Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1047: Lin Jingyan who doesn't want to give up

Latest website: Under Mucheng's indiscriminate bombing, the village is now full of billowing smoke. It feels like a ruin after the war.

Bursts of thick smoke drifted in one direction along the wind direction of this picture.

Wait, heavy smoke! wind direction!

Lin Jingyan suddenly discovered some details, but behind him, Mu Cheng's firepower still continued. Mucheng still bit him tightly.

But now Lin Jingyan had the captain's thoughts, and he saw him go straight through a thick smoke, and the thick smoke in these battlefields had the effect of a smoke bomb as an ammunition expert. Mu Cheng, who had been staring at Lin Jingyan, lost the opponent's target for a time.

And when Mucheng noticed that Lin Jingyan's figure had disappeared, he also began to adjust his position immediately. After all, she was still attacking just now, most of the gunners' attacks were straight, and it was easy to guess where she was.

And how dare Lin Jingyan, after all, at two o'clock and a line, he was chased by Mu Cheng and opened for so long, and he probably guessed the location of Mu Cheng. Just now with the help of heavy smoke, he came to a place that had been bombarded with nothing but ruins. Hand of the wall.

Now if she stood up, she would have been spotted by Mucheng, and everything just now would have fallen short. But now there is still a lot of distance between him and Mu Cheng. Does his gangster have the low-profile sneaking skills similar to the sharpshooter sliding shovel. And Lin Jingyan, who doesn't have a sliding shovel, wants to get close first, but now he can only spend a lot of extravagance...

Seeing Lin Jingyan behind a ruin, Mu Cheng's sight was aimed at Mu Cheng as the starting hand of a Bawang Lianquan.

The skill of Overlord Lianquan is a skill that pulls the opponent and presses in a low voice. It is precisely because of the skill that the opponent presses on the ground. Of course, there is an action of throwing a person. And now Lin Jingyan It speeds up the shooting before the start of the skill action. As a result, it seemed to others that Lin Jingyan was creeping forward.

Pushing Mu Yucheng Feng directly from the side of Mu Cheng, she hit Mu Cheng with a few punches. Every punch has an earthquake effect, which is really violent.

However, although the skill is violent, Lin Jingyan doesn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he earnestly calculated his combos for the damage he caused!

One paragraph, two paragraphs, three paragraphs...

With the digital jump of the philosophical system combo, every punch Lin Jingyan was able to hit meticulously, showing the veteran’s precise control of skills to the fullest. Yes, their veteran’s hand speed is indeed inferior to that of the young because of his age. However, his performance is often more stable than that of young people.

Of course, if you want to keep hitting like this until the opponent takes it away, it would be too whimsical. I think that this kind of thing will only happen when professional players abuse ordinary players, but if it is a contest between professional players, it is impossible.

Because of the protection mechanism, there is a false connection. His role is to fall to the ground to protect even when he recruits a certain damage pk field. There is invincible time to get up. In this invincible time and the time difference between human control, make up for the attack. Then break the protection and continue to move continuously. It's called a pseudo-connection. This leads to false connections, which are the basis for maintaining continuous suppression.

As a veteran, Lin Jingyan's phony skills are naturally very solid, actively interrupting the combo one after another, and then making up the attack. Break the protection mechanism and continue to suppress the combo.

Slap, uppercut, throw sand, block the mountain, and throw a gasoline bottle...

Based on this experience, Lin Jingyan constantly adjusted the combo style.

But if you want to hit an opponent to death with a fake company alone, you would be underestimating a professional player. Just after Lin Jingyan threw out the sand again, Mucheng suddenly fired a shot in one direction.

The powerful recoil will directly change the position of the door just hit by Lin Jingyan in the air Dancing Rain, but Lin Jingyan’s offensive also came very quickly, he directly stopped the mountain tiger, and attacked Mucheng in the air with his arm.

But Mucheng's direction directly facing Lin Jingyan was an anti-tank gun!

With the help of the anti-tank gun this time, I raised my height and avoided Lin Jingyan's stumbling block in a thrilling manner.

After all, Lin Jingyan's attack to stop the mountain tiger was not hit. Instead, he was bombed by Yu Bo of Mucheng's anti-tank gun. Then Mucheng's proliferation began, and the gunner's air combat skills were used. Lin Jingyan covered all kinds of artillery fire again like raindrops.

Lin Jingyan had no choice but to end the heavy smoke on the battlefield again to dodge. But dodge as far as,

Lin Jingyan felt a little sad.

Was the attack just stopped successfully?

If it was before...

Although Lin Jingyan was suppressed by Mucheng from the beginning, it was just that he was not familiar with this map, and the advantage of this map to the gunners, but now Lin Jingyan thinks that he is really responsible for his failure. The reason is.

After all, the combo routines of uppercut, sand throwing and catching the mountain tiger are very commonly used by hooligans, but is he already in neutral for such combos?

In fact, Lin Jingyan really thinks too much this time, to do normal professional play, uppercuts floating in the air, sand throwing chase, there is really no problem with the end of the mountain tiger. Although the mountain tiger is a melee skill, it can just reach the fall. opponent. But the problem is that Mucheng knows how to play in air combat. After the opponent threw sand, Mucheng didn't let the character continue to fall. Instead, a person who used the air-play approach to Lin Jingyan, relying on the recoil of the anti-tank gun to raise his height again, could easily avoid the attack range of the mountain tiger.

But now Lin Jingyan has begun to doubt himself a little, so doubting himself in actual combat is the most deadly. After all, if it is true, the problems that arise are almost irreversible. Because of this problem comes the wear and tear of the years.

But Lin Jingyan still did not give up, relying on the dense smoke to escape Su Mucheng's sight again.

Mucheng, who had lost her sight, could only fall ~www.readwn.com~ or search left and right.

But although Mucheng didn't know where Lin Jingyan's position was, the audience from God's perspective knew it. Now that Lin Jingyan went around again, why didn't the route chosen by Lin Jingyan be discovered by Mucheng this time? Even if the director gave Mucheng's perspective, people who didn't have certain compositional ability still couldn't imagine the principle.

That's right, even if he realizes his own shortcomings, Lin Jingyan still has no plan to give up and still relies on his rich experience to get around, and under his patient persistence, he actually made him succeed.

Such dexterous positioning made the whole process amazed. Lin Jingyan didn't give up, even if he was inferior, he was still looking for a breakthrough. Even the home fans were a little touched, and Tyranny's fans started cheering and cheering. Toru Stadium.


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