Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1029: Sugar... was robbed...

"Clay?" Tang Yin was surprised. He didn't expect his wife to win the first prize.

"Yeah, it's unpalatable." Tang Rou said a little depressed, and she didn't expect his first candy to taste strange.

Tang Yin looked at Tang Rou's look a little depressed and a little bit cautious. He saw that everyone was busy eating sugar selection and didn't pay attention to this side. Tang Yin turned around and kissed Tang Rou's mouth.

"Huh?" Tang Yin's sudden movement gave Tang Rou a stun, and at this time she felt that time had stopped for a while, and the sugar in her mouth was snatched by Tang Yin before he could realize it.

"Xiao Yin, Shui..." Tao Xuan, who was still twitching on the ground, said weakly, but at this time Tang Yin had already separated from Tang Rou.

"It's troublesome." Tang Yin didn't say much, he got up and went out to pour water.

Only then did everyone notice that Tang Rou was still a little dazed.

Chen Guo asked curiously: "Xiao Tang, what's the matter?"

"Sugar... was snatched away..." Tang Rou said.

"Eh! Xiaoyin, what are you doing like this! Since you grab Tang's candy, you can't turn off luck and you won't take the risk! Really. We will ignore him, Xiao Tang, I will give you a taste you like." Chen Guo Looking at Tang Yin with contempt, said.

"That's right, she will bully Xiao Tang." Mucheng also supported her girlfriends.

However, Tang Yin didn't reply to the two women's complaints. He first gave himself a glass of water and swallowed Tang in his mouth with the help of water.

He took a long sigh, and sighed in his heart: "It really smells of clay..."

After reluctantly swallowing it, Tang Yin gave Tao Xuan a glass of water. After all, the other party often helped their boss during this period, but now it is "poisoned" by their captain. How strange it sounds.

At this moment Guan Rongfei called and asked Ye Xiu and Tang Yin to go there.

Tang Yin and the others probably knew what was going on. Guan Rongfei asked them not to receive the event rewards when they used the event dungeon before. Because the number and scope of the copy rewards of this event are very large. And because it was the materials of their choice, Tang Yin and the others contacted at that time, and now it is the opinion of Guan Rongfei, the head of Xingxin's logistics.

During this time, Guan Rongfei had brand-new ideas for the Thousand Chance Umbrella and Illusory God, especially the materials they used at level 75, because they were all rare materials at level 75. The number of consumables is extremely exaggerated. Even if Tang Yin is present, it is very difficult to find the list of materials for this second edition.

Not to mention that he himself started to wonder which is better to use the concentrated materials.

Although everyone didn't immediately receive the reward after killing the event dungeon at that time, they waited for Guan Rongfei's research situation. And now that he called, it means that he already has a spearhead.

When Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu came to the logistics R&D department, he saw the full-screen data of Guan Rongfei’s computer, and many of them were Luo Ji’s analysis of the materials. You can see Guan Rongfei’s special mark on it. Luo These research directions of the series are all very correct. And his workbench and the floor were already full of draft papers. This guy didn't know what way he wanted to cherish this precious opportunity for his own choice. He tossed it all night, from yesterday to now.

What makes the character even more tragic is that Guan Rongfei has worked so hard to lead the team all night, but there is no result...

"Um... Brother Rongfei, although there are more rewards, we can collect those materials slowly and sooner or later, you don't have to work so hard..." Tang Yin Said.

"Xiao Yin, don't talk, I already have some ideas. Look at these." Guan Rong said, handing over a dozen draft papers and said. The above densely interprets various needs. For this event, they can choose a total of 25 kinds of rare materials for five people, and one piece of orange equipment per person.

And because the optional scope of the activity included all 75-level wild map bosses and materials such as beneficiaries, Guan Rongfei only thought about it for so long. After all, the total amount of materials has to exceed the weekly income of the previous normal guild wild map boss, or even a lot.

But after Tang Yin and the others received Guan Rongfei's material list, neither of them saw Guan Rongfei's supporting ideas.

"These are almost enough." Guan Rongfei said.

"Um...what's all right?" Tang Yin asked with a dazed face. He really didn't follow the logic on Guan Rongfei's list. Not only he, but even Ye Xiu didn't understand it. .

However, Tang Yin was not in a hurry, approaching the person in front of him, but he could research a level +5 talent. In this regard, Tang Yin completely believed in Guan Rongfei's judgment. I have this question mainly because of curiosity.

"I want to do an experiment." Guan Rongfei said.

"Experiment?" Ye Xiu said.

"Well... this experiment will determine the future direction of your weapons. It is very important. If it succeeds, your equipment can continue to be strengthened. If it fails, it can only be pushed to redo." Guan Rongfei said.

Hearing Guan Rongfei's words, Tang Yin's heart jumped, and he looked at the list in his hand again, wouldn't this be the level +5 material requirement?

But Ye Xiu was also aroused by curiosity, and asked, "What kind of experiment is it? I haven't heard it before."

"You'll know, don't have ink stains now, go and change the material for me and come back. Hurry, hurry!"

Guan Rongfei's words made Ye Xiu a black line. What opinion does this adult have when cooperating in the competition? The results should be shared with them ~www.readwn.com~ just to ask them to run errands for materials.

Ye Xiu and Tang Yin looked at each other. For a while, both of them saw Ye Xiu's bleakness in each other's eyes. Think about the commander and deputy captain of their dignified team, now that they are being used as errands...this It's embarrassing.

After Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu finished the matters on the material side, when passing by Chen Guo who was managing Weibo, they sent a Weibo message that Zhao Yang had retired.

Zhao Yang is a player of the Linhai team. He attracted the attention of the public as soon as he came out. At that time, he and Wang Jiexi competed for the best rookie. Unfortunately, he failed. He was selected into the All-Star lineup for seven consecutive years. First person.

But because of the team, their results have been mediocre.

At this time, his Weibo posts are also the blessings of professional players. After all, there is nothing to say except blessings.

After all, retiring is not something to be happy about. Although everyone is an opponent on the stage, they are all friends on the stage. But retirement is a complete parting for them now. From then on, in this circle, they are likely to never see each other again.


Go well!


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