinking of Ye Xiu's nickname.

"Yeah, there is also Tang Yin who assists now. It's just too BUG." Huang Shaotian said. After all, Ye Xiu is enough to make their brains hurt. Now there is a Tang Yin who is full of metaphysics. This combination It's too buggy!

"By the way, Xiao Shiqin, haven't you played against Xingxin head-on, how about your role as their team?" someone asked

"What do you think?" Xiao Shiqin did not answer directly. The current Xingxin is too dazzling. He believes that even if these people have not dealt with Xingxin, they must be paying attention to Xingxin's things.

"The players on their team are indeed very capable, especially Tang Yin, who is obviously a rookie, but watching his game feels like a great veteran." Lin Jingyan said.

"Indeed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com his style of play is also very tricky. Although it is not as paradoxically as the Great God Jiexi, but I have no countermeasures anyway. I even kept my hand speed above 700. , That's seven hundred." Another professional player said, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin are the biggest threats to Happy now.

Because Ye Xiu used scattered people, they were not very familiar with it. And Tang Yin and the others were not familiar with this person, let alone his unique style of play.

"And their Tang Rou." This is another professional player. After all, except for Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu, Tang Rou is the one who gets their most attention. Why do you ask Zhang Jiale? Zhang Jiale is indeed strong, but he hasn't changed careers like Ye Xiu. Everyone has studied him. So I don't care so much.


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