Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1055: Pity

Qin Muyun is not a **** after all. In the previous entanglement with Tang Rou, he was already entangled by Tang Rou's various frontal styles of play. Although he won in the end, he also lost more than 70% of his blood. It can be seen how much pressure Tang Rou, a rookie, has put on him.

And Mo Fan is now using Tang Rou’s method. Although he hasn’t completely figured out why he was suppressed until he couldn’t live without the other party, he has the previous experience of Tang Rou and the other party's exhaustion. Since Tang Rou can do it. , Then he can naturally too.

So he began to wait for the skill CD, and when the CD was completed, he immediately launched an attack. Although the offensive was not as violent as Tang Rou's Battle Mage, the current minus nine-degree blood volume was still much left.

And this method similar to blood exchange is indeed a method that can achieve results, but the price in exchange is a bit big, and Tang Rou, who is next to Tang Yin, is now listening carefully to the analysis of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. She knows that Tang Yin How detailed they would say, mainly for her. How did her man work hard, she might have failed Tang Yin's pains so much?

In the end, Mo Fan still won the victory, but the blood volume has reached 30%, mainly because it consumed too many selections at the beginning, and then used a nearly blood exchange method to change minus nine degrees. More than twenty percent of the blood volume.

Tyranny's second player, Bai Yan, flew into the battle.

As Tyranny's main player, Bai Yanfei is also a domineering professional player. His elemental mage ID is Rota, but both players and other professional players feel that this name is not suitable for him, and he should be called Turret.

Although the Elemental Mage is somewhat distant from the Gunner in terms of attack range, it is better than the Gunner in terms of attack range. The attack method of the element mage is mainly light, dark, fire and ice spells, and the element mage of Bai Yanfei specializes in learning skills of various map gun levels.

And his fighting method is also very simple and rude. He came to the center of the game for the first time and saw that Mo Fan was not there. Then he knew that the opponent was still playing tactically, and the speed of reaching the tactical position was definitely slower than his straight line. , So Bai Yanfei directly bombed the opposite map. Finally, Mo Fan was forced to explode, but the explosion was not over yet, and Bai Yanfei’s firepower never stopped. Various explosions one after another, once again alive will The opponent was blown to death in the spell skills...

Until the end of Mo Fan's life, Rota's life was not lost much. But I was very excited when I saw Tang Yin in the audience. There was no way. This man's style of play was too much in line with his heart, and it was simply too artful.

This led to a very strange scene in Xingxin. Tang Yin, who was in the next match, was not nervous at all, but Chen Guo and the others were nervous. After all, this Bai Yanfei still has 8%. Nineteen health. Tang Yin almost wanted to pick one out of two.

Even Mo Fan was a little embarrassed to step down, after all, because he made Tang Yin a little bit more pressured in this game.

Tang Yin also saw everyone's expressions and smiled and came to Mo Fan and said, "It's been hard work, but it's a pity, there are still two people now."

"Yeah, it's really a pity." Ye Xiu also agreed.

"Hey, you two are enough, are you talking like this?" Chen Guo saw Mo Fan's depressed expression, and began to blame Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu. Although she scolded the most fiercely during the game, she was the first to feel distressed.

"It's really a pity, now I can only complete one-to-two." Tang Yin said with regret.

"Yeah, it was the first match of our deputy team after all. It would be a bit of a price drop if you don't come one by one." Ye Xiu also said compoundedly.

This is where Chen Guo didn't know, Tang Yin and the others wanted to ease everyone's mood through teasing.

"The deputy team is domineering!" But what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are talking about, Bao Zi will always be the first to respond.

Mo Fan just reacted to this, but there were still some who looked at Tang Yin blankly.

Tang Yin smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "There are always winners or losers in the game, and I will leave the rest to me. Let's go!" Tang Yin said hello to everyone.

"Xiaoyin (deputy team), come on!" everyone at Happy said.

As soon as Tang Yin came on stage, the fans of Happy broke out in applause again. There is a lot of enthusiasm for Tang Yin's previous news. Also because of Tang Yin's amazing performance in the Challenge. And now everyone is very curious, whether this guy who is described by the four major tactical masters as a rookie wall to each big team really has this strength.

Tang Yin also waved his hand to the fans very politely, and then entered the battlefield. For the first time, Xiaoyaoyou appeared on the professional arena of the Glory League.

"It's your first time playing professionally, right? Close combat?" This is a public channel, and the other party is obviously very curious about Tang Yin.

"It's okay, there is no difference." Tang Yin also answered directly and truthfully. After all, besides being a little excited when he comes out now, there is really no other emotion.

The game started ~www.readwn.com~ Tang Yin directly controlled the character to run towards the center of the field. When he was approaching Central Asia, Tang Yin directly kicked in a round, followed by an air volley, rushing to the sky, and when he reached the limit, he continued to rotate the wing too high again. The entire map of the central area fell into his eyes.

But the other party obviously didn't expect Tang Yin to go directly on the empty road at the beginning, and he started tactically moving as soon as he reached the center of the map, using various bunkers to move.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin smiled slightly. It seems that all the big teams have worked **** him. He knows that under his style of play, it is very difficult and difficult to play skills for a profession like Elemental Mage. Find a way to get ahead. As far as attack speed is concerned, Elemental Mage can only sneak attack if he wants to come first in front of the sharpshooter. So Bai Yanfei made a tactical move from the beginning.

But he didn't know, all his actions were now under Tang Yin's sight. Tang Yin's opening was also a bit of surprise to the audience. After all, they had seen the opening moves, but they were the first to take an empty path in an unexpected career except for the magical scholar.

Tang Yin, who didn't mention it, aimed directly at the anti-tank gun. You must know that Tang Yinhe's opponent is still far away. After all, if he is a little closer, he will honor the game's vision. How can he not find anyone in the sky?

But at such a distance, Tang Yin burst into his soul, and when Bai Yanfei looked confused, curious about where the attack came, an explosion sounded, and at the same time, it announced the start of Tang Yin's professional league debut!


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