Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1031: strengthen

"Okay, let's start, do you want to use my Thousand Chance Umbrella first, or Xiaoyin's Illusory God?" Ye Xiu asked.

"First, you have more Thousand Chance Umbrellas in terms of material requirements. I am more sure, and I will use Xiaoyin's Illusory God after confirmation." Guan Rongfei said to Lord Grim who had logged in to Ye Xiu once. After talking about the character, I have already logged in, and I directly entered the interface of the equipment editor, and then I became proficient in the operation, the whole process is very flow. This is normal. After all, he is familiar with this thing, he can repair several streets without Tang Yinheye.

But don’t look at Guan Rongfei’s very detailed operations, or even a little bit fast, but everything is done just right, and his expression is unprecedentedly focused. Anyway, it’s the first time everyone at Happy has seen such seriousness. Guan Rongfei.


"Depend on!"


"Fuck (a kind of plant)!"

But when the Thousand Chance Umbrella was completed, no matter it was Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, or the operator Guan Rongfei, they couldn't help but curse each other. And Tang Yin's actions also attracted the people of Happy who were waiting outside for the results.

Hearing the movement inside, everyone was too lazy to wait for the news, and began to run inside in a swarm to see what was going on. This was also the first time that so many people appeared in the technical department, but when everyone came in, they saw Tang Yin's three-person loveless face.

Tang Rou and the others curiously turned their perspective and focused their gaze on the screen. On the screen was the current weapon information of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, which had not changed much from before, except that it had an additional attribute.

The equipment level requirement is reduced by 4...

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in Happy were also wattless.

There is no way that this attribute is so terrible, you have to know that Honor's weapons and equipment are all based on level five. But the role is not, so the need to lower the equipment level does not necessarily have to be 5, as far as the equipment with this attribute is currently available, one to five is possible.

Yes, there are also equipment in Glory that have attributes that lower the equipment level requirements, and this type of attribute is actually quite often built, but until now, there are no professionals in the professional circle to study it. The reason is also very simple, because this attribute was originally designed for transitional nature, allowing players to use the next stage of equipment earlier.

But this is definitely meaningless in terms of maintaining the top professional role. And Guan Rongfei's ability to turn this attribute into a magical skill is because he can raise the level of equipment to level 80. And for the eighty-level equipment, this attribute is the key.

But now, although Guan Rongfei can upgrade the Thousand Chance Umbrella to level 80, it doesn't make sense to not reduce my attribute level, so this time the question of strengthening is a failure.

"Where is the problem? I've already considered it good." Guan Rongfei muttered to himself. , Once again, I started to read all the forms of the Thousand Chance Umbrella bit by bit, but the attributes of each form were the same, and the level requirement was reduced by 4%.

And Tang Yin's Luck Silver couldn't help either, because according to Guan Rongfei, the reduced attribute was not random, but a fixed value. So unless you find the problem in his formula, this problem cannot be solved.

And everyone at Happy was very clear about these truths, and they all had some regrets when they saw this result. But I still admired Guan Rongfei's imagination. After all, in the current level 75 capped game, since I want to create two pieces of level 80 equipment, what kind of imagination is this.

"Would you like to try my hand of death?" Wei Chen was also attracted by this idea, and wanted to ask him that there was no hope for his hand of death.

"No way, except for equipment like Thousand Chance Umbrellas and Illusions that require a lot of materials to make parts." Guan Rongfei didn't turn his head, but he directly rejected Wei Chen's proposal, and then settled his mind and ignored everyone. , Started their research again.

Seeing Guan Rongfei entering the research state again, Tang Yin took the group of Xingxin and left first to prevent them from disturbing the other's thinking. But after coming out, everyone also felt a regret.

"By the way, is the Thousand Chance Umbrella all right?" Chen Guo asked. After all, if the Thousand Chance Umbrella was broken, it would be troublesome to get it all over again.

"The Thousand Chance Umbrella is all right," Ye Xiu said. This is a blessing in misfortune. After all, if the research fails, the equipment will be dropped or even damaged. Tang Yin's Illusory God is a good example. At the beginning, Tang Yin's Illusory God had failed to upgrade, and he fell back to Level 5. It just so happened that Tang Yin simply transferred the equipment to the tenth area and suddenly Ye Xiu started all over again.

"This kind of experiment is still too dangerous. Although we have a lot of materials, it won't be wasteful to use it like this? Or try it with other equipment first to see if we can achieve the five-level reduction in attributes." Chen Guo Said.

"He has already done just lowering the level, and the problem now lies mainly in some data. After all, all the mentalities of the Thousand Chance Umbrella have to be assigned the same attributes."

"What about raising the equipment level to level 80? Is this okay?" Chen Guo asked.

"Well, Guan Rongfei asked Luo Ji to make a calculation model before, and there is no problem in terms of data. But now it has not been formally studied. After all, if this attribute cannot be obtained, this upgrade is meaningless." Tang Yin Said

In short, their experiment failed this time.

God knows how desperate Tang Yin and the three of them are when they see that the final attribute is: when the level requirement is reduced by 4~www.readwn.com~ Tang Yin still wants to witness a miracle, but the result is here.

Fortunately, everyone's mentality has been adjusted very quickly. After all, failure is not terrible. As long as you can gain something from it, you will not lose. And Guan Rongfei immediately entered the state of research, obviously he found something. I just don't know how long it will take to research it out later.

Don't look at Chen Guo's various materials worrying about her team. It's right that Guan Rongfei wanted any materials, and she approved the most frequently. Almost it was Guan Rongfei who gave him whatever he wanted.

Although she has failed now, she feels that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, there is nothing that can easily succeed. On the contrary, looking at the more perfect club nowadays, Chen Guo feels a bit of satisfaction instead.

But she didn't want to stop there. Chen Guo also knew that she had shallow experience and many things were still unclear. But there is now another extremely experienced helper beside him.

Thinking of this, Chen Guo looked at Tao Xuan next to her and asked, "Brother Tao, ask you, from a professional point of view, is there anything else our Team Xingxin needs to pay attention to?" Now Chen Guoji called Tao Xuan. Quite smoothly, he almost regarded Tao Xuan as his own. This is why Tao Xuan came to see their team secrets, and Chen Guo didn't stop him, but asked him to sign a confidentiality agreement.


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